Am currently at our rental house in kota damansara.
All our stuff have been moved yesterday to our new home.
Today hubs wanted to clean the house b4 we return the key to the owner.
I helped sweep the floor. And did a little bit of mopping but that was it.
hubs didn't let me do anything else. He even yelled at me for removing something heavy. Terkejut tu yg terjerit tu..hehehe..
Now I'm sitting on the floor watching him do all the work..actually he didn't want to bring me but I insisted. ;p
Somehow I feel sad. Looking at this empty house.
Although its not ours, but this is our first house as a married couple.
We spent our first year together here.
All my first wifely duty i did here.
All the memories..
Ah well...we've got so many more years together..insyaAllah..
We'll just make more sweet memories in our new home.. ;)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
DIY: Reversible Shoulder Bag
another project completed.
nope. not another baby project.
but for the mama instead.
remember these?
so i spent the whole night finishing this.
Reversible Shoulder Bag by Lula Louise
I printed out the tutorial a few month ago but didnt have the fabrics to make it. I super super love the bag! trus pki the bag to my checkup today! hehe.. ;)
more pictures of the bag:
and tonight...i managed to finish another one...for lil sisterrrr.... [baiknyerrr kakak kamu ini..!!] hahaha...
this is hers..
her reversible side.
and another good news.
we received these today.....
a bunch of keys. 28 to be exact! ^_________^
after the all the waiting..we finally got the keys to our home. ;)
its not big or luxurious but its ours. and i'm so grateful.
my favorite part of the house.
the kitchen cabinet!!!!!!!! hehe...dun have to spent thousands [alhamdulillah!!!!] , the owner b4 this dah siap renovate last year...suka! ;) -trus g tgk rumah after amek kunci..giler excited..!! hehe....
cant wait to start decorating.... [maybe after confinement?]
Sunday, January 24, 2010
picnic with the Omarians
just came back from ikea. hehe..
dragged hubs dengan alasan "mase pantang 2 bulan tak kuar rumah.."
so, mase berjalan habis2an... but then lasted only for 1+ hour..letih.. ;p
got myself these...
i see bags...and more bags... ;)
* * * * * * *
had a blast this morning at lake garden...
the "Omarians" picnic..of course!!!
lets let the pictures do the talking k..
the food preparation
eating time!
and then the activities..
teh lead the aerobic...
realize all the games were played by the aunties [and some cousins sbb nak cukupkan korum]
then where were all the anak2 buah??
and the more younger generations?
and family photo [not in picture: abang - sleeping on the couch at home, atif - at school, menantu - taking the picture! ;) ]
i super duper love my family..they are just the best...especially the aunties...when you're with them, you tend to forget they are in their 40's and 50's .. the way they talk, laugh, gossip [mind you..not the usual org tua punya gossip, today was about suri cruise's punya wardrobe, and about brad n jolie!] are like teenagers , they even know the latest hip song on the radio.. maybe not the words sendiri pun tak updated cam tu..haha ;p serious best and sporting...!!! ok enuf..kang kembang kang... ;p
balik umah trus tido sampai kol 4!! padahal bukan buat ape pun...dudukkkk aje.. ;p ingat nak berjalan but hehehe...sampai2 trus makan and that was it...tak larat sbb penuh sgt...
k laa nak tido dah ni...gudnite people! xoxo!
me at 36++ weeks! ;)
Friday, January 22, 2010
DIY : Baby blanket (by request)
today I made this.

[sorry because the pictures are blur..took using my phone camera..kenot find where mr hubs put the memory card...just hope you guys understand my writings... ;p]
so firstly, here's the patern i did for my blanket. you can always mix n match and change according to ur preference.
what you will need
for the middle part: 6" x 6" cotton = 35 pieces (mix colours according to your patern)
borders: 34" x 5 " cotton = 2 pieces
44" x 5" cotton = 2 pieces (colour according to patern)
back: 44" x 34" = 1 piece
Sewing machine (you could hand sew, but will take longer time to finish lorr)
pins (to secure you pieces when you sew)
** the printed cotton = rm29/3 meters from ikea (enuf for blanket, bedsheet, pillow n bloster case)
red and yellow plain cotton = rm3/meter from Kamdar
red plain flannel = rm4.50/meter from Kamdar
2. sew the 6"x6" together according to your patern using 1/2" seam allowance.
closer image after all the 6"x6" are sewn together.
3. sew the border to the finish body. again using 1/2" seam allowance.
4. fold and make a triangle at every edge. secure with pin.
5. cut excess after securing the edges.
6. place the finish front piece with the back piece together. right side together.
7. secure with pins.
8. sew the 2 pieces together. again with 1/2" seam allowance.
sew all 4 edges. make sure leave 4" opening to turn the blanket inside out.
9. turn the blanket inside out and sew the opening by hand.
10. top stitch the angle and around the border.
something like this.
and voila!!! your blanket is done!!!! ready for your little precious to use. but do remember to wash first yee!! ;)
very the simple right?
happy trying!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
2 dinner. 2 places. 2 themes. 1 birthday.
me and hubs both had our company dinner last Saturday.
His at Sunway Hotel. Mine at Putrajaya.
His theme was Rock. Mine was Masquerade.
Which one did we go?
He went ti his. I went to mine.
He was on the commitee, so obviously he was obligated to go to his.
I on the other hand, dari dulu lagi wanted so much to go to a Masquerade theme dinner.
So, we both were single for the night ! huhu~~ ~~

me n my neighbour, fifah
with my ex team mates ~~
we were early..
and, before, during and after (waiting for hubs to come home)
the dinner was so-so, didnt really enjoy it much...only the live band...had the chance to dance a!! i love dancing, but i dont go this is the place where i can show my moves~~ hahaha... tapi selang2 3-4 lagu laaa...then dok lepak tepi jer...holding my belly... ;p
when hubs came back with pictures..i kinda regretted going to mine..sbb nampak happening giler..his bos was super sporting...with the wig, and the tattoo skin sock, the makeup...dasyat!!! then ade red carpet, with a backdrop for cam-whoring...bestttt!!!!!... no pictures tho... hubs tak kasik..huhu...
but well..whats done is done... I got a cooler doorgift tho...
my own personalized hand wax!!! how cool is that..?? ;)
* * * * *
yesterday was my birthday. didnt do anything special. with all the baby preparation, and the house moving, didnt feel of the necessity of, who wants to be reminded of getting old kan?? hehehe...
but i did get tons of birthday wishes via sms and fb ... thanks guys... you guys are just so sweet.. ;)
i got a birthday/belated wedding gift from my aunts and uncles...
i superrrrrr love!!! wanted this so so so much...but..hehe..kedekut nak beli sendiri... ;p i grew up watching tok ajah cook in pots similar to mmg nak sgt2 kan....but i didnt expect sesape nak bagi dear aunties and uncles....thannnnkkkkkk youuuu!!!!! you are my angelss.... ;)
cant wait to start cooking.....hmm...biler laa nak masuk umah baru ni...
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