hubs coming back for the weekend and we decided to send Aqil over to Wa's [ lucky me for having the 1st grandchild/nephew in the family - everyone pun willing nak babysit!] and go on a date!
i am super excited! my heart is beating so fast now.. ;)
i have a few activities on mind. and one of them involves speakers and mics! hehe..
now..what should i wear? hmmmm.....
cant wait !!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
updates on PB
the other day, my cousin Aye said to me .. "kak siti takde perut laa.." .. [yes Aye, I'll blanje you that Dorothy Perkin's top when I'm!]
but seriously, a number of people [office n home] told me I look smaller... even my ex-manager.. hehe.. I guess betul laa kot.. I tak timbang pun..but I noticed I could wear those old jeans of mine...and my tops pun dah tak ketat macam dulu..hmm..
When they ask.. "diet ke..?" .. I'll for sure say No..because its true..i still eat a lot..just the same as I did when I was pregnant.. so how did I lose those fat?
I would say... Premium Beautiful.... I never fail to wear that baby of mine..every single day for at least 8 hours! ok..maybe I cheated a bit during weekends and that one week when I was having a fever.. but, I do wear it everyday.. mostly out of habit now.. pagi2 before I put on my outfit for work..I'll wear my PB first.. if tak pkai rase semacam jer..
I dont think I've lost that much of weight..coz the last time I weigh myself I was still 60+ [not telling you the exact figure! embarassing!] haha... but PB does shape ur body and hid all that flabby part of ur body that you seriously want to hide..and I think it slowly helps get "everything" back into place my tummy..I dont do sit ups like I used to back then, but somehow.. now its flat [not as "tight" as before] but ok least my tummy doesnt show when I wear those not so lose tops..believe me, I am super conscious about that part! ;p
but I guess fully breastfeeding helps too... ;)
so anyone interested in knowing more about PB or interested in joining the business, drop me an email ( or send me a text msg (0192710102).. i'm more than happy to share with you guys!
and for those who are in JB/Kulai and are interested in purchasing PB, you can text my SIL - 0197157691 (Ita) .
till then,
but seriously, a number of people [office n home] told me I look smaller... even my ex-manager.. hehe.. I guess betul laa kot.. I tak timbang pun..but I noticed I could wear those old jeans of mine...and my tops pun dah tak ketat macam dulu..hmm..
When they ask.. "diet ke..?" .. I'll for sure say No..because its true..i still eat a lot..just the same as I did when I was pregnant.. so how did I lose those fat?
I would say... Premium Beautiful.... I never fail to wear that baby of mine..every single day for at least 8 hours! ok..maybe I cheated a bit during weekends and that one week when I was having a fever.. but, I do wear it everyday.. mostly out of habit now.. pagi2 before I put on my outfit for work..I'll wear my PB first.. if tak pkai rase semacam jer..
I dont think I've lost that much of weight..coz the last time I weigh myself I was still 60+ [not telling you the exact figure! embarassing!] haha... but PB does shape ur body and hid all that flabby part of ur body that you seriously want to hide..and I think it slowly helps get "everything" back into place my tummy..I dont do sit ups like I used to back then, but somehow.. now its flat [not as "tight" as before] but ok least my tummy doesnt show when I wear those not so lose tops..believe me, I am super conscious about that part! ;p
but I guess fully breastfeeding helps too... ;)
so anyone interested in knowing more about PB or interested in joining the business, drop me an email ( or send me a text msg (0192710102).. i'm more than happy to share with you guys!
and for those who are in JB/Kulai and are interested in purchasing PB, you can text my SIL - 0197157691 (Ita) .
till then,
addicted to cotton!
came back from lunch today and saw this on my table [even the pakguard knows where my table is since I've been receiving lots of parcels lately...very2 bad!]

I looked at the shipper's name [another bad sign..too much online purchase until I had to read the senders name!!!] and I saw "May" fabrics from MayMayShop !!!!

lets count.. one..two..three...on the other hand..lets not! [feeling guilty already]

I super love the first one! cant wait to make a dress out of it.. [any takers? hehehe]
the second one is for baby Aqil [mama has been neglecting him a lot lately..hehe] , still cant decide what to make him..maybe a quilt ?
And since I've bought fabrics from May before, she was kind enough to give some freebies!!

Its like she knows me or something..i lurvveee pink! huhu.. ;)
hmm...if only I had my sewing machine with me...cant wait to start sewing!!
on a different note.
dad treated us dinner at Nelayan last two nights.
Hubs and lil bro were not around tho..cant remember the last time we had everyone together..hmm..
but well, had a blast eating all that food! nyummm....thanks ayah! ;)

Aqil with his Maksu and PakLong !! (haha..that sounds weird! Maksu, Paklong)

cam-whoring with lil sis ;)

the tired Aqil after a long night.. ;)

I looked at the shipper's name [another bad sign..too much online purchase until I had to read the senders name!!!] and I saw "May" fabrics from MayMayShop !!!!

lets count.. one..two..three...on the other hand..lets not! [feeling guilty already]

I super love the first one! cant wait to make a dress out of it.. [any takers? hehehe]
the second one is for baby Aqil [mama has been neglecting him a lot lately..hehe] , still cant decide what to make him..maybe a quilt ?
And since I've bought fabrics from May before, she was kind enough to give some freebies!!

Its like she knows me or something..i lurvveee pink! huhu.. ;)
hmm...if only I had my sewing machine with me...cant wait to start sewing!!
on a different note.
dad treated us dinner at Nelayan last two nights.
Hubs and lil bro were not around tho..cant remember the last time we had everyone together..hmm..
but well, had a blast eating all that food! nyummm....thanks ayah! ;)

Aqil with his Maksu and PakLong !! (haha..that sounds weird! Maksu, Paklong)

cam-whoring with lil sis ;)

the tired Aqil after a long night.. ;)
Monday, July 26, 2010
hubs is away for another 2 weeks. again.
of course i'm staying at my parents.
my hands are itching to sew.
but my ['s] sewing machine is at my house.
ps: i'm making some dresses for sale..agak2 ade anyone interested tak? and can give suggestions for sizes..for now mostly for 3-6month
of course i'm staying at my parents.
my hands are itching to sew.
but my ['s] sewing machine is at my house.
ps: i'm making some dresses for sale..agak2 ade anyone interested tak? and can give suggestions for sizes..for now mostly for 3-6month
Thursday, July 22, 2010
i just dont understand
ask question.
issue log.
didnt ask question.
issue log.
can u please make up ur mind you silly crazy people?
with the amount of issue logs this 3 month. i dont think i'm getting any bonus already!
issue log.
didnt ask question.
issue log.
can u please make up ur mind you silly crazy people?
with the amount of issue logs this 3 month. i dont think i'm getting any bonus already!
Monday, July 19, 2010
tutorial : easy towel bib
I've been feeling guilty because I've been making a lot of girly stuff for my friends and non for lil Aqil..hehehe...but I didnt know what to make him..there's not many choices for boys..
when I went into Cotton on for Kids at Pyramid last Sunday, I saw these cute bibs selling for RM15 (original price rm29)...belek2...hmm...this is easy to make...Aqil is at the stage where he's playing with his saliva all the time..his top is always wet, and the mother always get nagged by the grandparents to put a bib on him...hehe...Aqil have limited pieces of bibs coz the mama only wants to buy the cute ones..and they aint cheap..hahaha...teruk betul..but more....coz mama can make for you...and it doesnt cost that much..hehe
One of the bib I made him..

and to share the love ..
what you need:
1. Hand/face towel
2. Cotton fabric/ Old tshirt
3. Velcro
4. Coordinating thread

Cute the cotton fabric, the same size as ur towel

Mark the middle and draw a circle, for my case, I used a 4 inch diameter circle..;

something like this.

take a 3 x 4 inch fabric, sew and turn inside out and sew at one of the opening at the top. cut the line above the circle before you do this.

you'll get something like this..

sew the sids, and the circle... fabric and towel right sides together...leave a 2 inch opening at the bottom.... (if not clear, kindly refer to the picture above)

2 inch opening at the bottom

Cut the circle

before turning inside out- make slits inside the circle

turn right side out and u'll get something like the above..

sew on the velcro on the top part of the bib

and topstich arounf the bib (this is optional)

tadaaa!! ur done... simple right??

you can actually wear it bothways.. but of course you want the cute part outside

i made 4 for aqil...the two on the left I used my old tshirts..hehehe...
Hope you guys like the tutorial..and good luck!!! ;)
when I went into Cotton on for Kids at Pyramid last Sunday, I saw these cute bibs selling for RM15 (original price rm29)...belek2...hmm...this is easy to make...Aqil is at the stage where he's playing with his saliva all the time..his top is always wet, and the mother always get nagged by the grandparents to put a bib on him...hehe...Aqil have limited pieces of bibs coz the mama only wants to buy the cute ones..and they aint cheap..hahaha...teruk betul..but more....coz mama can make for you...and it doesnt cost that much..hehe
One of the bib I made him..

and to share the love ..
what you need:
1. Hand/face towel
2. Cotton fabric/ Old tshirt
3. Velcro
4. Coordinating thread

Cute the cotton fabric, the same size as ur towel

Mark the middle and draw a circle, for my case, I used a 4 inch diameter circle..;

something like this.

take a 3 x 4 inch fabric, sew and turn inside out and sew at one of the opening at the top. cut the line above the circle before you do this.

you'll get something like this..

sew the sids, and the circle... fabric and towel right sides together...leave a 2 inch opening at the bottom.... (if not clear, kindly refer to the picture above)

2 inch opening at the bottom

Cut the circle

before turning inside out- make slits inside the circle

turn right side out and u'll get something like the above..

sew on the velcro on the top part of the bib

and topstich arounf the bib (this is optional)

tadaaa!! ur done... simple right??

you can actually wear it bothways.. but of course you want the cute part outside

i made 4 for aqil...the two on the left I used my old tshirts..hehehe...
Hope you guys like the tutorial..and good luck!!! ;)
imam muda
kerja bapaknya Aqil .. ;)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Congrats babe!! Kamu lawa bangat dong!!
* * * * * * * * * * * *

itik giant menyerang!! ;p

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
semalam di Klinik..buhsan menunggu...

ps: berat Aqil dah 8.4kg >>> normalkah??? isk isk ..
* * * * * * * * * * * *
jiran - geng dari kecik2 dulu bertunang...

Congrats babe!! Kamu lawa bangat dong!!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Hasil sepupu dan makcik..

itik giant menyerang!! ;p
Thursday, July 15, 2010
pink n blue.
another two ;)
i am just addicted..
Aqil was looking at me with this face ...
"apsal laa mama asyek jahit baju girl jer..aqil ni boy laa mama...please jahit for me pulak..."
sabar yer sayang...weekend ni mama go find nice nice fabric for you k.. ;p
i am just addicted..
Aqil was looking at me with this face ...
"apsal laa mama asyek jahit baju girl jer..aqil ni boy laa mama...please jahit for me pulak..."
sabar yer sayang...weekend ni mama go find nice nice fabric for you k.. ;p
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
"kalau anak aisyah perempuan...
...mesti banyak aisyah dah jahit untuk baby aisyah..." said a friend of mine when she looked at what i brought to office this morning... and yess...sure...but even my baby is a boy i have got plenty of ideas what to make him..just that i havent found the right fabric yet for him...mostly the fabrics are girly-girl waiting for the right one to make him something...tunggu yer aqil..
for the time being, I have been making these...
both are for my colleagues baby girls... ;)
aqil jgn jeles neh..nanti mama jahit untuk aqil plak... ;p
for the time being, I have been making these...
The Itty Bitty Baby Dress
pattern n tutorial from Made by Rae
The Reversible Baby Dress
Pattern and tutorial from PolkadotBug
both are for my colleagues baby girls... ;)
aqil jgn jeles neh..nanti mama jahit untuk aqil plak... ;p
Monday, July 12, 2010
one for the granma. one for the baby.
made a cover for mom's new toy .. a white Vaio P Series .. [now I know where I get this addiction to buy all these gadgets..]
and a nursery bag for lil Aqil.. I've been putting his stuff in a paperbag every he has his own bag for his towel n stuff.. go green babe!
fabrics from:
and a nursery bag for lil Aqil.. I've been putting his stuff in a paperbag every he has his own bag for his towel n stuff.. go green babe!
fabrics from:
weddings i like
when it comes to wedding, I prefer the days before the wedding, the preparation, the kecoh-ness of the situations [of course when its someone else's wedding and not mine!lol!].. i love doing the door gifts and the hantarans and getting all kepochi about the wedding dress bla bla bla..
last weekend was my cousin's wedding, and of course I was there to lend a hand... :)

this was my first time trying to do a pelamin..[mom volunteered me out of the blue - of course she helped also - and my super creative aunties] it was nothing fancy..just something simple for the nikah ceremony..

it didnt really turned out the way I imagined it to be..but I guess it was OK for my first we did it in 4-5 hours..very2 limited time..considering all that...cousin loved it btw [of course she had to say that kan..huhu..] sorry laa lin..kami budak baru belajar!
I actually had a fever since wednesday [oh-the-sacrifices we make for our family! hahaha] , I was coughing and sneezing all day, and since I am breastfeeding my son, ofcourse eventually he had to catch something from me..sian dia.. he had a temperature and a running nose for 2 days..but him being the mommy's little son..he was laughing and playing with anyone who held him..mcm tak demam langsung..huhu..
took him to the clinic on the 2nd fever then, just running nose..Granpa orders.. doctor said " apelaaa papa you ni..sihat2 bawak you g klinik...aktif jer ni..." hahaha... at last, she didnt charge us anything.. mak die jer yg kene amek gas sbb cannot breathe..haihhh...

tertido while waiting for our turn..
**cant wait for the next wedding..
last weekend was my cousin's wedding, and of course I was there to lend a hand... :)

this was my first time trying to do a pelamin..[mom volunteered me out of the blue - of course she helped also - and my super creative aunties] it was nothing fancy..just something simple for the nikah ceremony..

it didnt really turned out the way I imagined it to be..but I guess it was OK for my first we did it in 4-5 hours..very2 limited time..considering all that...cousin loved it btw [of course she had to say that kan..huhu..] sorry laa lin..kami budak baru belajar!
I actually had a fever since wednesday [oh-the-sacrifices we make for our family! hahaha] , I was coughing and sneezing all day, and since I am breastfeeding my son, ofcourse eventually he had to catch something from me..sian dia.. he had a temperature and a running nose for 2 days..but him being the mommy's little son..he was laughing and playing with anyone who held him..mcm tak demam langsung..huhu..
took him to the clinic on the 2nd fever then, just running nose..Granpa orders.. doctor said " apelaaa papa you ni..sihat2 bawak you g klinik...aktif jer ni..." hahaha... at last, she didnt charge us anything.. mak die jer yg kene amek gas sbb cannot breathe..haihhh...

tertido while waiting for our turn..
**cant wait for the next wedding..
Monday, July 5, 2010
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