Monday, December 22, 2008
a proper thank you
there's a lot i want to write about my wedding, but i dont think i can do it in one post..or even now..i have to start from the preparations, the majlis itself, the honeymoon, the majlis bertandang to the dearest people who made my wedding the most beautiful day of my life..
hmm..i read cippa's blog and she wrote "I dont know whether she had the wedding of her dreams,but I hope she was not dissapointed with the whole wedding do."
are you kidding?! It was so much more than I've ever dreamt or imagined my wedding would be! It was purely perfect!! Honest! A huge thanks to my wonderful family!
Talking about "Thanks"...i feel very2 bad for not saying a proper thank you to my aunts,uncles and cousins for all they have done...believe me, I've tried...I typed, retyped and retyped my "thank you sms" but I just cant find the words to show how grateful i am for their hard work..nothing I wrote could portey my true feelings or gratitude...
but seriously, how do your thank the people who sacrified their time and energy to give you the perfect wedding you've ever dreamt of or better yet making it more than you ever think it could possibly be? giving all they can...reassuring that everything would be ok...making everything that seems impossible..possible...not showing the any tiredness altough i know the work is damn tiring...a "thank you sms" is definitely not enough!! at all!!
I really want to give something back...but I cant..just yet..I have to make sure everything is stable before spending more... but I will...what..?? I dunno yet...but I hope my mom, aunties and cousins will feel what I hope them to feel..and know how grateful I am...for everything...
but for now, I just hope diorang tak terase for not saying a proper thank you...I just cant give a "thank you sms".. it just seem so wrong....not after everything they have done for me and my mom..i will think of something... i promise..
aiyoohh..emotional laa pulak..but seriesly..wait until I post about my honeymoon...lagi emo.. ;p
Monday, December 1, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
adek itu kate.. "hari rabu ye kak..." huhu... so long for finishing it up that night...
my so called supply for my flu....
Friday, November 21, 2008
[what have i become?]
well anyways, mza is so totally NOT going to allow me wear ONLY the bikini (i dont think i would even if he allows me bangat deh!!) so I'm trying to find something to cover up the "sexiness" but in the same time still be sexy..(and still showing my hot bikini..hehe) saying that, tshirts are totally a no-no...after googleing some beach styles, I came across "beach kaftans".. wahh..just what i needed..cover up but still sexyyyy...miaaww... ;p
but the problem is..I've searched..and searched..and searched for a beach kaftan (in Malaysia) but I cant simply find one.. I found one at The Island Shop @ OU but damn!! the price ... i am so nottt going to pay RM2++ for a piece of the very the very the very KAIN NIPIS..ceyh...seriesly haa..??
Wanted to buy online but the online stores doesnt ship to Malaysia pulak...adehh...nak pesan kat member pun dorang balik lambat sgt ke malaysia..huhhh...
these are a couple that I adore..(the butterfly one is my fav!!)
so anyway i guess I'm making the beach kaftan myself..It cant be that hard eyh..??gunting sini, jahit sana.. (luckily I have the passion of sewing and making stuff myself..and im also pretty good at it..hehehe..puji diri lelebih plak ehh)..
Just need to find the material...and also the TIME to make it... (curtain for bilik pengantin belum jahit lagi..ade hati nak buat bende lain...adehh... yes peeps..i make my own curtains!! ;p)
******* ******* ******* *******
at first I thought it was only kain and its just me in the process of growing up and becoming a lady.. (i gunno why..but grown ups tend to buy kain and make baju kurung a lot..[read: my mom])..and I never really like buying kain n making baju kurung..biase tibai jer mak punye baju kurung..hehe...well..we USED to wear the same smaller now.. *blush*..
Or maybe because the number of kenduri's next year are uncountable!! all of my friends seem to have found their match and getting married..and I WILL be meeting the SAME people for each nak pakai the same outfit twice right? hehehe..
but then, when I saw aye (my kazen) wearing CROCS..i kinda...hmm.. "macam nak beli jer.."
(and i just bought shoes..remember..??)
adehh...and today.. from the mo' I switched on my PC up until NOW..I've been googling about CROCS..the paterns..the names..the prices...(i even searched for mza punye coz I want to get him one too..) and planned to go to MV after work to buy a pair for myself n mza.. gilerr kann??
but just a while mom called and told auntie that I've been waiting for so lonnggg to finally my house...!!!! yeayyy!!!!! (she lives in Kuantan btw..) ..nasib baikkk...!!!
so.. goodbye CROCS (for today..hehe..) and welcome auntie... ;) ;) [ur such a life saver u know..klu tak taktau laa bp bnyk akan ku spend kat kasut getah tu arini..*sigh* ]
i just hope my urge to buy the CROCS will fade away by tomorrow... aminnn....
anyway.. these are the CROCS that i might be buying in the near future...hahahaha... (padahal baru jer doa agar tak beli...teruk sungguh diri ini...huuhhhh...!!!)
for me:
CROCS Prima in Gold
cantikkan...kan..kan..kan....hmmm....I think I'm going to get em..if not today..tomorrow...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
* i want this *
it has pocket springs and a memory foam push top.. and it's damn comfy..!!!
actually i want a latex push top or pillow top..but its too priceyy...
and this one the price is still OK compared to other brands.. but still a bit over my actual budget...opss....its a LOTTT over my actual budget..!!
but wtf...i'm getting it anyway..pandai2 laa budget balik the other things...huhu..
(i believe sofa, mesin basuh [?] can wait..tilam adalah sgt penting OK!!)
mza was like.. "awk ni klu dah set nak bende tu..nak jugak kan..."
hehe..sorry eyh dear..i really2..really want this one...last..tak mintak dah bende bukan2..
i promise.. ;p
lagipun..its an investment least i dont have to change my mattress in three years time..coz i read that most of the cheap spring mattress by 3-4 years dah kene tukar..but this type (as shown above) can last up until 15 years!..haaa..kan senang...15 tahun takyah beli baru..hehehe... alasannnnnn!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
and the search continues...
while searching for the perfect mattress with mza, i found out that it was not as easy as i thought it would be..hehe..(ingatkan test2 baring then can decide..but i was so wrongg!!)
first, there's a ton of brands to choose from ( i did not do my homework on brands before i went mattress hunting so mase kat kedai a bit blur~) *king koil la, slumberland la, dreamland la, dreamaster la..and some other yang me takleh nak ingat the names..* so, wasnt sure which brand is the best..klu ikut salesperson of course the ones at their shop are the best ait? but i've made my mistakes before and learnt that never 100% trust the salesperson [duh!! i think everyone knows that right?]
besides the brands, the type of material used for the mattress pun bnyk jugak..*theres latex, pocket spring, bonnel spring, coconut fiber, foam n ape2ntah lagi*....mak aihh...mampuih laa macam ni..i was in the total dark.. ikut mza, cari yang sedap baring n murah jer..uh uhh..not me...will not make a purchase until i do my homework.. (typical moi!)
but i did try lying on a couple of mattresses..just to get the idea of the type and how it feels.. hmm..i want something soft, but not so soft..cause i know its not good for my back..and i oftenly have backaches (yeah..i know im only 24 but what to do..i guess i get it after my father..asyik sakit blakag jer..huhu) but i dont want anything to hard either (coz i heard that hard mattress are for those who have back problems)..just that i cant sleep on hard mattress..mcam lagi sakit jerkk..huhu..something in the middle would be nice.. and definitely nothing too irratating jerk!
so today..after reading endless of blogs, forums, comments and articles on mattresses..i've narrowed down to two types of mattresses that i should be looking for..or what i want to be exact! hehe.. the 2 types are :
and true enough..i've tried these two and they are exactly what i need to be sleeping on after a long day at work! *hehe*
malangnya..these type of mattress are damn pricey! they range from rm1500 up till rm10,000.. (giler ape nak beli tilam rm10k? me myself dont cost that much! hahahah) shheesss....
the brands plak? i dont care as long as the mattress types are either latex or pocket spring! cheiihhhh..konon...still comparing the prices between brands actually (and i am soo brand concious! hahaha) i guess kene buat further search lagi laa...
should we buy a mattress that gives the best comfort? *yes*
can we afford a mattress that cost more than 1k right now? *no*
and the search continuess.....haihhhh....
*penatnye mencari barang that have good quality and affordable prices*
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
i'm loving it !
remember i wrote about ordering some shoes from and was damn worried the shoes might not arrive? huhu.. they arrived today..well actually it was yesterday but nobody was at home so i had to go to brickfields to get my shoes..1 hour stuck in the massive jam..but it was so worth it..!!!! they are as gorgeous and scrumptious as i imagine them to be!! hehehe..i was so excited that i couldnt sleep last night and woke damn early this obviously when i got the box i immediately opened it then and there in the car! hehehe..
my fiance was like.."dah tak ingat ape dah bile dapat kasut"
hehe..sorry yer darling...syioookkk laa dapat kasut baru... ;p
i so love my new shoes.. tho i do feel the brown one is a little bit high for my taste..(think if i wanna sell got people wanna buy eyh?) hmm... but ape2pun..... i'm loving it! yeay! *tak sabarnye nak pakai*
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
*ku berdoa*
and now I'm thinking.. what the FH did i do? you see, this is my first time purchasing online..well, not first la, before this only local.. ni 1st time thru us website..takutnyerrr...hope everything goes well and i get my shoes..klu tak..haruuuu..... :(
ps: but the shoes are superb kan? thanks to thepinkstillettos for introducing gojane at her blog!
Monday, October 20, 2008
risk vs challenge
risk is defined in pseudo-formal forms where the components of the definition are vague and ill-defined, for example, risk is considered as an indicator of threat, or depends on threats, vulnerability, impact and uncertainty.[citation needed]
challenge Definition: a demanding or stimulating situation
recently, a friend of mine asked about stuff related to marriage, and i gave my point of view to him and so did another friend of mine, she mention something like "life after marriage/marriage itself is a risk that we have to take"..then i argued, that "challenge" would be more correct.
and at that time, she didnt say anything, but the other day, she wrote (let me put in BM since if i write in english the effect is not the same) "wlupun kwn aku kata yang kahwin itu bukan risiko tapi aku percaya perkahwinan itu adalah risiko..coz aku percaya high risk..high return..."
as much as i would like to respect her opinion..i couldnt help myself to think "seriesly???" even our friends had the same expression (tho in her case, "risk" might be the perfect word with all the forcing and scamming..but thats a whole diff story la kan..)... and doesnt it sound a bit harsh? "perkahwinan itu adalah risiko"..true..we dont 100% know what it would be like after kahwin kan..but "perkahwinan itu adalah risiko" ?? it just sounds really kasar and tak percaya pada hubungan yang kita ada dengan pasangan kita...hmmm....
but anyway for me (i dunno if im right or wrong but according to the definition above i might be right), "risk" is more like, "i'm not sure if this is the right thing to do, but wut the heck..i'll do it anyway..what happens after this..happens..theres nothing i can do about it"
and challange is more to "ok..i know what im dealing with, things might not be as smooth as i expect it to be but i will try myself to handle the situation in best way that i possibly could"
or "how/what am i suppose to do to avoid this/that?"
but then again..this is only my opinion...
and itu belum masuk lagi bab anak...tanak citer meleret2..just for me, KALAU BOLEH i would like to have stability in my life first before i bring a little one in this world..tapi if Allah nak bagi..its not like im going to get an abortion or anything..terima and bersyukur... Alhamdulillah...
and of course, tak salah dapat anak awal..memang anak tu halal...but if a person couldnt even take care of her/himself..every other week asek admitted to ward because sendiri tak pandai jaga diri...sendiri buat diri sakit(not because of desease or anything k..that cannot be avoided..right?).. then how are you suppose to take care of a little being that needs all the attention in the world? huh?
" Ya Allah, kurniakan lah hamba mu ini kekuatan untuk menempuh segala dugaan dan cabaran dalam hidup ini...aminn..."
a really tiring weekend
me and spastik mza (huh..)
I woke up 430am the next morning..asked ayah wut time we're suppose to bertolak to Johor.. (my cousin was getting married that day..) he said after subuh..(fuhh..can get one more hour sleep..hehehe) woke up AGAIN at 53o..kejutkan ckin, jyu n mza..ironed eveyone's baju (4 pasang ok = 4x2=8helai+ 3 tudung=11 helai..hihi..berkire pulak eyh..) then waited for my turn to mandi, but then decided to mandi at mom's coz her's got hotwater..heehehe...ayah went off first since he had a meeting at Pagoh at 830am..the four of us (me,ckin,jyue n mza) bertolak around 6.45am..(mom didnt follow since she had something at school..)..and arrived at 10am..had a quick stop at R&R Seremban coz everyone (except mza) were hungry...
Not many of my cousins were there yet when we arrived, after salam'ing' all the elders, went in the bilik cousin was already ready in her orange baju odd choice for a baju nikah (for me laa) but hey..everyone has their own taste right? hehe.. the mak andam was there and also the photographers.. (she had rozekruzaini as her photographer..sgt smart cara the photographer amek gambar! admire bangat ok!) signs of any other cousins...
anyways..the majlis went smoothly (Alhamdulillah)..tho i do regret not taking any pics with the bride altho i was her pengapit "bidang terjun" (long story,malas nak citer), i was running all over the place..finding this..doing that..bla bla bla..but i guess takpelaa..maybe during majlis bertandang (which is next week)..but i did get to chance to take her pic..hehe..the beutiful bride..
~ bff and yummy cupcakes! ~
after the majlis, we headed to mza'a house at Kulai..(his mom asked to singgah)..arrived there around 515pm..mza went straight to bed (hampeh jerr!) leaving me, jue n ckin very2 blur coz dont know what to not so good talking with elder people (except for my aunties coz somehow eventho they are 40++, they still have the heart and soul of a 20 year old..seriesly..mmg syiok biler bersembang ngan dorang)..but i guess as a future DIL i have to learn..nways, ibu served us with kulat masak lemak (a type of mushroom that lives on rubber trees), ikan goreng masin and sambal belacan....all i can say is..SUPERB!!!! seriesly..i tambah 3 kali ehh...(maken gemok laa haku..!!cheh) but seriesly, i find that lauk kampung lagi menaikkan selera then anything else in this world..huhu...(wanted to take pictures of the lauk but then afraid ibu pelik pulak..hahaha)..bertolak balik around 9pm and arrived around 1am at home..huh..lega..a long day..all i needed was a good night sleep on my comfy bed..;)
but it didnt end there, the next day i had 4 houses to go.. .open house umah faza and pak ngah, beraya at madine's n jid's... had 2 delicious bowls of SOTO, kueh2, choc cake and a bunch of gossips at faza's..(her mom made nasi dagang..but me not a big fan of nasi dagang so just had a little from madine's plate..)..pisang,cucur udang pakngah and a slice of mak ngah's birthday newyork cheese cake (was too full to eat anything else coz straight from faza's mase tuh)...spicy chicken spaghetti at madine's and lastly murtabak kelantan and kueh2 at jid's (jid makin lame makin cantik aku tgk..admire her eyelash extention..sgt cantik!! thinking of doing it myself but tgk laa..priority ok aisyah!)..balik2 umah trus timbang..naik lagi! haih.......macam mane nak krus gini?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
raya weekend
Friday, October 10, 2008
happy birthday sis!
hehe..this entry should be posted last month (which i really2 wanted to do..and have been thinking about it..just as usual..malas bangat! hehe) since her bday was last month..anyways..on my sister's bday..the cute n chubby Ckin..;) i treated her a buffet dinner at seoul garden..why there? 1st because my friends who've been there said the foods are superb! and 2nd because my cute lil sis is so obsessed with korean dramas, korean boy bands, korean bla bla it was nice to take her somewhere she is into..aite? I also took my dearest fiance and my darling bestfriend (which also btw is obsessed with anything related to korea!!! eehehe) so nwys, i was so glad that the food wasnt "indah khabar dari rupa"... i looovvveeddddd the place..the food...the service...(i would have loved the price if it was a little bit cheaper..but pay for what u get right? hehehehe) but seriesly...cant wait to go there again! (tapi kene kumpul duit dulu laa..hehe) H
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
longggggg due..
mak sarung cincin kat mza..(ntah adat mane ntah..main boh jerrrkk)
the geng... (pelikkan sume laki..??hehehe..mza dulu pun mmber gakz)
well..i guess dats all..(there's a lot more picys of course but me malas nak kecikkan...)..the photographer who took my picture (cant really remember his name... i think its Zul..) is a friend of my neighbour..ok laa the pictures with the price yang die bagi..the only regret is that i didnt take much picys with my fam..kelam kabut dat cam sedih sket biler tgk balik big bro was like.."mane gambar abang..takdepun.." huh..takpelaa abang yerrr..mase kahwin nanti kite amek gambar bnyk2..hehehehehe....
the reason
the reason behind me not writing anything here... busy..?? nahhh...
the one and only reason is sebab MALAS yang teramat2 sgt..
bnyk kali i felt like updating this blog..but..tu just soooo superbly lazy..but anyways..i'm updating it now..(tu pun after dok bace blog2 org lain psal kahwin2 ni..)
macam syiok jer bace..jadi teringin plak nak tulis2 psal my own.. hehehe...
so i will update psal my engagement and evrything else yang berlaku after my engagement (up to this day) slowly...little by little...
(hopefully i wont get malas lagi on the way...) hehehehhe...
til then...
Monday, February 18, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
hantaran ;)
Hantaran pihak lelaki
1. cincin
2. tepak sirih
3. manisan (ibu buat kek)
4. telekung
5. al-Quran n rehal
Hantaran pihak perempuan
1. buah
2. coklat
3. kek
4. kain pelekat
5. potpuri
6. sejadah
7. belt n wallet set
Hantaran pihak lelaki
1. cincin
2. tepak sirih
3. manisan (ibu buat kek)
4. telekung
5. al-Quran n rehal
Hantaran pihak perempuan
i mom n aunts are taking care of abg..anything u think out of budget..not my fault eh..!! hehehe...
at first i was thinking to put my budget here..but come to think about it..tak payah laa kot..mcm bermegah plak..eventhough tak laa tinggi mane budgetnyer kan...huhuhuhu...
Thursday, January 31, 2008
6.00 am : woke up..couldnt sleep..very anxious...went down to look wut mum was doing..
nothing...(ait...mak ni takmo masak ke..?? hehe..)
8.00 am : mom went to the market with dad..(uish..lamenyer..sempat ke nak masak..??)
10.00 am : woke miza up..(well..that was the intention..rupe2nyer die dah gerak g umah
abg die..
12.00pm : still cooking...
1.00pm : siap masak..went up to siap2..(wasnt sure which baju kurung to wear..end up wearing baju kurung cotton..simple n sopan..hehe...forced syiqin n jyue to wear baju krung jugak..hehe)
2.00 pm : heart beat racing..palms sweating..(mane depa ni tak sampai2 lagi..??)
2.20 pm : they arrived!! ayah got a bit freaked out sbb nmpak 4 cars..(kate mak bapak jer..apsal kete bnyk?? haa..?? hehe..turns out to be the whole family dtg..)
2.30 pm : hidang lauk kat depan...(dad was talking in 'jawa' with his dad..mentang2 anak2 tak reti ckp..cheh..cheh..cheh...)
3.30 pm : siap mkn..minum kopi..n start bukak topic..(fuhh...takutnyerrrr..) i was at the kitchen..try curik2 dengar...miza was asked to join the discussion (not fair!!!)
4.00pm : ibu sarung cincin..(fuhh..lega...everything went well....Alhamdulillah...)
this is a picture of both n miza kat tengah2...moms and dads kat depan (duduk) miza complete..siap abg ipar die ade siblings...yang takde dlm pic..abg ame (in melaka) and atif (taking the picture) ...
and now i can plan my wedding....yeayyyy!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
when it started...
anyways.. back to my bro's gf got me thinking...well..actually i couldnt remember when it really started..but what i do remember is miza (his name..hehe...) told me during his motivation session (he's still in training in a bank in KL)..he was asked to write down his new year's resolution for 2008..he told me that his last the very end of his not so long list (hehe..) that he will marry Siti Nur Aisyah binti Samsudin (that's me!) by 31st December 2008...when he told me that i went silent for a mo..n smiled like i've never before..i wanted to hug him right there and then but ehem..ehem...paham2 laa kan...mane boleh....hahaha.....i guess i could consider that as his proposal... ;) ...nways.. it all began after that day....but only between the both of us laa tapi...hehehe.... ;)
the parents part began later......
my first words...
why I've never had a blog before?
1. I'm a superbly MALAS person...(lazy) hehe ..but seriously...I check my friendster acc once a week..(well now its more like once a month)..I got a facebook acc which I've never updated..(well actually I've never checked my acc since the first time I created it..haha..)
2. My auntie said that probably I'm not a good story teller..well...its kinda true actually...I always get low grades on my esseys and I love to write everything in point forms.. ;p (jimat space maa)
3. I didnt know what to write write about my everyday life..?? huh.. I dont have that ' fun.." life..I wake up at 6am..go to work at 7am..arrive at office at dont even go out for lunch..) go back at 6.30pm..arrive home at 7.45-8.00pm..sleep at time to blog meh...
4. I think 3 is enough.. ;p
and why start blogging now?
1. I'm getting married end of this year..and I cant seem stop talking about it..and I think my friends are getting tired of me talking about it've created this blog so I can talk..write and go crazy about every details...without anyone getting annoyed..hahaha......
2. more..its all about my soon to come wedding day... ;)
thats all for now..toodless~~~~
p/ took me an hour to finish this post..seriously...fuhhh...