Monday, June 11, 2012

Stretchmarks BE GONE!!

masa my 1st pregnancy my stretchmarks were sooo bad sampai mr 

hubs pun tanya "itu boleh hilang kan?" *muka concern* - I swear it 

was horrible!!!

when I voiced my concern to my fellow friends in the business, 

they said, takpe..pakai PB everyday, nnti even 2nd pregnancy pun 

confirm takde stretchmarks - i was a bittt skeptical - yeker.. (I'm the 

type kene ade bukti baru percaya) tapi mmg pakai PB almost 

everyday pun lepas tu so tak kesahlaa kan.. 


now 32 weeks pregnant - NO SIGN of STRETCHMARKS AT 

ALL!! sumpaahhh!! (please dont ask me the logic behind it - I am 

no scientist!) 

alhamdulillah - betul diorang kata, pakai PB ni bukan untuk jangka 

pendek jer - but for long term jugak :)

yang dah ade tu - silaa laa pakai tiap2 hari yer

yang takde lagi tu - cepat contact saya dapatkan set anda arini :


fb : aisyahsamsudin

Aisyah Samsudin

Authorized Premium Beautiful Agent


1 comment:

Dini said...

Seriously kak??? are those YOUR stretch marks?? Oh myyyyy....
U have some courage posting that pic online. Huhuhuhu... How long did it take to disappear?