Tuesday, December 28, 2010
This post is for Mr Hubs.
We normally fill up our tank RM100 and see how many km we can reach before the next fill up. And compare each fuel brand we use. Normally, the most we can go (him driving) is 560km. So when it reached 600 yesterday..I just had to call him...
He did not believe that the reading has gone past 600km!! duhhh.....typical men...
So hubby darling.....I show u proof!! See....got fuel some more..! and NO...I did not top-up! heheheehehe
He did not believe that the reading has gone past 600km!! duhhh.....typical men...
So hubby darling.....I show u proof!! See....got fuel some more..! and NO...I did not top-up! heheheehehe
The moral of the story is...hmm...i dunno... T__T
On a different note, I felt like putting a bit extra effort today. After 2 days pakai selekeh jer..balik dari singapore tak cukup tido..maka asek bangun lewat ye kawan2...tapi still simple coz even the managers wear tshirts..kang over shadow mereka plak..huhu...so my outfit today....
scarf and inner - Arzu
top - G2000
pants - Dorothy Perkins
Necklace - Moms.. ;)
Snake bangle - Lucky Plaza, Sg
Beg - Charles & Keith
Monday, December 27, 2010
why I love PB so much that I'm already getting my 3rd set.
mak aihh..panjang betui title nooo..hehe..no laa..recently people keep asking me ...betul ke PB ni berkesan..ape kesannya pada Aisyah...apsal PB ni mahal sangat..ape bezanya PB ni ngan corset lain...and banyak lagi laa..i'll try to answer as many as I can type today, sbb minggu closing dah start kan..lagi laa year-end ni..nanges T__T...i'll try to write more when I can..but please do keep emailing me if you have any doubts about PB k!
first and foremost, what people dont realize about PB ni, its not only a beauty product, but its 70% more to a health product. YES. It helps to shape your body. But besides that it helps nak conceive, kecilkan cyst and fibroid, constipation, org yang ade backache pain because of slip disc sbb the 7 memory wire helps support the back bone (certified by American, Canadian and Quebec chiropractic Association lagi ok!!), migrain, irregular period flow and period pain!, sagging breast
i know you would say....allaaaa aisyah ni...tu sumer brochure/text book punya ayat..memang laa boleh cakap...ayat2 nak promote...ok then, tolak tepi sume tu..I talk about my own experience ok...
before I was pregnant :
so thats about it for now..my manager dah set meeting sat lagi..adoii.... malas tul....for more info about PB..please dont hesitate to drop a comment or email me or text me at
ANDDDD sementara masih harga PROMO ni...sila2 lah cepat booking set anda,,,, 3 more days to go!!! ;)
i'll end with a current picture of me wearing my mom's baju kurung modern... ;) FYI, my mom has been wearing PB since 1995!! i kid not! thats why badan maintain jer..;) and she's actually one size smaller than me before this..so..yeay me! ;)
- Ape beza PB ni ngan corset lain?
first and foremost, what people dont realize about PB ni, its not only a beauty product, but its 70% more to a health product. YES. It helps to shape your body. But besides that it helps nak conceive, kecilkan cyst and fibroid, constipation, org yang ade backache pain because of slip disc sbb the 7 memory wire helps support the back bone (certified by American, Canadian and Quebec chiropractic Association lagi ok!!), migrain, irregular period flow and period pain!, sagging breast
i know you would say....allaaaa aisyah ni...tu sumer brochure/text book punya ayat..memang laa boleh cakap...ayat2 nak promote...ok then, tolak tepi sume tu..I talk about my own experience ok...
before I was pregnant :
- the most obvious / instant change I felt was my period pain...I started to wear PB 2-3 weeks before I got my period, normally before I get my period, I will feel some backache but nope..no backache...then I was waiting for the cramps..guess? YES..NO cramps at all...miracle? nope..its PB!
- I lost 3kg in 3 weeks! takdelaa mendadak...but not bad no? no exercise, no dieting..lagipun losing too much in a short period of time pun unhealthy kan..so 3kg in 3 weeks..I was over the moon
- An instant change at my tummy area, I used to do at least 100-300 situps per day, but after kahwin cam dah malas, so mmg perut naik..but after pki 2 weeks..mmg nampak the difference
- Angin dalam badan berkurang..angin? what? hhehee..you ever seen people urut keluarkan angin? haa..mcm tu laa I dulu..uurrkk..arrkkk...urrrgghhh...sometimes its embarrassing coz I do in public, tapi sbb dah sakit sgt..terpaksa laa kluarkan angin...but after pki PB, angin mmg berkurang, kurang sikit laa sedawa kuat2 depan org ramai kan.. ;)
- I got an instant ass!!! haha..no laa..seriosly, dulu2 budak2 panggil I budak takde bontot..pki jeans pun tak lawa, but sarung jer PB, my bontot trus "up"..masa tu mmg suka amat2 laa kan...pki seluar nampak laa cantik sikit..haha..
- i have masalah keputihan..org kata sbb bnyk minum ais..ntah laa..but after 1 week pakai..alhamdulillah...takde dah keputihan tu.. ;)
- then after 1 1/2 month wearing PB, pregnant laa pulak...so letak laa tepi dulu the PB
After giving birth
- I started to wear back my PB set after 3++ weeks after giving birth...itupun lepas my peranakan jatuh sbb TERteran masa membuang.. sakitnya masyaAllah..tak terkata...ingat lagi, i went to the toilet around 11am, then realized masa membuang tu tetibe rasa sakit sgt...pastu berdiri jer mcam rasa ade bende nak terkeluar jer dari "bawah"..cam nak beranak lagi pun ade...I immediately called tukang urut, asked her to urut that evening...after urut sakitnya still sama...pki bengkung tradisional tu pun still the same..sakit nya sampai menanges laa...then baru teringat ade PB...cepat2 sarung PB, and after 2 days...alhamdulillah...sakit tu hilang... :)
- since masa pantang, masa siang, I mostly took care of myself, sbb parents kerja and hubby plak g outstation kat kalimantan for almost 3 weeks..so nak ikat2 bengkung tu mmg leceh laa kan...ape lagi..pakai jer PB...rasa kemas, mudah nak pakai, tak terlucut2 mcm pakai bengkung biasa tu AND...cepat gila susut badan kembali ker normal...hubby balik2 jer terkejut tgk i dah slim down back to my normal size.. ;)
- I am breastfeeding until now! I noticed, whenever I pkai PB (of course they are days I tak pki..especially weekends heehehee..) my milk supply increase, normal boleh pam around 5-6 oz skali pam, but bila pki PB, mmg boleh pam up until 11-12oz..in one pumping session tau!so when people ask me, what do I do to keep my milk supply banyak...PB yer kawan2...and lots of vege ;) i takde amek any supplement/milk for bf...alhamdulillah.. ;)
- masa bersalin dulu, I took epidural coz dah 12 hours of labor pain kan..tak tahan sgt..and one of the side effect is backpain! serious punya backpain..i ingat lagi nanges kat hubs sbb ade sekali tu rase sgt2 sakit kat kawasan die cucuk epidural tu...and when I wear PB..instantly hilang!! so whenever sakit tu datang...especially masa masak2 kat rumah, or sidai baju or lipat baju...cepat2 pakai bengkung PB tu..insyaAllah..mmg hilang..
- stretchmark!!!! my stretchmark masa pregnant...menakutkan!! it was red and covered almost half of my belly...penah nanges kat hubby..siap boleh ckp..habislaa..tak lawa dah perut i..u mesti tak sayang i..hahaha..serious! sesiapa yg kenal i knows that my tummy area is the one area I am truly2 conscious about! yg lain besar takpe..but buncit! no-cee-reee...never in a million years... now my tummy is stretchmark free (yes! it reduce the strechmark bit by bit..give it 1-2 month to go reduce the blackness-redness) AND buncit free!!! ;) sukaaa!!! ;)
so thats about it for now..my manager dah set meeting sat lagi..adoii.... malas tul....for more info about PB..please dont hesitate to drop a comment or email me or text me at
Aisyah - 019-2710102
ANDDDD sementara masih harga PROMO ni...sila2 lah cepat booking set anda,,,, 3 more days to go!!! ;)
i'll end with a current picture of me wearing my mom's baju kurung modern... ;) FYI, my mom has been wearing PB since 1995!! i kid not! thats why badan maintain jer..;) and she's actually one size smaller than me before this..so..yeay me! ;)
Sunday, December 26, 2010
shopping trip : Singapore!
mom has been talking about a trip to Singapore for god knows how long..but the trip has always been postponed because of our crazy schedules, she has been traveling for work for quite a number of times these past few month, so faham2 jer laa kan..work comes first..because itupun sumber rezeki..
anyways..since everyone was raving about how super cool singapore's boxing day sales are, we decided to finally take that trip..konon2 can kill one bird with one stone right... so off we went..2 am on christmas day...mengantuk + penat tak hengat...the verdict? the sales? overrated! biasa jer..nothing that we dont have in Malaysia..to be honest, Malaysia's sales are wayyyyyy better..just maybe there are more choices to choose from in Singapore.. or maybe 2 days berjalan kat Singapore was not enough... we managed to cover Orchad Rd, Bugis village, Anchor Point, Queensway city mall..wanted to go to Vivo City, but it was already late, since Monday is a working day..we decided not to go..and shoot back to KL at 730pm on Sunday...
I got myself a couple of perfumes, and for hubs too..Aqil didnt get anything since there were nothing good to buy..sian die..but then, I'd rather not spend my money on things he doesnt need just for the sake of buying....biar simpan duit tu and buy in Malaysia.. ;)
Oklaa..less talk more pictures no? enjoy..
first day we went by Bus...it was such a hastle so 2nd day decided to drive...wayyyyy better...with GPS..everything pun senang.. ;)
anyways..since everyone was raving about how super cool singapore's boxing day sales are, we decided to finally take that trip..konon2 can kill one bird with one stone right... so off we went..2 am on christmas day...mengantuk + penat tak hengat...the verdict? the sales? overrated! biasa jer..nothing that we dont have in Malaysia..to be honest, Malaysia's sales are wayyyyyy better..just maybe there are more choices to choose from in Singapore.. or maybe 2 days berjalan kat Singapore was not enough... we managed to cover Orchad Rd, Bugis village, Anchor Point, Queensway city mall..wanted to go to Vivo City, but it was already late, since Monday is a working day..we decided not to go..and shoot back to KL at 730pm on Sunday...
I got myself a couple of perfumes, and for hubs too..Aqil didnt get anything since there were nothing good to buy..sian die..but then, I'd rather not spend my money on things he doesnt need just for the sake of buying....biar simpan duit tu and buy in Malaysia.. ;)
Oklaa..less talk more pictures no? enjoy..
@ 5 am at Machap..i was sooooo..sleepy!
having coffee
JB Central >> full energy
excited faces
on the bus to Singapore
12pm, 1st day >> mom already tired!
$24 for 12 piece..gulp..nasib baik sedap..
first day we went by Bus...it was such a hastle so 2nd day decided to drive...wayyyyy better...with GPS..everything pun senang.. ;)
mom with her best friend since college, Auntie Ann
tired. sian.
kiss kiss mommy!
excited to go home..penat sgt 2 days kat singapore..
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Call out to all beautiful ladies all around the world…
PB promo will ends on this 31 December…
This is FINAL call!!
Because of the overwhelming demand everyday..
Here's all the details about the promo..
Normal price RM2600 but promo price ialah RM2000-2200 ikut size..
On top of that u will get RM225 cash rebate…
Let me know your measurement:
-under bust
Semua in cm tau….
Then, this promo is for cash and installment by CC and Rhb Easy…
1) For cash payment..
I will provide details for my Maybank Acc
Just email/text me at escallonia08@yahoo.com / 0192710102
2) For installment by CC…
Please let me know your email or fax no and i will fax the CC online form…
3) For installment by Rhb Easy…
U can go to any Rhb Easy counter all around Malaysia including Sabah and Sarawak…
Memang banyak sangat counter die..memang betul2 EASY!!
Further enquiries….
Please contact or sms me.
Cepat book your set now…
After this promo takkan ulang lagi…
Thanks all…
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
what is your dream?
had a sharing session with both my leaders today, Hanis and Salha. They shared a lot about the strategy and how to achieve our goals and dreams and how to move from where we are now...but there was one topic that Hanis said that is stuck in head, even after hours after meeting her, which is making me unable to sleep right now and felt like i really needed to write about it...
Hanis said, and I quote " with the rate that people are paying back their students loans now, do you think there still will be PTPTN in 20 years to come? If yes, then no worries. But if no, then how about our childrens future education? If we are blessed with excellent kids, then Alhamdulillah, what if our kids are the average type? how then? and we see kids now days are getting smarter and smarter, and its very competitive , everyone is getting straight A's..everyone is doing well...kids start at very early age now, Qdees, SmartReader Kids..sure we want to send our kids too..but its expensive, if we have one kid, then maybe we can afford it, but what if we have 3 or 4? and their higher educations, if there's no loans, or let say the loans then are very limited, will we have enough funds at that time to send our children to Unis? again, 1 kid, maybe, but 4? we'll be in our 50's by then..."
wow right? i mean, when I joined this business, my aim was more on wanting to have extra income for of course, Shopping..yeah I know...and having the power of purchase, but when hanis opened this topic..it really made me think...and wonder...and think again.... she's got a point...a heck of a good one too!!
My parents are both government servant, and people say government servant live a good life, and alhamdulillah, I must agree..maybe not the lavish life some people dream of but alhamdulillah..so far my parents provided me with everything that I needed...but I know not easily...my dad does extra work to gain some extra imcome for the family, he used to be gone 1-2 weeks just to provide better for us...and dad said and I quote "Government servant are not that effected by the economy crisis, it has happened twice so far (or as far as i could remember), 1997 & 2008, but we dont really taste the effect of it, well not as much as the private sector does"
I remember those words, and both me and hubs are in private sector, I have seen friends get retrenched during the 2008 crisis, company cut cost like crazy and No increment for one year! tell me how am I suppose not to feel scared.
But Alhamdulillah...I found this business..and I know I can go far...how I know this? because of my leaders... Hanis earned RM95,000 this month while Salha earned RM30,000..they could be doing their own thing right now but yet, they are still spending time holding their business partner hands and helping us achieve our goals...I am so inspired by both of them so much that I cannot wait to be exactly like them...
when i tell people about this business, I will say, the most important thing to look at before joining is the leaders and the group they are joining...i tell u, different groups have different strategies..and I assure you that our strategies are pretty solid...if not, how could Hanis earn almost 100k in only 1 1/2 year? tell me?
my leaders in action
its already 1 am right now, and I am really really sleepy...I think I wrote enough for tonight..but i'll end with something that Hanis and Salha asked us to do.... say our dreams out loud, and as I posted on FB just a while ago..
my dream is to live a debt-free life, have the power of purchase,to provide the very best for my child and future children and to give back to my parents..
what is your dream?
tell me and maybe I could be the one holing YOUR hands to achieve yours!
Aisyah 019-2710102
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Another 8 days to go!!!!
Promo ends at 31/12/2010
you save RM900!!!!! (thats a lot of money man!!)
receive a MYSTERY GIFT specially made by ME!!! yes...!! you read it right!! I'll personally make that mystery gift my self... 100% handmade.. 100% using designer cotton yg super cantik ituuu... ;)

come book your set NOW!!!!
you save RM900!!!!! (thats a lot of money man!!)
receive a MYSTERY GIFT specially made by ME!!! yes...!! you read it right!! I'll personally make that mystery gift my self... 100% handmade.. 100% using designer cotton yg super cantik ituuu... ;)

come book your set NOW!!!!
call/text me
Aisyah - 0192710102
Sunday, December 19, 2010
my top 6 ;)
i received a few emails asking about my daily face routine, and what do I do to keep my skin look so smooth... when i get these emails, i just dont know what to say... i guess..alhamdulillah that I am blessed with good skin.. ;) honestly, I dont have a face routine, I wash my face whenever I have my shower, or whenever I remember to wash it, I dont wear night cream or whatever cream because i am that lazy...I do tho, without fail, wash my off my makeup before I go to bed...I never wear makeup to sleep...i think it unhealthy..
another email i received is to do a tutorial on my daily make-up routine....i stared at the email for 30 minutes, and decided to give it a try...and when i watched the video back...i was like a madwoman rambling about i dunno..crap....heck...i'm not a pro...so since I love my self so much I decided against uploading that freaky video of rambling about eyeliners and mascaras...i just hated my own voice..adoi....
tho, i will share about the beauty products i cannot live without..;)
1- Base/primer - Chanel White Essential Base De Teint - i love love love this product, it really makes you glow..just a little goes a longgg way..
2- Compact powder - Chanel Vitalumiere Eclat - since I already use the primer, I skip the foundation and go straight to powder, i think this is a two-way-cake kot? ntah...but i dont wear foundation because i will look too cakey if i do so.
3- Eyeliner - Chanel Stylo Yeux Waterproof in black - this eyeliner lasts the whole day and doesnt smudge at the end of the day..i cant live without this eyeliner
4- Mascara - Maybelline Long Extreme Double Stretch - my lashes just look fuller and longer with this one.. ;)
5- blusher - Estee Lauder Tender Blush in 102 and 212 - sometimes i skip blusher, but if I do decide to put them on, it will be this...I also love bobby brown's blusher but its my moms so i'll just wear it whenever i'm oer at her house..kedekut..haha
6- lipstick - Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in 76 - this is my fav! the color is just sweet and pretty and gives a natural touch.. ;)
ok..thats it..my top 6...i dont buy a lot of makeup, normally i just take any freebies my mom gets when she buys her skin product..hehehehe...but if I have to spend my money on one of the above..hmm..it would be the chanel eyeliner.. ;)
premium beautiful : last call rebate promotion!!!
10 more days to go peoplee!!!!!
this is the best promotion ever given by the company!!
save up to RM900!!!!!!
book your Premium Beautiful set now!!
call/text me:
Aisyah- 0192710102
this is the best promotion ever given by the company!!
save up to RM900!!!!!!
book your Premium Beautiful set now!!
call/text me:
Aisyah- 0192710102
Thursday, December 16, 2010
for all book lovers
Friday is Amcorp Mall day. Without fail every friday. Unless we're on leave or something.
Normally, we go there mainly for lunch, not shopping coz our lunch break is still 1 hour eventho its a Friday.
But we decided to skip lunch today. And thank God I did!!!
Look what I found!
A bookstore! yeah yeah...so what??? i tell you so what...the books are sold at half price or cheaper! all year round!!! i knoowww!!!!! its like a dream come true right?!?! I am a book lover..I could just read and read and read and ignore everything else around me..not good when you have a baby tho..but well..i try my best to read when I could..so anyways...I almost went crazy in the store...there were romance (my absolute fav!!) , thriller, cookbooks, motivation, autobiography, crafts, kids book...just name it, they got it... except for Ivanka Trump's book...not there yet..I've asked since I saw Donald Trumps motivational books there...hmm..I hope they bring it in soon!!
and.....the selections.........crazy!!!!
yups..those prices you see....ALL YEAR ROUND!!! now tell me...how cool is that?!?!!!
My hands were itching to buy all..but since its already in the middle of the month..and I only had a hundred on me..I had to settle for these 3...
my favourite of all must be The Oprah Magazine Cookbook... of course there were like tons of other cookbooks from celebrity chefs like Jamie and Nigelia and Chef Ramsey...but hey...its OPRAH!! enuff said. ^___^
I am one HAPPY lady!!!
Owh and btw, if you're wondering...the bookstore is at Level 3, Amcorp Mall... sila pergi yer!! bestt!! and NO...i am not paid to advertise this store....tqvm....
Normally, we go there mainly for lunch, not shopping coz our lunch break is still 1 hour eventho its a Friday.
But we decided to skip lunch today. And thank God I did!!!
Look what I found!
A bookstore! yeah yeah...so what??? i tell you so what...the books are sold at half price or cheaper! all year round!!! i knoowww!!!!! its like a dream come true right?!?! I am a book lover..I could just read and read and read and ignore everything else around me..not good when you have a baby tho..but well..i try my best to read when I could..so anyways...I almost went crazy in the store...there were romance (my absolute fav!!) , thriller, cookbooks, motivation, autobiography, crafts, kids book...just name it, they got it... except for Ivanka Trump's book...not there yet..I've asked since I saw Donald Trumps motivational books there...hmm..I hope they bring it in soon!!
and.....the selections.........crazy!!!!
yups..those prices you see....ALL YEAR ROUND!!! now tell me...how cool is that?!?!!!
My hands were itching to buy all..but since its already in the middle of the month..and I only had a hundred on me..I had to settle for these 3...
my favourite of all must be The Oprah Magazine Cookbook... of course there were like tons of other cookbooks from celebrity chefs like Jamie and Nigelia and Chef Ramsey...but hey...its OPRAH!! enuff said. ^___^
I am one HAPPY lady!!!
Owh and btw, if you're wondering...the bookstore is at Level 3, Amcorp Mall... sila pergi yer!! bestt!! and NO...i am not paid to advertise this store....tqvm....
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