Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"kalau anak aisyah perempuan...

...mesti banyak aisyah dah jahit untuk baby aisyah..." said a friend of mine when she looked at what i brought to office this morning... and yess...sure...but even my baby is a boy i have got plenty of ideas what to make him..just that i havent found the right fabric yet for him...mostly the fabrics are girly-girl paterns..so waiting for the right one to make him something...tunggu yer aqil..

for the time being, I have been making these...

The Itty Bitty Baby Dress

pattern n tutorial from Made by Rae

The Reversible Baby Dress

Pattern and tutorial from PolkadotBug

both are for my colleagues baby girls... ;)

aqil jgn jeles neh..nanti mama jahit untuk aqil plak... ;p



iTaSaZmIn said...

wah! cantik nye.. ok, nnti klo my baby is a girl... boleh la tempah dress cantik2 ngan auntie aisyah! :-)

aiesya said...

tunggu i beli mesin jahit yg canggih sket..bleh laa i jahit untuk anak u...
ehemmm...dah ade ke??


Anonymous said...

hai aiesya.. nak tanya, aiesya boleh jahit comforter tak? akak ada englich cotton, tapi tak tahu nak menjahit..nak buat comforter utk single bed, untuk anak. Kalau aiesya ambik tempahan bagi tahu yer...

aiesya said...

alahai kak..saya ni peringkat amatur yg amat2..malu jer klu tgk jahitan sendiri...huhu

akak nak comforter yg cam quilt tu ker?? kak Anna from Anna Patchwork House (kedai dia kat Sunway Pyramid) ade buat..

profesional sket..sy buat ntah ape2 nanti jadi.. ;)

iTaSaZmIn said...

my owh my, xpe auntie aisyah ade masa lagi... d baby will pop out early of next yer insyaallah ;)yeay!

[ Hanie ] said...

adoiii, cutenyer!
pasni aisyah boleh bukak butik la...baby2 punye brg hehe