* this post ditulis bukan atas tujuan nak menunjuk - but more for sharing with you guys about the sales and also for future reference since I heard its held a few time every year :) *
it all started last 3 weeks when my make-up junkie buddy Iffa texted me tanya if I wanted to go to the MAC's warehouse sales or not.. I heard great reviews about the sales before so I instantly said yes! this sales was by invitation, so we had to get the invitation cards at MAC MV at a certain date and time that they announced (cant remember when tho).. each member was entitled to get 3 passes, of course I was Iffa's +1 coz I was not a member (yet) at the time , we had 1 extra card, and I did post on my FB wall semalam tanya siapa nak ikut, I guess it was last minute and most of my friends kerja so tak dapat nak ikut, then my cousin SMSed said she wanted to join.. so voilaa.. there we were the 3 of us at 9 am beratur ~ 2 mak buyong ~ haha ~

once the door opened ~ the crowd went crazy (termasuk saya!).. we were given a plastic bag to put it the items we wanted to buy, and everyone was like grab grab grab - pilih later!! we were not suppose to take pictures inside, but I managed to snap this (sbb beratur nak bayar lama gilerr) ~
crazy makeup junkies!!
the prices I tell you! dirt cheap!! by the time I was done grabbing ~ my plastic bag was FULL!! i had eyeshadows, eyeliners, pigments, lipglass, blusher, brush set, senang cerita EVERYTHING YANG ADE ON THE TABLE were in my plastic bag ~ then it hit me ~ masyaAllah ~ bertenang aisyah ~ you seriously dont need all these ~ seriously ~ so I started sorting the stuff I took and got myself these
tak banyak kan...baik betul saya :)
Paint Pots - 3 jars for RM45
this was actually the only thing I intended to buy ~ mmg aim ni coz I love the ones I have, it stays longer and doesnt smudge - retail price per jar is rm70
lipsticks - 3 for RM60
the thing about the lipstick is its prepacked (all of the stuff were prepacked actually) - so you cannot choose the colors , and I guess the SA knew that the lipsticks would be a great hit, they didnt put it on the table - the packed it there and then threw it one by one at the crowd! crazy i know!! we were like screaming "here,here" .. I was lucky I didnt have to wait that long to get mine ~ i think the 10th pack I got mine ~ tinggal laa Iffa n my cousin pulak berebut while I was grabbing other stuff :)
the colors that I got :
from left : Runaway Red (satin) , Naughty Saute (Cremesheen) , Innocence Beware (Cremesheen)
OK laa..I love the Runaway Red, can imagine nude/fresh eyes - dark lips! owh love!! the Naughty Saute kalau mix dengan color lain shud be ok kot..the nude color I love!
Eyeshadow Palletes - 2 palletes for RM60!!!
ok now, how crazy is that?!!!??!!! RM30 per pallete!! I know - please cry now!!
I am on the midst of collecting MAC eyeshadows now so this was a real steal!! These are great for travelling coz the colors are really cool!
but NO...those are not all mine! I'm not that insane! Got 2 sets for myself (4 palletes) the rest are for my SIL and friend yg sempat pesan kat I..
Blusher - 2 for RM60
these are the ones without the casing - there are with casings but I dont really like the colors - too bright for my liking ~ I think the price is about the same tak silap.. will go and check out the casing ~ klu mahal sgt pakai jer macam ni..hee~ tak susah pun..
lipglass - 3 for RM45
this is not mine, my friend yg pesan - personally I dont like the lipglass coz its kinda too sticky for me ~ memula nak amek jugak untuk diri sendiri but thinking that I dont think I'd be using them much ~ trus letak balik (baik tak saya!!) hee~~
Big Bounce Shadow - 4 for RM40 (RM10 per jar!!)
Kinda regret getting this at first coz we thought it was like the paint pot ~ but when we opened it (after purchasing the thing) the texture was kinda runny ~ and lambat kering ~ me and iffa were like ~ camne nak pakai ni ~ Iffa lagi laa amek 2 packet kan ~ but when I reached home ~ tried it again ~ hmm ... ok laa boleh tahan... plus its like RM10 jer pun per jar kan....so keep!!
plus I super duper love the colors! still have to figure out how to wear it correctly tho ~
ok..this set I love to bits! its a travelling pack I think called the Go Sees/Lash+Line , there's 3 items in it
Prep+Prime Lash , Pro Eye Makeup Remover , Graphblack Technakhol Liner
and its only RM50!!
I got one for my SIL coz she wanted an eyeliner ~ so dapat all these at only RM50 - SCORE!
lastly, got my SIL the Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation
this item was not in the hall ~ we had to fill a form at the event hall, place an order of which one we wanted (max 3 pieces per person per item) , get the form signed and stamped by the manager and get then get the item at the counter in MV for 20% discount ~ ok laa kan... retail price is RM105 , after discount RM84 ~ save RM21!!
the other items that we could get for 20% at the counter were the
Studio Fix Fluid foundations - retail RM115 , after less RM92
Eyebrow sets - retail RM62 , after less RM49.60
Makeup Base - Fix+ retail RM75 , after less RM60
Strobe Cream - retail RM130 , after less RM104
Primer - retail RM105 , after less RM84
Loose Powder - retail RM90 , after less RM72
I didnt get myself anything from the counter coz the foundation I still have, the powder I just got, the eyebrow sets yg available were shimmery, and I still got my Chanel loose powder so mcm membazir klu beli lagi and the makeup base ~ ntah ...terasa gak nak beli the Fix+ tapi since I dont really need it for my everyday wear ~ malas nak membazir ~~
Other prices and items I remember that were on sales were
Eyeliners - 3 for RM75 (combination of gel and pencil) - this I regret not getting
Eyeliners + Mascara - 3 for RM75 (tak sempat nak grab habis T__T)
Single eyeshadow - 5 for RM100 (iffa managed to get this - me no T__T)
Pan eyeshadow - 3 for RM45
limited edition eyeshadow palletes - RM50-75
limited edition lipgloss - 4 for RM80
loose powder - 2 for RM70
pressed powder - 2 for RM70 (yg ni pun regret tak amek!!)
Pigments - 4 for RM35
2 color eyeshadow pallete - RM35
limited edition 4 piece brush set - RM105
lipliner - 3 for RM75
makeup pouches range RM40-60
combinations 4 items - cant really remember what - blusher, lipglass, 2 color eyeshadow pallete and ntah - RM100
bnyk lagi laa but I cant remember ape lagi ~ banyak sgt....dalam tu mcm medan perang mmg tak mampu nk tgk satu2..heee~~
ramai tanya if ade yg I nak let go ~ so far mmg takde ~ semua pun I nak ~ sorry girls ~ wished I did grab more ~ tapi apekan daya ~ perahu terlajak takleh undur ~ there will be more sales in the future right!! read that the
Loreal sales will be this friday!!! I'm not going tho! enuf shopping for myself now ~ next focus on baby stuff <3
Hope you guys enjoyed this post :)
Aisyah Samsudin
Authorized Premium Beautiful Agent