Tuesday, June 30, 2009

same name, different couple

last weekend, me, hubs and 2 friends went to Melaka to attend 2 weddings.

1st, our Uni friend - Kecik + Izzah

2nd, Hubs matric's friend - G-mek + Aiman

nak dijadikan cerita, we didnt have the directions (blame me for forgetting to print out the invitation - via email) to BOTH weddings!!! and all of us were not fimiliar jalan2 kat Melaka ni, so we gambled - it couldnt be that hard right?

So, off we were to the first house, Kecik's wedding, we got the direction from Kecik from the highway exit up until the first turn, then he said, follow the signage to his house. sounds easy enuff. dont u think?

signage to look out for >> Firdaus & Izzah

exit highway - first traffic light - there was the sign "Firdaus & Izzah" in a heart shaped border - yeay!! senangnya macam ni... - so we followed the sign - and followed - and followed - until we reached a house, with 4 canopies infront of it, yess!!! we found the house! but wait - apsal takde orang????? hmmmm...

hubs called Kecik : weyh Kecik, ko kahwin biler?

Kecik: ape ko ni..harini laa..aku nak berarak dah ni..


turns out, we followed the wrong "Firdaus & Izzah", we didnt realize the other "Firdaus & Izzah" was getting married the next day [there was a date stated above their name - but veryyyyy tiny!!] , lagipun siapa laa yang akan tgk tarikh kan, of course we would only see the names...huh...siapa sangka, a couple with the same name [exactly same spelling!] , getting married in the same weekend, both in Melaka?

so, we made a U-turn, followed the right "firdaus & Izzah" sign, and reached a taman where there was 2 weddings going on not far from each other, since there was no sign indicating who was getting married, and we couldnt see the bride n groom from afar, we gambled and stoped at the first house, Hubs went down to make sure it was the right house. Him being him, dia pergi tanya tuan rumah..

Hubs: Pakcik, siapa nama pengantin?

Pakcik: [blurrr] errr.... mentioned a name we didnt know

Hubs: owh..takpelaa pakcik..terima kasih...
and went running to the car, laughing like crazy!!]

OMG !!!!!!! malunyyyyerrrr!!!!!

haiiiyyaaaaa...Hubs pun bijak pandai g tanye tuan rumah...adooiii.....

anyways, the other house was Kecik's..huh! finally!


the other house wasnt so hard to find, coz we got the direction from Kecik plus the landmark was pretty easy to find, MMU Melaka!!

and not having another couple with the same name, getting married in the same weekend, at the same district also helps. ;p



Stay Sane Mama said...

hehe..lol..lawak la akak ni.hehe nasib baik jumpe

aiesya said...

eh eh..saye ke yang lawak..takdelaa..tanda tu yang lawak...mane boleh ade org same nama kahwin kat tempat yang sama..dua2 pulak tuh..iskkk

Zidzealda said...

wut a coincidence kan?haha..
aku rase nnt kawen kalo wat signage name Zealda sure takde org same name la kot?hihih~hopefully..

bulan 7 ni aku pulang ke malaya.nnt aku roger2 ko eh?sgguh tidak sabar mau menuntut ilmu2 kreatif dr ko. :)