awake. not still. but terjaga. slept at 8.30pm td coz had a really terible migrain..makan panadol of course laa tak jalan tido..and aqil slept with me..hubs balik pukul brp pun tak sedar...but pretty sure he came back late coz call kol 830 tu still dok buat kerja..
aqil pulak after 1 month tak p nursery coz teman nenek kat die start pergi balik..demam + batuk + selsema..kebetulan or not..i dunno..but now he's on his grandparents bed tgk cerita cars on his laptop (its actually dads tp ayah sendiri dok sebut laptop aqil laptop now he declares its his..aqilnyerr aqilnyerrr...whatever..) td die terjaga batuk teruk - trus nak p blik atuk taknak balik..hmm...
so takleh tdo buat ape? layan youtube,td tengok video fatin liyana on kopi o..sempoi jer..i used to read her blog dulu but kenapa ntah skrg dah jrg baca... hmmm..
need to find a way to sleep now..esok 2 more appointments...
plus before melalut ntah ape2 ntah kan..
* gmbr takde kaitan - saje boh sbb rindu kat aqil T___T *
aisyah samsudin
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