Friday, July 31, 2009
the most recent conversation with Ayah
Me : Hello. Ayah..ayah kat mana?
Ayah : Ayah dah kat rumah..
Me : Eh? Kan ayah patut amek saya arini? ayah tanya pagi tadi saya habis keje kol bp then ayah kata OK ayah amek?
Ayah : Owh..laaa....ayah lupa..kenapa awak tak ingatkan ayah?
Me : ........... (holding back tears)
So, now I'm stuck in the office, waiting for lil tears...
(not that I'm angry, just sedih sebab dilupakan~~~~ plus emo wanita pregnant kot)
Monday, July 27, 2009
by request : cara2 membuat tudung
but, I did promise to post how to make the tudung.. so here's the post you all have been waiting for (I'm currently doing my cousin's, so alang2 kan..amek laa gambar sekali).. I'll try to be as detail as posible so that korang boleh ikut dengan senang.. ;)
Happy trying ya people!!! ;) (i'll be writing campur2 sbb i suck at writing in one langunge!lol~~)
Bahan dan peralatan:
1. kain chiffon 1.2 meters, according to the colour of ur baju
2. benang - ikut kaler kain
3. kain pelekat keras - untuk awning tudung
4. manik/labuci/kain lace lebihan baju kahwin
5. mesin jahit (nak bagi senang, klu nak jahit tangan pun boleh jer!)
6. gunting
7. jarum
8. ape2 lagi la yg perlu... ;)
1. kain chiffon 1.2 meter tadi lipat 2 jadi segitiga, then potong lebihan..jadi seperti diatas..
(kain chiffon ni biase saya beli kat jackel KL, level 4, tepi lif..beli yg bidang paling kecik-tak ingat plak bp ukuran.sorry! hg around rm19/meter)
2. jahit tepi kain, keliling tigasegi tu, but makesure tinggal sikit kat hujung untuk nak terbalik kan tudung tu nanti..seperti gambar diatas
(yg ni senang jahit guna mesin jahit tepi, tapi macam saya takde, pki mesin biase jer..jahit tegak jer...klu takde mesin jahit, nak jahit tangan pun boleh..tapi sbb chiffon ni punya laa lembik n lembut..agak menguji tahap kesabaran laa sket)
3. lipat segitiga tadi kepada 2, then tandakan bahagian tgh kepala dengan pensil/crayon/kale -
(yang ni untuk nak bagi letak awning tu jadi kat centre kepala tudung)
4. lukis n gunting awning mengikut ukurun (alamak! lupa nak ukur! nanti saya update k ukurannye!) , yg ni actually ikut muka n kehendak sendiri, mcam tudung ekin tu, awning sampai pipi jer, klu muka bulat mcm saya ni mmg kompom nampak lagi bulat saya buat panjang sket untuk saya, bile pakai, awning sampai bawah pipi. ;)
(kain pelekat ni boleh beli kat Kedai Bunga Riben, klu kat jln TAR, sebelah Nagoya Textile, naik tingkat satu, belah kiri kat counter, mintak untuk nak buat awning tudung, rm7.90/meter - org kedai tu tau laa..yg ni kain yg paling keras k..sbb klu yg lembik tu nanti die tak terbentuk dengan lawa)
5. letak awning kat center kepala tudung (buat ni hati2 k, gunakan jarum peniti dengan kadar yg banyk klu tak confident) , gosokkan awning ke tudung gunakan iron pada suhu yg tinggi (make sure lapik sbb kain chiffon ni amatlaa sensitif, seeloknya lapik guna kain cotton yg tak guna, and suhu iron kene tinggi, klu tak gam tu takleh cair sbb kain awning tu tebal...), gosok and tekan sehingga kain awning tu betul2 melekat kat kain chiffon. ;)6. amek hujung kain yg tak jahit habis tadi, dan perlahan2 terbalikkan tudung tu, yg dalam ke luarkan.. inside out bak omputih kata..
(buat hati2 ye..especially masa nak masukkan bahagian awning tuh, takut kain chiffon yg super duper lembut tu koyak! ;p)
7. jahit hujung kain yg terbuka tu guna kaedah sembat susup
(hehe..sebenarnya tak ingat nama sembat tuh..tapi belasah jer laa...asalkan jahit jangan bagi nampak benang tu kat luar..gunakan creativity anda ya! - and again gunakan jarum peniti dengan sepenuhnya..)
(klu nak selamat lapik, but since saya nak tunjukkan hasil diatas, saya tak letak lapik)
9. jahitkan kain di bahagian awning bagi lekat bahagian atas n bawah kain supaya kemas
(klu dah buat ni faham laa maksud yg saya ckp ni..hehehe..pening sudah dengan ayat sendiri)
VOILA!!! siaplaa basic tudung..senang kan actually? hehehe~~
pastu hiaslaa ikut creativity masing2...nak jahit manik kat awning tuh, nak buat patching ke..nak tampal crystal ke..ape2 jer laaa...anything can be done..use ur imigination!!! ;)
kat bawah ni saya tunjuk gambar camne saya hias kazen saya punya...yg ni saya guna lebihan lace wedding dress yang akan die pki nanti...
bahagian awning
Sunday, July 26, 2009
but this time..for 3 weeks!!!!
= 20 days!!!!
everytime terjaga last night...(like a 100 times!)
I was crying..telling him not to go...sian die serba salah jadinya..
I depend on him A LOT since I got pregnant..
He cooks, he cleans, he washes, he drives, he keeps me strong when I feel down..
He even layan my stupid requests and rengekans...
Now he's away....
I almost didnt wanna let him go this morning..
Nasib baik mak ade kat bawah...if not mesti nangis gilerrr!!
drama queen?
SUKATILA!!! emo nihhh~~
abang..if ur reading this..I miss you already! so much!
die teman shoppingku juge! ;)
*i cannot even remember the last time i drove the car..dasyatkan?*
Friday, July 24, 2009
been having the flu, coughing and on-off fever for more than a week now.
people say "jgn layankan sangat".
but when my nose is running, my throat is itching n hurting and my head feels like its gonna explode.
please dont say that.
i am not faking it.
and I am definitely not "layan'ing"
I just cant help it!
I wish it goes away! Fast!
*sorry for being emo and not writing for a long time.cannot get myself to write anything in this condition*
image source : Google Image
Thursday, July 9, 2009
We Are The World!
I did read about this and that. And opened E! News occasionally to know the updates.
But that was that. I definitely didnt cry. Or go downloading all his songs. Or went googling about his past life or whatever.
Dont get me wrong. I LOVE his songs.Especially Heal The World and You Are Not Alone. And I do think HE IS THE KING OF POP. But I dunno. Maybe just not a huge fan.
But then, yesterday, flipping thru the channels, 8Tv was showing his memorial or tribute or something. They were singing We Are The World.
Gosh! I think the last time I listened to this song was during my Uni years. [I used to LOVEDD this song!! to bits!]
So today, I googled, and YouTubed, and I've been playing and watching this clip all day long! [managers had meeting the whole day! ngeh ngeh ngeh~~] Silly me!
Monday, July 6, 2009
bentang surat khabar.
letak 2 kerusi. depan belakang.
amek cermin dari bilik. letak mengadap kerusi.
keluarkan gunting yang diambil dari ofis. baru dan tajam. ;)
"abang, potongkan rambut please"
suami ambil gunting.
"nak layered tak?"
"tak payah.straight jer sudah."
"dah laa..cukup laa tu..letih dah duduk ni"
"laa..dah..?? ok..sikit jer lagi..."
sekarang rambutku sudah pendekkk!!!
lets have some fun!
plus my head is spinning like non-stop
and already vomited 3-4 times.
so, obviously, no mood for work! [but still had to do work coz got cutoff today - definitely struggled during the process of finishing it!]
and now, i just cant concentrate, so what best to do?
surf! and find fun stuff to play with.
found while reading this blog.
mcam fun i tried it out!
yup!!!! ;)
so here is how fab I WISH I could dress up everytime I go out :
a pink girly-girl top, necklace and bracelets, cool shades, a-big gorgeous handbag and in heels.
but, I'll always end up wearing something like this :
jeans, long sleeve t-shirt, a huge black bag that i stuf everthing in! and flip flops
or something like this :yoga pants, tank top with a stripped cardigan, a-huge black bag [again] and of course, flip flops.
why? because its just the easiest and the most comfortable outfit ever! hehehe ~~
I'm the type of person who definitely choose comfort over style! ;)
But I DO..once in a blue moon, force myself to wear something like the 1st outfit, just not as often as I would love too.
lagipun, every girl does want to look pretty right?
but, its just too much hastle. lol ~~
gosh~~ [boleh tak kelip mata then kasut tu muncul jer depan mata! malasnyerr~~]
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I miss my PB !!!!

I told you! hehe ~~
So, what ur waiting for?!?! Hurry~~ get urs noww!!!! wearing PB is simply the best!!