Wednesday, April 18, 2012

mengandung kali kedua

eversince my announcement post last january, I noticed that I havent made a post about my pregnancy...bukan tak excited..but I guess when it comes to your second, macam rilekss sket.. :) i dont even feel like buying any baby stuff...dasat kan..maybe I have Aqil around tu yang kurang sikit pk psal baby dalam perut ni..hehehe...takpelaaa..nnti adek kluar tumpuan mama 90% kat adek plak kot? ntah...takleh imagine anak dua..heeee....

I am now 23 weeks :)

and guess what, baru semalam p bukak buku merah!!

i know i know..lambat giler nak masuk 6 month baru nak buat..but I was like,..takpelaa esok..takpelaaa esok..alih2 dah 5 month plus..smlm tu pun actually sbb aqil demam, and mom dah start bising i tak pergi checkup lagi, and hubs plak amek 1/2 day sbb aqil bangun2 tido trus peluk ba die taknak lepas...pergi jer laa KK nak buat appointment, agak mmg Allah nak tolong, kebetulan semalam kat KK tak ramai org (which was like a miracle!!) nurse tu kata trus laa check-up, and because I was already 5month plus, trus buat normal checkup urine, blood, ukur, dgr heartbeat, jumpa doctor, scan, and injection..all in less than 2 hours!!! siapa biasa p KK tau laa 2 jam tu biasa untuk tunggu jerr.. :) so alhamdulillahhh..everything only problem (and always has been) was my HB tak cukup 11..hehehe..mana taknya,,pregnant pun still minum kopi..camne laa nak serap all the iron :( but harus lebih disiplin after this..(padahal dok minum kopi skrg ni T__T) ok laa..promise this will be the last.. for this week.. :)

actually, this time around, since hubs dah tuka company, I can actually go for checkups and deliver kat PrinceCourt tapi..hmm...ntah laa...still contemplating..I know ramai org selesa bersalin kat swasta, but somehow, I have all the confidence bersalin kat gomen hospital...pelik tak pelik tak?? hehehe... no laa.. i mean, my first delivery experience giler lama, and I was literally begging the doctor suruh operate jer coz i couldnt stand being in the labor room anymore..but of course, kat gomen hospital, selagi baby and mother ok..mmg diorang akan go for normal delivery ;) taktauu laa klu bersalin kat swasta masa tu confirm dah operate dah...T__T  hehehehe.... yelaa..sometimes u think ur strong...but bila kene masa, anything can happen kan...the last thing i want to have is a scar on my belly ... aminnn...

but tak tau lagi laa...since the company is paying kan (as per bill tauuu..) rasa rugi plak...bende free maa...but, we'll far for now, baru checkup kat KK jer...tak buat lagi app kat princecourt T__T

early in my pregnancy, mmg mabuk teruk giler sampai i lost weight like 5kgs kot..ramai tegur makin kurus masa prgnant ni..mmg tak nampak since i can still wear my old jeans (anak dara jeans i call it) ... tapi skrg ni dah lalu laa makan...and yesterday timbang...dah 62.7kgs @ 23 weeks ... naik balik T___T...must jaga makan lagi, not too much sugar intake... mmg this time around klu boleh nak jaga was SO HARD to shed off those kgs after bersalin kan aqil dulu.. (masa tu tak disiplin pakai pb) and my body was so hideous!! so this time janji ngan diri sendiri takmo dah naik melampau sampi 20kg ..aminnnn...

ape exercise yg bagus untuk ibu mengandung ek? harus buat research now :)

as for the baby gender, tak tau lagi, mmg suppose by now dah boleh check, but ntah and hubs kinda want it to be a surprise this time around...pergi scan pun skali jer masa 4 bulan sbb risau sbb ramau sgt org sekeliling were having problem with their pregnancy..

my precious at 16 weeks :)

perghh...rupanya dah panjang membebel...i'll stop here first sbb nak bersiap ke stockist then nak bawak mak pergi Ikea...shes like super bored kat rumah ni..hehehe...

me @ 5 month pregnant :) dats my anak dara jeans :)

aisyah samsudin


Fariha Sulaiman said...

tahniah for ur 2nd pregnancy!
kalau for me, i pegi je private since company hubby u per bills lak tuuuu..

aiesya said...

thanks dear :)

tulaa..rase mcm nk....kita see how nnti :)