Me being the very2 unmalu me..I went over to Jids to see and touch and feel the tudung for myself, and boy..I was very2 the menggeletar at that time....cantiikk!!!!! [b4 this tgk Jid pki aje]
The problem then was:
1- I didnt know where to tempah the tudung [Jid's had hers made by the tailor who made her wedding dress...tak brani nak tanya kat mana - coz I knew I couldnt afford ;p)
2- I knew if I were to ask my tailor to make it for me - and the thing does not come out exactly the same as I want it to be..I'll freak!!
so, I decided to try make the tudung didnt seem hard, and luckily I am a sucker for making pretty things [since forever!] plus I love the challenge!
and this was my first attemp making the tudung :
I wore this during Mus's wedding.. I stayed up until 3am to finish the tudung..[i think i started at 9pm] was OK..but there were things here and there that I needed to repair...
Since after Mus' wedding there wasnt any wedding that I had to attend and make pretty tudungs for, I started to focus on my wedding tudungs..
I spent ridiculous amount of time and money on my wedding tudung, making 2-3 extras so that I could choose the best..lucky for me I know where to find cheap cystals [borong style] and beautiful laces...the only tricky part was the iron on swarvosky crystal..but alhamdulillah..I managed to find those too...[they were cheaper back then, this year the price has gone sky high!fuhh]
and here are my wedding tudungs that had the chance to get [some] spotlight of the day....
my tudung Nikah
my reception tudung - I love this the most - maybe because the lace is much more prettier [mom bought it for me!] than the first one..I made this 2 days before my wedding!!!because I just got the remaining lace from my tailor..I already made another one for the reception, but decided to try make another with the lace I got back from my tailor! I'm glad I did!! ;) giler kan!! ;p
so, anyways..excited with my tudungs..I decided to make Mom tudungs too!!
this one she wore on my malam Nikah...
and this one during my reception..
and starting from there, my friends had been asking me to help them make their wedding tudung, since these are really good friends of mine..I just couldnt say no.. ;)
so far, I've made tudungs for Elyn n Idayu.
Idayu - Nikah

Elyn - Nikah n Reception
and now.. I am on my next project, G's tudung last saturday I went to Jalan TAR to give Ayu her reception tudung and meet G to buy the materials for her tudung, and when we were at SSF, I accidently met my primary school friend, Kak Hawa, she saw the tudung I made for Ayu, and now..........DIA PULAK NAK TEMPAH...... [sebenarnya nak cerita bab ni jerr..tapi menjela pulak...]
adoooiii......... I TAK AMBIL TEMPAHAN laa kak....but how do u say no..?!?!
I tak reti!!! HELP ME!!!
Its not that I dont want to..but I just cannot afford to...mana ade mase nak menjahit..menampal..and paling penting nak mencari the materials..!!!...the ones I made for my friends pun bersekang mata sampai 3-4 pagi...sanggup because kawan yang rapat...
the BIG Q do I charge? based on what? experience or!!!!!buat suke2 jer b4 ni.. [i have never charged my friends b4]...and walaupun tak susah nak buat...but its not easy too...renyahhhh...takkan tak charge pulak
I need help!
Btw, this is the tudung that made Kak Hawa wanted to tempah from me too!!
Ayu reception
eh u bole buat tempahan custom made tudung! Bukan murah2 tau org kat kl charge nowdays. even in cheras rm100 sehelaii. huuhuu
sgt berbakat...amek la upah jahit =),sy tempah masa wedding dulu kat kawan with full beading on top of tudung kena kalo aisyah rajin boleh tambah income =)
hanis: rm100 sehelai? sekali ngan materials ke?
suzie: Thanks! full beading yang lemah lutut dengar tuh..i beading tak pandai..sbb itu tampal crystal jer..hmm..nak kene g blaja ni...thanks again! ;)
Bukak butik? BOLEH!!! mesti boleh! mungkin bukan esok lusa, mungkin bukan minggu depan atau bulan depan TETAPI tahun depan?! insya-Allah!
salam..sangat cantik tudung awak aisya!!!=)
salam.. hi.. i was bloghopping..
cantiiiiiknye tudung2 yg u jahit.. serious u shud amek tempahan.. (dlm hati pun baru nak try order2.. heheh.. tapi tunggu balik msia je la) .. really.. how do u jahit all the masterpiece ? care to share ? like step-by-step guide.. interesting..
n your mum look lovely... camne dia jaga skin dia.. so flawless :)
ecah..jait tudung kawen aku plak..ngehngeh..=)
raz: tahun depan? adoii..macam ni nak kene berenti kerja amek kelas dulu baru boleh bukak butik..klu butik tudung jer maybe boleh kot..;p thanks 4 the support anyways!
sue: Thanks! ;)
deloress: hehe..thanks! tempahan not yet fully booked by my close friends..maybe klu ade rezeki..somewhere in the near next year sperti raz suggest.. step by step guide..hmm..i guess i could show the basics..hias can use creativity sendiri kan..;) nanti eyh.. ;) mom always says..dont stick to one skin care product..your skin will eventually get immune to the i guess..itulaa kot petua dia...klu ade yg lain tu..i taktau...i ni style malas..ape yang sempat jer.. ;p
ajarla cmne.cntik la...
amik tempahan leh ye nnti.cntik.
sarah: insyaAllah k..nanti klu sempat saya buat entry lain
siapa anonymous? adakah aku mengenali tuan hamba?
tu looking forward for ur tutorial as well.and where u get the material btw?
suke la. anda comel
p/s asal kedah kan?
kat mana?
material chiffon, normally i beli kat jakel..
haha..thank you!
anda comel juga! (n u do look nice in tudung ekin itu!)
mak asal kedah, Alor Setar. ;)
ahaha..tq.kembang idung
cantik la tudung akak buat! ssh la nk jumpe tudung camtu... esp time wedding ssh nk cari tdg yg camtu...
akak amik la tempahan!
thanks! tu laa..tak sangka plak ramai org minat..macam ni nak kene fikirkan betul2 dulu...takleh main lompat buat jerr..hehe...nanti akan diblogkan k..
thanks all! ;)
akula anynomous..alin..haha..retu lg nk tny..mane ko dpt tudung tu..igtkan mak andam siapkan..hehe..aku nk dera bini ali..yeay!
ko ker alin..
mai laa umah...
boleh diskas!
Hi, was bloghopping :)
Amik la tempahan. Buat buat extra income. Rugi la kalau sia2kan bakat ni :) Caiyok! Caiyok!
silalah..i somehow rasa you are always the creative ones :D good luck! (^__-)v
Memang lawa! mase i pegi ambik gambar u dulu pun, dah mcm nak kawen,try2 jgk cari yg mcm tu kat kedai2 biase, mmg susah nak menepati citarasa. best betul kalau pandai buat sendirikan? hehe.
Sangat kreatif! sile bukak bisnes yer puan aisyah
cuz !!
if need promotion/marketing, i am up for it :)
reena : tu laa..taktau plak ramai minat..insyaAllah akan diusahakan ;) thanks!
erin : mekasihh!!! ;)
hanie : laa..knp tak ckp mencari..untuk hanie aisyah tak kesah buatkan.. ;) ;) ;)
kak syu : hehehe..yeke? best2!nanti eyh..nak kene rancang betul2 dulu.. ;)
ok my dear cousin..
boleh ker i be ur next customer??? might probably next yer insyaallah...
eh, hehehe ?? heeeeeeeeeee
hehehehehe {^_^}
:-p :-p :-P
ita: deffinitely cannnn!!!!! hehehe...tgh bincang ngan ali how to kick start the biz! hahahaha!!! POYO!!
aisyah!! nak book ko for my nikah pls!! aku tak kesah how much.. hahaha... the tudung is soo lawa... end of december ni pls pls pls! :) but its ok if ko busy ok!
den: no probs! nanti kita bincang lain k!
See Ecah..Bukan aku sorang je yg minat hasil kerja tangan ko! ;p
Zid: hehhe..thanks!!!..smalm aku dok siapkan 2 lagi tudung member aku...nanti aku post k!
ok!tak sbar nk tgok hasilnye1ko mmg talented.dulu baju cheers Ruby ko yg design and buatkan?hihi ;p
tudung tu..chifon ke bawal ek?mcm tudung bawal saja..mind to share?
ismahani: tudung tu kain chiffon ;)
hai dear,
Cantik tudung awak and those lace are very beatiful. if u dont mind sharing, kt mana nk dapat lace yg cantik2 and price pun reasonable?(in other word cheap..hahaha).I tahu ada tmpt yg jual lace lawa2 tapi mahalnyaaa...
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