Monday, June 28, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
the things people have to go thru eveyday
the only way I know from subang to work is using Federal. and boy...the traffic starts as early as 6.45am!! [the time I went out this morning!]
asked my cousin how on earth these people go thru this traffic every single day..??
cousin said, it takes a true Subarian at heart to have the patience to be stuck in Federal everytime they go to!
here are images of the road of me going to and back from work..
seriously!! I went back from work late yesterday [because of the workload not suka2!] , thinking that..for sure the roads will be traffic....but nope...same old same old..
so, to all subang people..
wa tabik sama lu!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
RED is for STOP
i was driving back home from a Kenduri yesterday, singing my heart out in the car while waiting for the traffic light to turn green.. [bored driving alone]
the lights turn green, i change the gear to "D".. ready to press the pedal when suddenly... whooossshhhh a car from the lane which just turned RED drove infront me..
helloooooo!!!! RED means STOP you idiot!!! marah ni..!! seriously....I get angry when people give excuses..."owh...dah laju tak sempat nak berenti.."
meh nak ajar sikit..
YELLOW means...slow ur car and get ready to stop...NOT..tekan minyak lagi kuat so that boleh dan lepas sebelum lampu merah!!!!
seriously..!! dont be selfish and please think about other're not the only one in a lain pun nak kejar p berak jugak..but please laa drive laa betul2!!
You dont know what will happen...and please dont say..."alaa...tak jadi ape2 pun..." I dont care jadi ape2 ke tak..but precaution kene amek!! bukan dah jadi baru nyesal..
You really want to be the reason of the death of somebody's child? mother? father? brother? sister? friend????
Just think if that ever happens to somebody you love???? tak ke rase nak marah orang yg langgar the red light tuuu????? tak ke akan blame that person??? akan kan kan kan kan....??? but when you do it takpe??fikir laa babe!!!
things that we can prevent...ape salahnya kita try prevent?? please think about others.. there are other people living in this world , not only you!
*emo emo emo..marah betul aku manusia2 begini*
Saturday, June 19, 2010
HAPPY [belated] FATHER's DAY
And also to Hubby dearest...
Its his first year celebrating Father's Day...I made him a boxer [not so nice...the tutorial was a bit confusing] for Fathers Day...but have to wait another week to give him the boxer.. so abg, cepat2 balik ye!
and made one for baby Aqil..but turn out to be too small for him! boohoo...i forgot I downloaded the 0-3 month old size, my baby is almost 4 month already! duhh!! [nk bagi org pun segan, tak berapa kemas the jahitan..hmmm]
*wrote this post yesterday, on the ACTUAL day of fathers day, but got somewhat interrupted, laa today.. ;)

Thursday, June 17, 2010
tutorial : baby boy soft cap
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Anna Patchwork House
Monday, June 14, 2010
too early?
nope. never too early to be watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S
haha. blame the auntie! not me!
boots to bed.
sleepy. headache.
woke up as early as 4am this morning coz needed to send hubs to KL Central before 6.45am.
yes. his going for audit again. this time. Papua New Guinea. 2 weeks. hmm..
talking about hubs, bought him a new pair of boots for his trip since he's going to audit a *something* factory where he is required to wear boots for safety..
its that front-hard type of boots. i dunno its name. whatever.
he was so excited when we got back. he wore those boots all night long!
he even said he was going to wear them to bed! of course he didnt tho..mmg kene tido luar laa klu bwk naik katil kasut but tuuu...[kidding banggggg!!! ;p]
haha! like a kid getting candy. but I guess that happens when you seldom buy stuff for yourself..typical hubs. he only buy stuff when he thinks he really2 needs on the other hand...well..lets not get into that topic..i just got another "tak habis2.." from hubs darling last Saturday..nak buat camne bang...bini abg ni bnyk betul keinginan..hahaha..
will I miss him? I dunno... before this there was no Aqil to keep me company.. but I guess I will...I depend on him too much.. ;p
last Saturday was SIL's birthday...treated her the Baskin Robins Ice Cream Fondue for her bday... delish!! ;)

why am I the only one looking at the camera? hmphh..
Saturday, June 12, 2010
what a morning!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Relay for Life
" Relay is all about 'Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back' and we had input from a survivor (Celebrating survivorship), the story of our luminaria ceremony (Remember) and a lively input from one of our teams (Fight Back!). "
source :
i first heard about this event last year thru my cousin Syu [its an all night long event till morning - celebrating the cancer survivors! - with tents, foods, good spirit and great company] , and eversince then I was looking forward to go to this year's event..but one can only In Laws were in town that weekend for a kenduri so I had to be the hostess since they were staying over at our it was raining heavily and as what I heard from family members who were there, the place was soggy and very it wasnt really suitable to bring lil Aqil there...[mom had already bought tickets - but nvm at least i got the tshirt!! ;)] hmm...I guess there's always next year right.. ;)
the good side of not going is that I got to take my MIL n SIL shopping at Ikea! any sentence with the word shopping in it is ok for me!'s some pictures of the event that I stole from my cousins, aye n atie ' s blogs...enjoy!
atie n wa - one of the survivors [pinjam kata2 atie ;) ]
the Omarians spirit!
thats my dad infront in the apek's boots and pom pom!

sisters - cu, wa, cippa, mom and tzah

part of the clan

we've got spirit..yes we do...we've got about you?!?!