Monday, April 30, 2012

green blue and white

a few things i need to settle this month (before another travelling package starts!) , and one of them is getting ready aqil's room before the baby arrives, of course klu ikut hubs, mmg biar as it is, but ntah laa...i want aqil to like his room and feel cozy in it so that lepas ni die mmg nak tido in his room instead of ours..

at first i was dead set at painting the walls grey - tapi bila pk2 balik macam mandommm i googled and fell in love with the green and blue combo :) smart jugak, as long as the green bukan jenis terang benderang, i think it should be ok...and maybe just 2 walls out of the 4 jer nak cat, the other 2 leave it white..ok gak kann,,

anyways, here are some of the ideas that i love..

ok this is more white n green - but love the combo!

love the dinasour detailing, tapi aqil bukan suka dino pun lagi...carss jer memanjang

love the army green wall!! tapi takut gelap plak sbb bilik aqil kecik jer..hmm..


not liking that much the blue wall...

love this one!

dark grey and green - pun suka

another white and green!

looks simple but so hard to decide, but whatever it is, need to decide like in another hour, kedai bukak jer trus nak pergi beli and balik cat bilik coz we have already ordered an Ikea wardrobe for his room - white color - and its arriving todayyy!! 

ok laa...i think i've decided - 

walls - white and green
furniture - white - tinggal nak beli katil baru jer
deco and stuff - mix of blue, white and green

now to decide - which green??


aisyah samsudin

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