eversince I bought dresses from TyracShop.com last month- (which one I wore on 1st raya and got tons of compliments on the dress), I've been religiously revisiting the website to look at new dresses and promotions..
and yesterday, after I've already confirmed another purchase, (which I placed last week) , tup tup.. TyracShop.com came out with new pre-orders..alahaiii....
and this piece really caught my eyes... ( I was debating either to get the top or not - altho I like it, but I'm not an Inner fan..super malas nak pki Inner ok..and this top requires me to wear one)
so then I showed my neighbour aka teammate the top to ask her opinion (we've been neighbours since 6 and yes we work together..cool huh!?!?) which btw has the same passion as mine, blogshop hopping ;p.. (we would email each other about new blogshops we googled that have super cool stuff during office hours and comment on the price and whatever..)
so anyways, she liked the top too..and since I just paid for a new dress the same day, I was like....u order laa...hehehe (tanduk setan da kuar daaa) ..and of course she did...but then today when I was looking at the top..rase cam nak order jugak jerr...
hmm...should i?
(cam klaka plak nak beli same baju ngan jiran.. ;p but she doesnt mind..)
btw..the pre-order closes this friday..so i better make my desicion!!! hmmmmmmmm....
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
i just love it when Karma does its job..
on a diff note,
bought a new mascara online from MIU, received the package yesterday. *grin*. tried in on today and i loveeeee it!! She gave me a cute freebie..so sweet of her..havent tried it yet.hmm..maybe this weekend...;) thanks Miu!
Stage Divine Lash Mascara
( I love their eyeliner too!! but already gave mine to mom!got to buy myself a new one!)
** expecting another package tomorrow...urgghh...d*mn u online shopping!gotta stop before i get addicted..wait..i think i am!!! huaaaaa!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
lemang n kuah kacang
image source : kedai2020
I am now in the office..
Enjoying lemang with kuah kacang..
*** 2 hours before***
me: abang...bangun...sayang nak makan lemang n kuah kacang..
hubs: haa?? mane nak cari?
me: atif kate kuah kacang ade lagi dalam peti ais...lemang boleh beli kat selekoh bawah tuh..
hubs: laa..makan bende lain tak boleh ke..??
me: teringin sangat2 ni..tak tahan..dari tadi dok kecur liur nih...
hubs: tgk laa macam mana...
I am one lucky girl! ;)
tenkiuuuuuu abang ^_^
hubs still on holiday..i'm not.. :(
Enjoying lemang with kuah kacang..
*** 2 hours before***
me: abang...bangun...sayang nak makan lemang n kuah kacang..
hubs: haa?? mane nak cari?
me: atif kate kuah kacang ade lagi dalam peti ais...lemang boleh beli kat selekoh bawah tuh..
hubs: laa..makan bende lain tak boleh ke..??
me: teringin sangat2 ni..tak tahan..dari tadi dok kecur liur nih...
hubs: tgk laa macam mana...
I am one lucky girl! ;)
tenkiuuuuuu abang ^_^
hubs still on holiday..i'm not.. :(
and she's a mom now... ;)
a close cousin of mine just gave birth to a baby girl... ;)
Hannah Ellyssa
Both mother and baby are doing fine... :)
I am so happy for her!! cannot believe she's a mom now..it seems like just yesterday we were still in our teens..gossiping about boys and doing super crazy stuff..huhu~~
Congrats Molly!! hugs and kissess to your new born... (if you're reading this!)
eiiii....cannot wait for my next trip to Johor...
Hannah Ellyssa
Both mother and baby are doing fine... :)
I am so happy for her!! cannot believe she's a mom now..it seems like just yesterday we were still in our teens..gossiping about boys and doing super crazy stuff..huhu~~
Congrats Molly!! hugs and kissess to your new born... (if you're reading this!)
eiiii....cannot wait for my next trip to Johor...
2 down, 2 to go... (i'll be next...ms aswita...hmm..2011 insyaAllah?? ;p)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
i'm sad about something, just found out about it like 5 sec ago..hmm.....
raya is just around the corner but im not in any raya mood yet...
i did do some shopping tho..brought lil sis to carrefour wangsa maju, she got a really nice baju kurung which big sis picked out for her, of course! accidently bought myself 3 pairs of cotton baju kurung.. hey..it was selling really cheap ok! plus, i think i'd be wearing more baju kurung after this since my baby bump is already visible..so its kinda like an investment..[?]
bought a gold ring using my mas kahwin, but of course hubs had to chip in a bit more..gold price is so expensive now eyh!!
i dont know why but since last week i have the sudden urge to dress up..i've been wearing baju kurung with matching scarfs [thanks mom!] hehehe..normally I would wear everything with a black scarf, but..hmm...and ohhh...I wear foundation,eyeliner and lip gloss too!!! hehehe..everyday hubs will ask me.. "cantik2 ni ade ape kat office?" ... [apekah tandanya itu?] :)
owh..received my dresses that i ordered from TyracShop.com !! they're pretty!!!!! going to wear one for raya.. ;) still figuring out the best accesories for the dress..hmm...nvm..i still got 2 more days.. ;)
hmm...bilaa laa nak cuti ni..buhsan nyer keje... :(
raya 2008 in AS, hmm...can I be pregnant but still have the same figure.. T___T
opss.. Salam Aidilfitri all!! sorry for any wrong doings..eat like crazy, drive safely and have fun with your loved ones! ;)
raya is just around the corner but im not in any raya mood yet...
i did do some shopping tho..brought lil sis to carrefour wangsa maju, she got a really nice baju kurung which big sis picked out for her, of course! accidently bought myself 3 pairs of cotton baju kurung.. hey..it was selling really cheap ok! plus, i think i'd be wearing more baju kurung after this since my baby bump is already visible..so its kinda like an investment..[?]
bought a gold ring using my mas kahwin, but of course hubs had to chip in a bit more..gold price is so expensive now eyh!!
i dont know why but since last week i have the sudden urge to dress up..i've been wearing baju kurung with matching scarfs [thanks mom!] hehehe..normally I would wear everything with a black scarf, but..hmm...and ohhh...I wear foundation,eyeliner and lip gloss too!!! hehehe..everyday hubs will ask me.. "cantik2 ni ade ape kat office?" ... [apekah tandanya itu?] :)
owh..received my dresses that i ordered from TyracShop.com !! they're pretty!!!!! going to wear one for raya.. ;) still figuring out the best accesories for the dress..hmm...nvm..i still got 2 more days.. ;)
hmm...bilaa laa nak cuti ni..buhsan nyer keje... :(
raya 2008 in AS, hmm...can I be pregnant but still have the same figure.. T___T
opss.. Salam Aidilfitri all!! sorry for any wrong doings..eat like crazy, drive safely and have fun with your loved ones! ;)
Monday, September 14, 2009
adoii..its been a while since I last blogged..hmm..so much to write, yet so lazy to type..hmm..
last week was a mess..I was involved in the Raya Deco Competition at my office [yeah I know, very lame!], after only 2 days doing very2 minor work [ cutting cardbox, pasting paper, cutting paper - most of them I did by sitting down on the floor!] my whole body was aching..my muscles were such in pain that I cried climbing up the stairs at home..crazy kan? I felt so mad at myself, like seriously??? I cant be that weak right??? Its not like I had to climb to hang anything or had to carry any heavy objects..it was only paper cutting!!! I did much more hard work in the past, but never once I felt the pain like I did last week..I could barely walk to the loo when I needed to..hubs had to hold me up for me to walk and go pee.. doc said maybe my muscles were dehydrated [i wasnt fasting!], or I'm not taking enuf calsium..owhh..that explains..
[i sound so angry eyyy?? but I was...maybe more frustrated then mad..its just, kesian hubs..nvm]
ok..ok...skip to the happy part...it was lil sis birthday last Saturday...yeay!! Happy Birthday sis! hehe...didnt know what to give her for her birthday so I just brought her to OU to go shopping, first stop Levis, she needed a new jeans, since she lost some weight and now she's been wearing my jeans coz her's does not fit well anymore..she loved my jeans so much that she decided that she wanted the exact same jeans as mine...hmm..i guess we have to sew on our initials on our jeans so it wont get mixed up..but wait..we even have the same initials..how? huhuhu~~
then we went to Charles & Keith and she bought her very 1st wedges, she insisted on buying something with height [i was trying to persuade her to buy flats because i dont see her in heels], but I guess my lil sis is all growned up, wanting her own heels, plus she said, "baju kurung kene pki dengan heels".. ok laa dik..u win!
I ended up buying her nothing for her birthday since ayah gave me money to buy her those stuff, we did not have much time after C&K because it was already 6.15pm, and we were suppose to pick up my bestie Jyue at 6pm! heheh...I think we spent like almost an hour in C&K..anyways...more duit raya for you laa lil sis ok? then u can buy something yourself.. ;p
On Sunday, me, mom n nadia went to ampang park (lil sis had tuition) to search for baju kurung, but at the end of the day, only nadia got her baju kurung..mom ended up with 5 pairs of shoes, a couple of bling-bling and 6 scarfs!!! hehe..me? just a pair of terompah and a pair of vintage looking earing :( .. huhu.. there were LOTS of pretty baju kurungs, mmg rambang mataku..but nothing really caught my eyes [or suited my budget]..I did fell in love with one green baju kurung, but it was rm400! I am so not spending that much on a baju raya, which I know at the end of the day, my baju will be spoiled with kuah kacang n rendang..no thanks! so I guess, no baju raya this year..hehe..whatever~~ I'm not 10 years old anymore.. ;p
and lastly, yesterday, I discovered..no more spicy food for me..huhu~~ gastrik beb!!
adoiiiii..... ~~~~
last week was a mess..I was involved in the Raya Deco Competition at my office [yeah I know, very lame!], after only 2 days doing very2 minor work [ cutting cardbox, pasting paper, cutting paper - most of them I did by sitting down on the floor!] my whole body was aching..my muscles were such in pain that I cried climbing up the stairs at home..crazy kan? I felt so mad at myself, like seriously??? I cant be that weak right??? Its not like I had to climb to hang anything or had to carry any heavy objects..it was only paper cutting!!! I did much more hard work in the past, but never once I felt the pain like I did last week..I could barely walk to the loo when I needed to..hubs had to hold me up for me to walk and go pee.. doc said maybe my muscles were dehydrated [i wasnt fasting!], or I'm not taking enuf calsium..owhh..that explains..
[i sound so angry eyyy?? but I was...maybe more frustrated then mad..its just, kesian hubs..nvm]
ok..ok...skip to the happy part...it was lil sis birthday last Saturday...yeay!! Happy Birthday sis! hehe...didnt know what to give her for her birthday so I just brought her to OU to go shopping, first stop Levis, she needed a new jeans, since she lost some weight and now she's been wearing my jeans coz her's does not fit well anymore..she loved my jeans so much that she decided that she wanted the exact same jeans as mine...hmm..i guess we have to sew on our initials on our jeans so it wont get mixed up..but wait..we even have the same initials..how? huhuhu~~
then we went to Charles & Keith and she bought her very 1st wedges, she insisted on buying something with height [i was trying to persuade her to buy flats because i dont see her in heels], but I guess my lil sis is all growned up, wanting her own heels, plus she said, "baju kurung kene pki dengan heels".. ok laa dik..u win!
I ended up buying her nothing for her birthday since ayah gave me money to buy her those stuff, we did not have much time after C&K because it was already 6.15pm, and we were suppose to pick up my bestie Jyue at 6pm! heheh...I think we spent like almost an hour in C&K..anyways...more duit raya for you laa lil sis ok? then u can buy something yourself.. ;p
On Sunday, me, mom n nadia went to ampang park (lil sis had tuition) to search for baju kurung, but at the end of the day, only nadia got her baju kurung..mom ended up with 5 pairs of shoes, a couple of bling-bling and 6 scarfs!!! hehe..me? just a pair of terompah and a pair of vintage looking earing :( .. huhu.. there were LOTS of pretty baju kurungs, mmg rambang mataku..but nothing really caught my eyes [or suited my budget]..I did fell in love with one green baju kurung, but it was rm400! I am so not spending that much on a baju raya, which I know at the end of the day, my baju will be spoiled with kuah kacang n rendang..no thanks! so I guess, no baju raya this year..hehe..whatever~~ I'm not 10 years old anymore.. ;p
and lastly, yesterday, I discovered..no more spicy food for me..huhu~~ gastrik beb!!
adoiiiii..... ~~~~
Monday, September 7, 2009
on a public holiday
its 416pm...and I'm still at work..on a Public Holiday!!!
my fingers have been dancing on the keyboard from 715am..non stop..and they are begging me...no..screaming at me to stop..
my head is spinning and hurting like I've just been on a triple loop roller coaster ride..
my muscles are aching everywhere..
it seems like forever in this office and I feel like I've done TONS of work today, but yet...I still have TONS left..should I stay or just continue tomorrow?
feel like dragging hubs to any shopping mall on the way back...but is it wise? to spend on stuff I do not need just to ease my stress?
but then again, one single, cheap, pretty in pink lipgloss wont hurt, right?
I want to sleep!!!!
my fingers have been dancing on the keyboard from 715am..non stop..and they are begging me...no..screaming at me to stop..
my head is spinning and hurting like I've just been on a triple loop roller coaster ride..
my muscles are aching everywhere..
it seems like forever in this office and I feel like I've done TONS of work today, but yet...I still have TONS left..should I stay or just continue tomorrow?
feel like dragging hubs to any shopping mall on the way back...but is it wise? to spend on stuff I do not need just to ease my stress?
but then again, one single, cheap, pretty in pink lipgloss wont hurt, right?
I want to sleep!!!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
i - cannot - decide !!! please help !!!
I've been browsing thru blogshops to find new pieces to wear since all of my clothes now are either too tight or too short...I am now mostly in my hubs long sleve tshirts or my mom's loose tops..when I go out I dont feel like dressing up too much because hmmm..I dont have cute tops to wear that fits me right [not that I go out much]
I dont have the time nor the energy to shop as I used to so I've been searching thru countless of blogshops, but cant seem to find something I really like.. [i am fussy when it comes to my own money! ;p]
My idea for a perfect top must be long sleve, long enuff to cover my big bum andd...have a girly touch to it..
Then I stumbled upon Tyracshop.com , for the first time [ok laa not laa first time, but within my budget ;p], I found something I really like..well to put it right...I found a LOT of pieces that I really like...now thats a problem coz..now..I dont know which one to pick...all of the pieces look adorably cute..but I sure cant buy all [how i wish], now let me see...
i love the lines on this, it will make me look slimmer.. ;p
these two I love because of the graphic on it, i think I prefer the black..but..hmm..the white is nice also..
i like the patern on this one..
love the sleves..arent they adorable?

this one i like because of the wrap thingy..but i dont think it'll fit me.. :(
again, the stripes..and the colour..nyumm..
love the combination of the colour... if only i could get this for raya..
the patern looks like it was painted using soft brushes... ;)
hmm...these items are pre-order and it closes this monday 7th Sept...I must make my decision quick..but ....... urgghh...I just cant choose....can I just buy all..???
Opinion please?
pic source: Tyracshop.com
Thursday, September 3, 2009
a kingdom of dreams
I love reading.
It doesnt matter what genre it is, as long as its interesting.
but I must say, I enjoy romance the most. [that must explains why I am the way I am ?]
out of all the romance novels I've read, for me, Judith Mcnaught is the best author ever! She writes the most heavenly romance stories of all time! You just get so absorbed in her writings that nothing else matters...
I do love all her books [i think there's about 15-17 in total] , but my absolute favourite would be..
I dont know why, but I just love the story which was plotted in the 14th century. I get fascinated by the way she describes the gowns, the jewels, the castles, the details of every scenery..the trees and bushes and flowers, and of course, the titles of the characters..when there were still dukes and dutchess and earls and marqueses...I love how she plays with the emotions, I would cry, laugh, smile, feel the pain.....and the love...owh the love....I just cannot put into words to describe the feeling of the love...hmmmm... ;)
I cant remember how many times I've read this book...but everytime I do..I always feel like reading it again..and again..and again...
ok stop.. ;p
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
the two most important people in my life
~~~~{{@ @}}~~~~
Happy 30th Anniversairy Mom & Dad !!!
May there be another 30 more wonderful years to come! ;)
i love you both ;)
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