Tuesday, May 19, 2009

wrapped up!

This is how my right hand looks like today..!! All wrapped up because I dunno when I twisted my wrist - and it hurts so bad!!! And now nak buat keje pun susah!!! huuhh!!

sakitnya dah start like 4 hari lepas..and it got worst..sampai smlam tak tahan sgt coz I had to drive to work sendiri (biasenye hubs yang drive) - so went to Guardian and bought a bandage and this :

This cream brings back lots of memories mase main basketball dulu2..I was once one of the princess of injuries! (Farahnadz holds the Queen title since she holds the record for the worst injury ever! ape ehh?? ligemen terkoyak and kene pki knee braces for bp lame ntah - 3month eyh???ke 6?? - but as soon as die ok jer - trus lompat masuk court balik!! - nothing could ever keep her or us away from playing the game that we love ..hehehe) back to the topic - injuries tu mmg perkara biase laa bagi kami..setakat bengkak ankle..bengkak jari..it was like so common back then..and this cream laa yang bnyk berjasa kepada kami!!!! ;)

kami di PPM @ Kusess - which one tak ingat..either Zon Tengah 2000 or PPM Pusat 2001 - sbb both buat kat Kusess - tp I think 2001 kot sbb ade Piala PPM tu.. hmm..hitam melekit kitorang mase nihh...hehehe...

Nii....dari mana tak tau..maybe from practise ?!?! tak ingat...tapi yang pasti...semua selekeh nak mampus!!! hahaha!! - seriouly...Hubs pun ckp mase tgk my BB pictures kat rumah...."tak menyelerakan langsung..." hahahahahahaah!!!!!!



Nurul Kaem Ahmad said...

hehe! ada lg satu.. yg spray tu, botol kaler kuning..

the last picture kita nak pegi/ dah balik dr sogo/pertama carik barang.. kot! haha!

aiesya said...

haah!!! nampak tin tu smalam..tapi mahal giler..rm20++...tak jadi nak amek..hahahaha...giler dulu main spray jer..sakit spray..sakit..spray...pastu tanggung semua sendi2 longgar mase dah tua ni haa..hehehe

owh.yeke..aku betul2 tak ingat...tapi best giler arr time tu...;p

Anonymous said...

hahahhaha!!!yessss!!!!botol kaler kuning!!!!ayah aku mmg suke sgt bende spray tu..smp semangat gila kalau dh habis mesti suruh beli yang baru..sbb kononnye cepat baik la ape la..lol!!!!!yang last pic tu bukan kita gi main kat confucian ke?ewwwww teruk betul kan gmbr tu....dah la dlm lrt bising gila kan..makan burger ramai2 laa..haha

btw aisyah, kalau tak baik lagi try lar gi jumpe specialist ke ape..early this year b4 kawen aku nye wrist mcm sakit...rupenye sbb aku ni byk menggunakan computer, and it has caused stress to the wrist.bahaya tau babe...2 minggu gak la...mana la tau ko ni workaholic ke kan...ade certain cases tu can lead to CTS...corpul tunnel syndrome ke ape ntah.see la few days cane k...and jangan urut tau!itll get worse.

eceh bukan main lagi aku :P :P