Sunday, May 31, 2009

how much???

it all started during Jid's wedding...I fell in love with her tudung nikah and when it came to my wedding, I wanted to have something exactly like hers... ;)

Me being the very2 unmalu me..I went over to Jids to see and touch and feel the tudung for myself, and boy..I was very2 the menggeletar at that time....cantiikk!!!!! [b4 this tgk Jid pki aje]

The problem then was:
1- I didnt know where to tempah the tudung [Jid's had hers made by the tailor who made her wedding dress...tak brani nak tanya kat mana - coz I knew I couldnt afford ;p)
2- I knew if I were to ask my tailor to make it for me - and the thing does not come out exactly the same as I want it to be..I'll freak!!

so, I decided to try make the tudung didnt seem hard, and luckily I am a sucker for making pretty things [since forever!] plus I love the challenge!

and this was my first attemp making the tudung :

I wore this during Mus's wedding.. I stayed up until 3am to finish the tudung..[i think i started at 9pm] was OK..but there were things here and there that I needed to repair...

Since after Mus' wedding there wasnt any wedding that I had to attend and make pretty tudungs for, I started to focus on my wedding tudungs..

I spent ridiculous amount of time and money on my wedding tudung, making 2-3 extras so that I could choose the best..lucky for me I know where to find cheap cystals [borong style] and beautiful laces...the only tricky part was the iron on swarvosky crystal..but alhamdulillah..I managed to find those too...[they were cheaper back then, this year the price has gone sky high!fuhh]

and here are my wedding tudungs that had the chance to get [some] spotlight of the day....

my tudung Nikah

my reception tudung - I love this the most - maybe because the lace is much more prettier [mom bought it for me!] than the first one..I made this 2 days before my wedding!!!because I just got the remaining lace from my tailor..I already made another one for the reception, but decided to try make another with the lace I got back from my tailor! I'm glad I did!! ;) giler kan!! ;p

so, anyways..excited with my tudungs..I decided to make Mom tudungs too!!

this one she wore on my malam Nikah...

and this one during my reception..

and starting from there, my friends had been asking me to help them make their wedding tudung, since these are really good friends of mine..I just couldnt say no.. ;)

so far, I've made tudungs for Elyn n Idayu.

Idayu - Nikah

Elyn - Nikah n Reception

and now.. I am on my next project, G's tudung last saturday I went to Jalan TAR to give Ayu her reception tudung and meet G to buy the materials for her tudung, and when we were at SSF, I accidently met my primary school friend, Kak Hawa, she saw the tudung I made for Ayu, and now..........DIA PULAK NAK TEMPAH...... [sebenarnya nak cerita bab ni jerr..tapi menjela pulak...]

adoooiii......... I TAK AMBIL TEMPAHAN laa kak....but how do u say no..?!?!

I tak reti!!! HELP ME!!!

Its not that I dont want to..but I just cannot afford to...mana ade mase nak menjahit..menampal..and paling penting nak mencari the materials..!!!...the ones I made for my friends pun bersekang mata sampai 3-4 pagi...sanggup because kawan yang rapat...

the BIG Q do I charge? based on what? experience or!!!!!buat suke2 jer b4 ni.. [i have never charged my friends b4]...and walaupun tak susah nak buat...but its not easy too...renyahhhh...takkan tak charge pulak

I need help!

Btw, this is the tudung that made Kak Hawa wanted to tempah from me too!!

Ayu reception

mungkinkah impian saya ingin membuka butik bisa tercapai?? hehehehe.. peace out! ;)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


MLM - mmg tak dinafikan, bila sebut jer MLM, mesti pelbagai fikiran negative yang kita fikir. saya dulu pun macam itu juga..walaupun saya tidak tahu langsung macam mana MLM ni berfungsi dan tidak pernah dengar langsung marketing plan mana2 MLM..mesti saya fikir yang buruk about MLM ni. kenapa? kerana TELEFON BURUK!! eh? ape tuh? eleehhh...buat2 taktau pulak...kan mase sekolah2 dulu kita penah main game ni..

bagi mereka yang tidak tahu macam mana game ni dimainkan, ia sebegini...

- satu group besar duduk dalam bentuk bulatan

- satu kertas yang tertulis satu atau dua ayat yang panjang akan diberikan kepada salah seorang pemain. pemain itu harus menghafal ayat2 itu dalam mase 1 minit. dan kertas itu akan dikembalikan kepada fasilitator. (biasanya cikgulaa)

-kemudian pemain yg diberikan ayat itu haruslah bisikkan ayat itu kepada pemain yg duduk disebelahnya. dan pemain kedua harus bisikkan kepada org sebelahnya pula..dan seterusnya...smpi org terakhir didalam bulatan itu.

-org terakhir itu haruslah sebutkan kembali ayat itu secara kuat supaya semua org dibulatan itu dengar.

-apa yang menarik ialah mesti ayat yang disebutkan oleh pemain terakhir itu biasenya tidak sama dengan ayat yang dihafal oleh pemain pertama tadi!!!!!

ayat original : Pak Abu ke kedai untuk membeli pistol untuk anak lelakinya sebagai hadiah hari jadi. Dalam perjalanan dia terserempak dengan Pak Ali yang mempunyai masalah dengan tayar motorsikalnya yang pancit.

ayat pada pemain akhir : Pak Abu ke kedai untuk beli pistol untuk tembak anaknya dan tayar motosikal Pak Ali supaya pancit.

sungguh lain bukan!?!?! tapi nampak tak ada sedikit kesamaan pada sesetengah perkataan?!?!

kenapa jadi begini? sbb mesej yang disampaikan telah melalui bnyk sgt mulut. dan org yang menyampaikannya akan bercerita mengenai apa yang dia ingat shaja...

sama laa jugak dalam situasi MLM ni...maybe (ini semua adalah andaian saya sahaja!tidak ada kene mengena dengan yang hidup atau mati)..tapi saya rase ada kemungkinan....

1. ayat original : Nak buat bisnes ni kene rajin! Kene berjumpa dengan orang...insyaAllah boleh berjaya.

ayat selepas melalui bbrp chanel: Nak buat MLM kene cari bnyk org. Susah nak berjaya!

2. ayat original : Tgk pemimpin aku, die dah ade BMW, rumah, semua dalam mase 3 tahun. Kita pun insyaAllah boleh jadi macam tu klu kita usaha...

ayat selepas melalui bbrp chanel : MLM ni buat kaya org atas bawah jadi kuli..tu yang diorang boleh pki BMW, beli rumah semua tuh..diorang takyah usaha apa pun...

see? ada tak kemungkinan perkara seperti di atas berlaku?

so apa yang saya nak sarankan?

DENGAR dulu!! (dengar daripada sumber yang betul laa tapikan!!!) itu jer.. dengar..tentang syarikat, tentang produk, tentang marketing plan..then baru nilai...kalau rasa bende tu mmg tak boleh go..then jangan join..its as simple as that...ckp trus tu nak paksa macam mana kan..sbb yang nak keluar duit kita...

lepas dengar..FIKIR...kita dikurniakan akal dan fikiran..kita boleh menilai samada benda tu baik atau buruk..tapi bila bab MLM ni..kita cenderung untuk berfikiran untuk org yang mmg dari awal berfikiran negative..maybe disini saya boleh bagi idea untuk tidak lah berfikiran negative sgt! (tapi apa yang saya cerita ni berkisarkan MLM yang saya join ok..saya tidak tahu mengenai MLM yang lain!) hehe~~

1. psal "Nak kena cari ramai orang - klu tak ramai kawan susah nak berjaya"

ok..actuallynyer...taklaa ramai sgt...paling paling 4 orang!! yes 4...!!! dengan 4 org kawan kita..kita masih boleh kembangkan bisness..logicnya?? kita ada 4 org kawan...4 org kawan kita tu ade set kawan diorang yang lain (takkan mereka berkawan ngan kita jer kann!!)..then kawan2 mereka tu ade lagi set kawan2 mereka yang lain...and so kita tak perlukan sampai 200 org kawan untuk buat MLM ni...insyaAllah...

2. psal "MLM ni nak kene jual barang tiap2 hari..tak jual barang tak dapat duit.."

adoiii...siapa kata..?? macam saya..harus jual 8 shaja corset!! 8 jeeee...dalam mase 2 minggu...habis dah...satu sebab product ni mmg quality..second sbb produk ni mmg berkesan...tiga sbb LAPAN sahaja..klu nak kene jual sampai 200 barang..saya pun tidak mahu!! ;p lepas dah habis..kita sama2 bantu kawan kita jual pulak..kita tolong menolong..;)insyaAllah..

3. psal "MLM ni kayakan upline kita sahaja, kita buat kerja teruk2, diorang goyang kaki..duit semua dapat kat diorang"

ehem..ehem...pemimpin kami yang berada nuuunnnn diatas tu...walaupun duit dah berkepuk2...diorang tak dok rumah goyang kaki! diorang yang kendalikan kelas...kongsi semua ilmu2 diorang..tolong bagi penyelesaian bila kita memerlukan...mereka masih bekerja keras seperti mana kita bekerja keras! sumpah tak tipu!! cuba laa pergi kelas mereka..mereka bukan cakap kosong! ilmu yang diorang bagi masa kelas...amat2 berguna untuk kita buat bisness..!!and slide show yang diorang buat bukan amek dari mane2 nota dalam buku kat library tu..slide2 tuh sume dari pengalaman diorang before ni...pengalaman2 pemimpin..kan lagi bagus dari teori2 yang kita belajar melalui buku teks mase uni dulu???andd... saya ni bukan reti pun macam mana nak berniaga...tapi alhamdulillah..dengan apa yang diorang ajar..saya tau ape yang perlu dilakukan..walaupun belum master lagi semua bahagian...but..i am learning!! baby steps..saya belajar nak jadi accountant ni pun amek mase 7 tahun!!!hehehe..dan..bisness ni adil..and konsep nya berkongsi...mereka diatas tidak tamak..kita sendiri pun tidak boleh tamak..bila kita ade downline..kita kongsi mcm mana pemimpin kita berkongsi dgn kita..dunia ini bulat kannn... ;) insyaAllah...

4. psal "besar sangat laa modalnya"

Ini kerana, tidak dengar lagi marketing strategi nyaaa....tak tengok lagi benefitsnyaa....benefits yang ada berbaloi dengan modal yang dikeluarkan!! and percaya tak modal itu boleh pulang modal by 6 bulan? (insyaAllah) sbb itu kene dengar dulu sampai habis..baru nilai.. ;)

5. psal "ramai yang tak berjaya dalam MLM ni"

yang ni tak berani nak komen psal org yang tak berjaya tuh, sbb rezeki masing2 kan...Allah yang tentukan...tapi untuk saya, saya percaya..jika saya berusaha bersungguh2...insyaAllah saya akan berjaya...kita relate dengan kerja harian kita, kat ofis, klu kita maintain jer tahap kerja kita, mendatar jer.. kita dapat tak KPI tinggi? dapat tak bonus besar?Bos kenal tak kita?..but cuba kalau kita kerja lebih skit, buat process improvement..libatkan diri dengan aktiviti syarikat...tunjukkan yang kita ni willing untuk buat kerja lebih..mesti bos kenal kita, bos appreciate kerja kita, dapat increament lebih skit, bonus pun lebih skit...macam tu laa...pokoknya KITA...are we willing to do extra to make extra? ataupun kita selesa di tahap dimana kita berada sekrang? tanak berubah..klu itu pilihannya..then mmg susahlaa skit nak berjaya kan..tapi bagi saya..saya ingin berubah..saya ingin kaya...seronok tgk org lain dapat berbelanja besar untuk diri mereka dan keluarga mereka..saya pun nak macam itu jugak..saya nak belanja ibu dan bapa saya..adek beradik saya..klu ikut gaji skrg ni..nak lepaskan diri sendiri pun tercungap!!apatah lagi nak bagi mak ayah!! mereka adalah inspirasi saya!! hehehe..dan mmg...dugaan dan cabaran mmg akan ada...dan kadang kala kita akan rasa hilang semangat dan keyakinan apabila dugaan dan cabaran itu datang...itu laa gunanya kelas motivasi dan pemimpin2 kita...klu rajin pergi kelas...insyaAllah...semangat itu akan datang kembali..and biasa kan kita dengar...kita belajar dari pengalaman... ;)

6. psal.."saya tak reti laa nak bisness2 ni..."

rujuk pada no 3. , saya pun tak reti juga pada mulanya..but pemimpin2 akan ajar..dan kita pula haruslah willing untuk belajar kan.....tak salah kita belajar ilmu yang bagus kan... ;) insyaAllah...

maka..kerana saya dah berceloteh panjang menjela..saya nak berhenti laa kat sini...saya harap entri ini dapat lah sedikit sebanyak membuka mata dan minda org yang membaca..dan juga untuk tatapan diri saya sendiri dikala saya rasa tidak berkeyakinan...insyaAllah...

.....sesungguhnya segala yang baik itu datang dari Allah..dan segala yang buruk itu adalah kelemahan diri saya sendiri.....

inspirasiku untuk berusaha sehingga berjaya!! ;)
bagi sesiapa yang berminat nak tau psal bisness ni..boleh laa contact saya di :
email/ym : escallonia08[at]yahoo[dot]com
phone : 019-2710102


Monday, May 25, 2009

not a good start!!!!!!


I seriously think this week is going to be a bad one....haha! its only been 2 on earth can I say that..but started off pretty bad..


Yesterday - I was not feeling very well, after lunch hour, went to the doc because I couldnt stand sitting in the office anymore, got mc, wanted to go back..called hubs a zillion times but couldnt reach him - decided to take a cab home - realized I didnt had my house keys with was in the car at hubs place! called again n again..voicemail! - took a cab to hubs place - realize in the cab I only had rm10!! praying like crazy the cab fee below rm10..nasib baik rm7 jerrr..huh! reached hubs place - still couldnt get him - called his office - He went to the clinic! owh ya! forgot he had physiotherapy...searched for the place he did his physio...waited for him at the front area - cantik!! - hubs was surprised to see me - he also got MC - turned out he has a slipped disc!!! aiyoo!!! bad news?!!?! (big bro phychoed me - his friend had something like that - ignored it - lift something heavy - then - crack! - LUMPUH!) - Ya Allah...mintak jauh!!! - now I'm like paranoid..not letting him do any heavy work! I dont mind doing everything as long as he doesnt crack anything..hmm..but hubs doesnt see it that ego! whatever! so back to the story - otw back, went to Salha's to collect some stuff and when wanted to go back - the car couldnt start!!!!!! argghhh!!!! (and I was suppose to meet Den that night to give her PB! Sorry Den!! malam ni yerr!!)


today - our mistake was, when yesterday our car couldnt start, the logic thing to do is to go to the workshop right? but after we managed to start the car [after some time], we went straight home - my defence: I was sick! when this morning the car couldnt start [again!]..mmg padanlaa dengan muka kami right?!?! - so anyways..since hubs had to be in the office early this morning cause he's going off to JB for another audit..terpaksa laa kami naik motor..the problem was, we only had 1 helmet..lucky for us, we had friends who lived in a rumah bujang just a couple of blocks from ours..for sure there must be an extra helmet lying around right..the thing is, nama pun rumah bujang kan...we had to wait for 20 minutes for someone to wake up!!!tensionnyerrr!!but nasib baik laa dapat jugak...hehehe...THANKS FIKH!!!...

so, there I was..behind hubs on his bike, or Belalang Tempur he names IT..freezing cold!!!!!! yelaa..we were'nt planning to naik motor kann....I was in my baju kurung..with no jacket..and it was very2 mendung summoree!!! great...!!nasib baik sampai dengan selamat!!!- Alhamdulillah... ;)

and now..he's off to Johor for 3 days! (alahh...3 hari pun nak kecoh!!!) hehehe..and I'm off to Mom's tonight! - there is no way I'm going to sleep alone! hehe - lucky my next door neighbour works in the same team as I do..tumpang balik yer cik Fifah!!!! jasamu dikenang selalu!! muaahh!!

and owh...lil bro!! (i know ur reading this!) - petang ni pinjam kereta! I need to go to my friends house, business purpose! thanks!!! ( yeee...saya isi minyak kereta!!!) is doing very2 well... ;) interested to know how? ask me at escallonia08[at]yahoo[dot]com

**lets see how the rest of the week turns out yahh!!**

gambar hiasan : late night study kat Lib UUM dulu2 kala..
(adoiii..I miss him already!!!)


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

wrapped up!

This is how my right hand looks like today..!! All wrapped up because I dunno when I twisted my wrist - and it hurts so bad!!! And now nak buat keje pun susah!!! huuhh!!

sakitnya dah start like 4 hari lepas..and it got worst..sampai smlam tak tahan sgt coz I had to drive to work sendiri (biasenye hubs yang drive) - so went to Guardian and bought a bandage and this :

This cream brings back lots of memories mase main basketball dulu2..I was once one of the princess of injuries! (Farahnadz holds the Queen title since she holds the record for the worst injury ever! ape ehh?? ligemen terkoyak and kene pki knee braces for bp lame ntah - 3month eyh???ke 6?? - but as soon as die ok jer - trus lompat masuk court balik!! - nothing could ever keep her or us away from playing the game that we love ..hehehe) back to the topic - injuries tu mmg perkara biase laa bagi kami..setakat bengkak ankle..bengkak was like so common back then..and this cream laa yang bnyk berjasa kepada kami!!!! ;)

kami di PPM @ Kusess - which one tak ingat..either Zon Tengah 2000 or PPM Pusat 2001 - sbb both buat kat Kusess - tp I think 2001 kot sbb ade Piala PPM tu.. hmm..hitam melekit kitorang mase nihh...hehehe...

Nii....dari mana tak tau..maybe from practise ?!?! tak ingat...tapi yang pasti...semua selekeh nak mampus!!! hahaha!! - seriouly...Hubs pun ckp mase tgk my BB pictures kat rumah...."tak menyelerakan langsung..." hahahahahahaah!!!!!!


Monday, May 18, 2009

a 3 day weekend

read cu's and kak syu's blog..missed a family gathering and makan2..jealous?!?! yupz of course!! makan2 with the Wans are always a blast!! but worry not..there are always more to come..thats one thing that I can always count on..our family do love to eat2..hehehe.. ;)


last weekend went back to Kulai, Hubs hometown..not much to write..just that it was Jaja's (my niece - adoiii!! tua dah aku nih!!) Birthday..her mom was busy with her school's Teachers day tak sempat nak celebrate besar2..or bwk I decided to buy a bday cake for her..sajer jerr...she's I said b4..birthdays are important for me..lagipun..a girl deserves at least a cake for her bday right? bought a simple cake (there wasnt much choice in Kulai anyways..)..had a small session of nyanyi2 and tiup2 lilin...and of course makan kek! (sedap plak kek tu..nyesal beli yang kecik jer..hehehe)..nways...

the birthday girl...ade gambar die tutup lilin..but the pic is a bit dark sbb mase tiup lilin tu tutup lampu.. ;p

ni pulak adek die..he's like soooooo.....adorable!! geram betul!! tapi suka betul melanyak org..bape kali kene smack down dengan ini budak! hehe~~

ini adek dia lagi..nama nya Md Noor..kiut jer ikat tali kat lori tuh..then lari2 keliling rumah!! suka balik Kulai sbb suasana betul2 kampung..hehe.. ;p

Hubs pun suka balik Kulai (of course laa kan..Kg diee!! ) hehe..hmm tu seluar tu kenape ntah basah..ade jer..mandi kolam laa..main lumpur tak berani sgt keluar rumah...angsa kat situ suka kejar org..aritu kena kejar angsa..menjerit aku satu kampung dgr!!! huh!!


Yesterday, I was on leave..the actual plan was suppose that both of us took that can lepak Kulai a bit longer..balik Monday..but then last minute Hubs had a very2 important meeting and had to prepare paperwork n report ape ntah for the he cancelled his, but mine was already approved by my manager, so cuti sorang2 laa aku...!!

But, ok laa...had the chance to kemas rumah..(it was like tongkang pecah when we left it on Friday!!) hehehe...vacumed a bit here and there..did come laundry (still ade 2 basuhan to go - apentah kitorang ni suke sgt tuka2 baju - nasib baik dok berdua jerr...haiihhh...)..watched a little bit of TV..yada yada yada...

Tghr pulak went to Batu Caves to change the corset size for my clients (eheh..kelakar sbut clients sbb most of them are my friends) - terkejut jugak managed to finish all the corsets by a week plus!! (JOM ARR SAPE2 MINAT NAK BISNESS - HIGH DEMAND TAU THE CORSETS!!) - blur2 jugak laa mase g ctu..but the madame there was helpfull...thank god! and terima kasih juga to those yang beli from me and supported me thru out the process!! me luv u guys so much!!!hehehe.. jasa2 kalian dikenang!!! ;)

so, OTW back from Batu Caves, I thought of going to Pasar TTDI, nak hantar baju tempah - kenduri tahun ni - masyaAllah..punye laa bnyak - tu yang nak kene buat baju baru tuh!! hehehe - anyways....TAK JUMPA!!!!!! pusing nak dekat 10 kali...I couldnt find the Pasar!!!! giler tension!!!

Terus g Ikano..ehh ehh...what for..?!?!?! remember this post ? It has finally arrived!!!!! (actually it arrived some time ago - but those people from Sony didnt call - hapentah kan!! - I plak yang kena call tanye dah sampai ke belum!!cehhhh- dah laa tgh marah psal tak jumpe Pasar!!) but when my eyes saw the super scrumptious pink colour of the MP3..terus hati ini happy tak terkira!!!! hehehehe....

My super stylish-cute-adorable-PINK mp3!!!!!!!

(stand itu adlah tempat nak charge the battery!)

Gambar di atas di ambil di ofis..I only had the chance to charge the battery today sbb dirumah tiada PC and hubs pulak forgot to bring back his lappy (next target - buy pink Viao Laptop!! harap2 dengan duit bonus from selling PB!! insyaAllah..)..and harini baru dapat dengar lagu using my MP3..the sound..!?!?!??!!? marvelous!!!! I love my Pink MP3!!!!!!!!!!! ngeh3..

And lastly, I went to Ikea, and bought a frame for my wedding pictures..I developed the pictures last week but didnt have time to do anything with it yet, I bought the biggest frame there so that I can fit all the pictures..but alih2...tak muat, I decided to put only OUR pictures..gambar yang family and friends..simpan dalam album..huhu...sorry guys..maybe next month biler ade budget nak beli frame lagi!! ;p hmm..I actually wanted to make it a project to do with Hubs but hubs came home late last night - 9.20pm!! :( - and diri ini sgt2 tak sabar - so I did it alone - but its Ok - hubs balik suka dia tgk - and I had the freedome to put in MORE of MY pictures..ahahahaha...I am THAT vain people!!!! lol!! so, choosing this and that..arranging here and there....finallyy...tadaaaaaaa.......

cuba lihat betul2..bnyk kan gambar saya!?!?!? hehehe...Hubs said.. "sayang perasan tak..abang ni watak sampingan aje..??" HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA..yeke abang..??sorry.... ;p..nak wat camne..isteri abang ni suka amat tgk muka die sendiri...!!!!! ^_^


ps: Siapa2 yang berminat nak buat bisness - sila email saya di escallonia08[at]yahoo[dot]com - jgn risau! saya pun bukan background bisness - but alhamdulillah - with the blessing from Allah and help from very2 nice people who are eager to help...everything berjalan lancar!!

pss: I need new shoes!!! my one and only crocs - which i wear everywhere - keje - pasar - jalan2 - dah haus tapaknya!!!! - I almost slipped like 3 times already mase di toilet...bahaya sungguh!!!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


amaran : isi kandungan entry kali ini mungkin mempunyai gambar2 yang agak tidak disesuai dilihat oleh kanak2..maka..cousin2 ku yang dibawah umur 18, sila jangan bace ye..stop reading here...syuhhh..syuhhh... - and it also applies to u also little sis! syuhhhh..


so, its been almost a month I've been wearing PB, and I owe farah a full update and a so-called testimonial (eeeiii..kelakar plak..biase bace org lain punya jerrr - but what the heck..sharing is caring right!?!?!?! ) hehehehe...

so, what I've notice since I wore PB,

1 - The MOST important point (for me atleast) I've lost 3kg in 3 weeks..!!!!!I think I could have lost more..tapi dengan balik kedah nyer arituh..and the kenduri yang makan sedap2 nyerr - melantak sampai 2 pinggan mase kat umah uyun aritu! org lain makan sepinggan jerr..bolehh...!??!?! so 3kgs in 3 weeks.....alhamdulillah.. ;)

2 - My angin2 dalam badan dah berkurangan - I cannot say hilang trus but its not as bad as before..If not, before this, poor hubs everynight had to urut my back to buang the angin from badan..and it can go on for an hour and the angin tak habis2..but alhamdulillah now..I think it only happens if I overdose on my nescafe (hehehe..Im already addited to nescafe now ! truk! but normally i restrict myself to one cup for 1 day - tak leh lebih - but kekadang tuh terslip jugak laa 2 mugs ke but never 3..tu over laa kan! *menyalahkan co yg sediakan mesin nescafe yg tekan2 n sedap tuh*

3 - Saya sudah ada bontot!!!!! What the..!??!?!?!?! hahahaha..seriesly..before this when I wear my jeans ke, seluar ke..from the side, nampak macam saya tiada bontot kerana bontot saya bersambung dgn hips saya yang gedabak besar! tetapi skrg dgn PB..dah mula nampak sikit2 ade pembahagian antara buttocks and hips saya!! klu yang susah nak paham tu..the picture below can show what i mean...(nak tunjuk jugak kan!!!) - even when I'm not in my PB, the shape is i guess its true that this thing can shape ur body! sukeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fahamkah sekarang? gle psycho aku nih!

4 - Dolu-dolu, diketika saya muda remaja, saya rajin amat buat sit make sure my tummy is super flat..I'll wake up, 100 situps, at least..before tido another 100...(sila perasan bahawa semuanya dilakukan semasa diatas katil - kerana katil saya dulu best nak buat situp! hehee) - but now..I wake up in the morning..the first thing I think about is.."baju laki aku tak gosok lagi.." hehehe..I dont need to iron my own clothes because normally I wear tshirts to work - simple! - tapi takkan nak bagi hubs gosok baju sendiri kan..kan..kan...and before tido pulak..I'll be too tired to do any sit mmg the sit up rutine hilang begitu sahaja - (alasan jer ni!! padahal super malas nak buat sit ups...!!) - so now..after kahwin...obviously perut saya sgt2 buncit macam org pregnant 4 bulan!! (over laa kan klu lebih dari itu!) - and mind perut dulu flat amat2..even masa kahwin pakai baju ketat i didnt need to wear any corsets to fit in my super tight baju!! - maka faham laa kenapa saya rase tension sgt2 bila perut saya membuncit kan..!! and after pki PB ni..hehehe..saya masih buncit (wlaupun org lain kata tak - I have a really high QC when it comes to my tummy!For me its the MOST important part of my body!!)..tetapi tidak laa seperti 4 bulan preggie..sedikit jerr...I guess mmg nak kene situp - tapi kerana saya malas amat..I am happy with what I've got now..hehehehe.. ;) - again saya menyediakan gambar untuk lebih jelas ape yang ingin diperkatakan...(poyokan!!!)

iyeee...perut saya se"flat" gambar "Before" tu dulu dulu !!!!bukan nak berlagak..tapi itulah kenyataan nyaaaaa......!!

5 - lastly, (sebenarnya bnyk lagi- tapi dah malas nak taip)..hehehe..5 dulu ckup laa kan... well back to the point, hari ini saya 1st day period all!!!!!!!!!!!wahhh!!!!seronoknyaa...!!!!! klu tak..muka mesti pucat2 klu 1st n 2nd day period...tambah pulak office ni, the aircon is likee...macam dok kat kutub utara sana!!!!!huh!!! tell me how I cannot be happy with my PB...???? muuuaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it about PB..for now...klu ade updates terbaru...i will update summore...

but, I've another thing to share..ade laa orang keep asking me..

"ko kan dah kahwin Aisyah...buat ape nak kurus lagi..bukan nak perlu ambik perhatian siape2 lagi..husband ko kesah ke ko gemok..mesti die tak kesah kan.."

first, I just dont understand these dah kahwin takyah jaga?biar jer terburai sana sini...iskk..??

secondly, I am so doing this for MYSELF!! bukan untuk org lain..and definitely bukan untuk mendapatkan perhatian!!(except perhatian suami sendiri!hehe) There was at one point, all the mirrors in my house was placed so high so that I can only see the top part of my body because, me, myself was so disgusted to see my ketul2an lemak di kaki and perut...sendiri geli then how..?? mental you can say..but that is how I am..i dont like looking at myself with all those lemak2...urghhh...

and lastly, of course laa hubs tak kesah..siap suruh makan lagi banyak...die boleh ckp " abang mmg dah jangka sayang akan gemuk lepas kahwin...abang tak kesahlaa..bla bla bla.."..whatever laa kan..tapi I remember a guy friend penah ckp mase bersembang psal issue "suami kesah tak bini die gemuk?" (mase ni kat Uni lagi..)

my friend ckp.. " bukan laa kesah..tak kesah..tapi klu org rumah kita dah lawa, and pandai jaga badan dia..ia membuatkan kita tak terasa langung nak pandang perempuan lain...walaupun setakat pandang....klu terpandang pun..automaticly akan teringat org rumah kita tuu..."

enuff said. ;)


Monday, May 11, 2009


Due to the missing of internet connection at home, my wishes for all the mothers in the world is one day late [better late than never aite?]

my wish is specially for :

MOMMY dearest [of course!] !!!

also to..

My darling aunties!!

You guys are not only the mothers to my cousins but also to me... Those little advices you guys give here and there..thank you!!- walaupun saya ini ketegaq dan keras kepala...saya masih ingat pesanan2 makcik2 sekalian.. ;) I sooooo LOVE spending time with my havoc auntiess!!! Love you guys so so so so much!! -

and of course..

My beautiful grandmother !!

Without her, tiadalah mereka2 di atas...because she is such a great mom to my mother and aunties made my mom and aunties great moms too!!! yeayy!!

and also... to all the mothers in this world...

HAPPY MOTHERS all you wonderful moms out there!!!


just wanted to share this picture...its my cu and my tizah....sweet....this is what sisters are suppose tp look like!!! suke sgt tgk!!! ;)


Monday, May 4, 2009

thats one off my list !!!

I have TONS of work today - but I still wanna blog about this.

In my entry here, one of the food that was in my TOP list was Ketam masak cili ala Thai.. (I will blog about the other food and my time in AS after I get the picys from Hubs camera - tak best blog without pics!)

So anyways, the BEST Ketam masak Cili ala Thai is at Idaman Kuala Restaurant @ Kuala Kedah, but that night we had dinner at D'Perindu @ Kuala Kedah, tapi disebabkan diri ini memang nak sangat2 makan Ketam itu, I stoped at Idaman Kuala just to tapau the Ketam masak cili ala Thai. I ordered more than 1kg - which is like about 6 ekor ketam!

I ate 3!! (disebabkan everyone was already out for the day- hanya saya dan Cu jer yang melayan the Ketam that night!)

only one word..... NYUMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tak terkata - rase cam nak nangis kegembiraan selepas melayan 3 ketam itu!!!!

then later that night, dah rase cam a bit tight at the chest - susah nak bernafas..but of course I ignored it - maybe kipas direct kat dada kot!!

the next morning - still had difficulty to breathe..hmm.. maybe the flu and the coughing !?!? - cippa offered puff - tried (tak penah guna sepanjang hayat!!) - waahh!! dah OK!! I could breathe like normal!!

on the way back - starting to feel sesak balik - aircond kot? sapu ubat panas laa ape laa..tak jalan!

at home - tried to sleep - cannot - short breath - getting pretty annoyed! apehal nih - alamak - start sakit plak...

me : abang...jom p klinik...tak sedap laa dada nih...smacam jer sakitnya..

(hubs was sleeping..but biaselaa..klu bini dah sakit kan.... ;) )

at the clinic :

doc: dah lame dah demam? (aii..?? aku baru jer masuk bilik - tak check ape lagi dah tanye lame demam? - agak doc tgk I was coughing truk kot)

me: eh, tak demam! (which was true, I didnt feel any tempreture rising)

doc: habis, selsema and batuk jer?

me: haa..selsema dah beberapa hari, batuk baru harini, tapi dada cam sakit sket, susah nak nafas, semalam makan ketam..... (tak sempat habis cakap..)

doc : laa...u allergic ketam ke!?!? kenapa makan..

me: err..haah..allergic..tapi biase bengkak bibir jerr..

doc: meh, kene inject nih... iskk..u jangan main2 allergic ni dik..klu tau takleh makan jgn makan,..boleh mati tau..i bukan nak takutkan u, tapi last week ade org mati sbb makan udang, org tu allergic udang tapi makan jugak.... (wahhh!! horror!!)

so, after that doc inject and put me on nebu..something...(pardon me for not knowing the medical term!) but it was to ease my breathing kot klu tak silap...and called me back to his desk..

doc: adik, u jangan main....(blur..mengantuknya!...) nanti boleh kene something shock - (again I dunno the medical term!! - I cannot keep my eyes open...bile die nak release kan nih..??iskkk...)

(hubby masuk bilik doc)

me: ni my husband

hubs: kenapa eh doc?

doc : die allergic ketam tapi makan ketam..bahaya..

hubs: tapi b4 this die makan ok jerr..biase bengkak bibir jerr

doc: starts of dengan gatal2..then rashes...then bengkak mata n mulut..then die jerut ur pernafasan..then maybe can die...(lagi sekali die cite psal org udang itu)..bukan nak takutkan..but you jangan dah makan ketam after ni...

ok2..I get the picture - can we go back already - ngantuk gilerr!!!!

doc: ......balik rumah trus..injection tadi tuh buatkan u ngantuk.. u tell me.. and seriesly!! I was out until 11am the next morning!! (he gave me MC btw..) tak ingat ape dah b4 tuh - like - when did we reached rumah Kota - or when Hubs left for work the next morning..hmm....

so anyways..lesson learned! NO MORE CRABS for me!!! sadisnyaaa!!!!!

One favourite food off my list!! urghhh!!

***of all the things I had to be allergic to, kenapalaa harus ketam @ seafood!?!?!?! why not durian ke...daging kambing ke.. those I am glad to avoid as long as I live!!! sob sob ~~~

ps: yes, I knew I am allergic to crabs!

No, I didnt take it setakat bengkak bibir jer..?!?! I could endure the itchiness and the pain as long as I can eat what I want to eat..but now no more...nasib baik aritu sempat melantak dengan puasnyaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
