Wednesday, February 29, 2012

ideas ideas

going on stage to receive an award for my achievement in this business this April..

this time its kinda glamorous than the last one.... dengan sit down dinner and red-carpet bagai..

normally for this award, the receivers cam akan dress-up.. ok thats understated - more like overdressed a bit..hahaha,, no kidding...but come on - bila lagi nak ade alasan nak get all dressed up mcm ni..kahwin sekali jer seumur hidup (aminnnn) pastu bukan celebrity kan ade alasan nak pakai designer dress every-month...

well..long story cut short...time is ticking but I still cannot figure out what Im going to wear... Salha has made an appointment with Rizman Ruzaini for all yg receive award...and normally mmg designers akan trus sketch for us tapi ntah laa..since I'd be showing (5++ month kot dah masa tuh) .. I wanted to atleast have an idea of what I want..

but setakat ni... *blank*

the theme for us yg naik pentas would be BLACK & GOLD


try to google but setakat ni - nothing looks nice

I want something with a simple and clean cut like this

tapi the material cam glittery sket (so I wont tenggelam di kalangan mereka yg glamor2 itu!!) like this

but guess how much the material like this cost?? RM1800 per meter!!! crazy I know!!! bump will be showing then so mcm tak berapa sesuai..

so skrg  ni mcm stuck..

ideas ideas...

*sebenarnya nak tepek bnyk lagi gambar kat sini yg dah penat google tadi..tapi aqil ni dok tarik suruh main blocks dengan die....anak comes first right? aiyohh..*

aisyah samsudin

Sunday, February 26, 2012


dengan pemakaian Premium Beautiful, segala lemak2 yg berlari kucing itu....


cuba bayang klu nak p majlis pakai kebaya ke...baju kurung moden ke...


masa WEDDING SENDIRI.... nak pakai baju pengantin yg dah sewa beribu2 tu..


lemak nampak di sana sini.... mesti rasa conscious jerrrr all the time kan... takkan nak tahan perut sepanjang majlis?? *pengsan*



takyah fikir dah psal lemak ke...pasal nak tahan perut ke.....

sepanjang majlis just SENYUM and BE HAPPY....

photographer nak amek gambar dari sudut mana pun....takde masalah... :)




aisyah samsudin 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Kebaikan buat bisnes Premium Beautiful

Dengan bisnes Premium Beautiful ni, you will get ..

1 ) INCOME - not play2 punya tau..every month ribu2..and if you put in extra effort..income boleh cecah RATUS RIBU like my mentors...I taknak letak sini how much I'm earning sbb nnti org lain kata riak plak...tho I'm more concern about safety, but I can tell you its more than tripple gaji kat DHL dulu...and im doing it mostly in the comfort of my own home..

2 ) MELANCONG - all Free Of Charge !!! and you can bring your cool is that?? haritu dah pergi HK, lepas ni Vietnam and now package Guangzhou.... I know for some people cakap..alaa...aku boleh jer pergi sendiri...mmg betul...but come on -- FREE!!!! you dont have to think about budget untuk flight, hotel, makan, transportation - NOTHING!! and honestly, cuba fikir balik dalam tahun lepas jer, berapa kali korang pergi melancong sendiri?? it takes a lot of effort nak plan pergi jerr...seronok whatt??

3 ) MORE SAVINGS - of course laa kan, klu dah ade income lebih tuh, boleh laa buat extra savings kan....klu sekarang ni, at the most boleh save rm200/month, setahun baru rm1200, let say dengan extra income ni boleh save rm1000/month, setahun dah RM12000!!!! kan ker banyak tuuu....more savings now, a better future awaits you :)

4 ) MORE TIME WITH FAMILY - IN THE FUTURE - relate kat atas, dah bnyk savings, boleh laa retire awal sket..kan...then boleh laa spend time ngan anak2.. org kata bust bisnes ni, takde masa ngan anak, but sebenarnya, kita kerja ofis pun, anak hantar nursery kan..balik kerja kol 7 baru jumpa anak...and if kita tetap kerja ofis jer....dat will go on for how many more years?? sampai kita umo berapa?????bila time kita ade ngan family tu??? mostly yg buat bisnes ni, by 3 years income dah cecah PULUH RIBU, takkkannn laa nak shopping spend puluh2 ribu per month kan... SIMPAN laaa.... by 3 years, agak dah ade rm500k dalam bank, amek sket buat investment ke masuk ASB ke, lepas tu blanjer guna duit dividen jer...nak berhenti kerja pun boleh dah...spend laaa ALL DAY ALL THE TIME ngan anak masa tu...its all about planning babehh!!!

5 ) GOOD FRIENDS AND POSITIVE PEOPLE - kat ofis kan, berapa kali kita dok lepak sembang 4-5 org, dok dengar makcik2 senah ni dok sembang psal org nih..sembang psal org tu...dok ckp org ni poyolaa dapat naik pangkat..poyolaa dok buat kerja bersungguh2.. kita rasa lagi motivated ke lagi demotivated nak buat kerja?? of course laa kita rasa taknak mempoyokan diri sbb takut org kata - yes, its natural for us to think like that..we're only human maaa... so...makin lama kita makin takde ape2..biasa jer... where else dalam bisnes ni, you will be surrounded by very positive people...people who will say..."yes u can do it.." dari kita rasa rendah diri, tak reti buat ape...trus rasa semangat berkobar2 nak berjaya mcm org lain...and truly, I found my true friend dalam bisnes and downs together...

6 ) A BETTER FUTURE - of course bila dah ade savings, anak nak masuk belajar memana pun boleh...kita nak provide everything and anything kat anak kita possible - eventho we are not raised in money, doesnt mean that we couldnt raise our children in money...ape salahnya..kita tengok kawan2 kita yg mak ayah die berduit boleh hantar anak blaja overseas walaupun result lebih kurang kita jer - balik2 anak die dapat kerja yg trus gaji rm5-6k..kita dok rm2-3k jerr..itupun after 2-3 tahun keje...mmg rezeki org lain2...TAPI kita yg kene usaha untuk ubah kehidupan kita...takpelaa kawan kita dah rasa..lepas ni bagi anak kita rasa pulak...bukan nak rasa hasad dengki jer kat org lain.... - BUT ape2pun...ade duit...didikan yg betul pun perlu juga yer..semua ni start dari rumah juga :) duit mmg duit... ibadat juga harus seiring....klu duit ade, didikan takde, tak kemana juga future tu...

7 ) KEBAHAGIAAN - mesti ramai nak hentam aku lepas ni...but seriously, I dont care what people say, for me, with the right usage of money - MONEY CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY - if org kata duit tu tak menjanjikan kebahagiaan - mesti die dalam kelompok org yg senang - tak pernah ade masalah duit... bukanlaa kata duit tu perlu berjuta2 dalam bank - tapi kene CUKUP... klu sampai nak beli barang rumah tak cukup, nak bayar bil tak lepas, nak bagi kat BOTH parents tak boleh, savings tak boleh nak buat....ade sampai kene pinjam duit kawan - then, boleh rasa bahagia ke macam tu?? berapa % punca perceraian adelah  sbb duit?? terlampau bnyk... then dont tell me duit tak menjanjikan kebahagiaan..... klu duit tu digunakan dengan cara yang betul...insyaAllah.... bila jiwa tenang kita nak beribadat pun senang..nak cari keredhaan pun  lagi ikhlas... bukan sebab terpaksa...but sebab kita betul2 nak buat..... *ok tajuk ni emo sket* kesimpulan - with money we can be happy... :) kannnn.....





aisyah samsudin

Rozi Needlework - LOVE :)

One of my daily blog reads are of course anything to do with sewing :) sometimes I could stay on the PC for half a day just going thru tutotials and looking for new patterns (cant wait to have a baby girl! Ive got tonsss of patterns in my folder!!) its addictive! mana taknya..looking at all the cute stuff they sew...omg..boleh nanges....lately I have been neglecting my sewing machine (except for that one time masa jahit the organizer) mainly because of my pregnancy..bukan pantang ke ape...but i guess malas + penat + hard to focus ... all in one .. T__T

I couldnt say that I have favourites coz honestly ALL I love to bits...  one of them are Rozi's Needlework .. I've been following her blog for some time now..and i just love how neat she sews and how cute her stuffs are...and she is kind to provide tutorial for some of her stuff... awesome kan??

and the best part is, if you dont know how to sew, you can buy her stuff, not only online, but also at bazaars!!

the latest bazaar would be this saturday (too bad i'll be in jb this weekend, klu tak confirm pergi!)

and she'll be having all these at her booth :


siapa2 area KL tu p laa usha..hehehe ~~~ I am not getting paid promoting her site tau....just that I love her work so much, cant resist to share it here :)

aisyah samsudin

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Majlis Anugerah SM/SSM 2012

One thing I loveee about this business that we always get the chance to glam up! hehe.. so last Saturday was another chance for all of my business partners and I to make excuse to buy a new dress, to hire MUA and cam-whore like crazy :)

it was the day to celebrate all the my Sales Manager and Senior Sales Manager levels... tho a few tak boleh nak datang/accept the awards, we still had a blast!! :)

let the picture tell the story laa since I am losing idea what to!

with my achievers yg dapat datang... :)

Congratulations to all of you for all your hard work - sekarang mama bagi bunga jer - naik DSM Coach menanti ok!!!!!  :)

with my beloved sideline, Aida :)

gambar sume had to pinjam from org lain coz I did bring my camera but I forgot to put back the memory card after transferring some tak dapat laa amek gambar bnyk sgt :(

i also had to go back early sbb lil bro was leaving for london the next day, my auntie buat makan2 for him :) didnt have the chance nak amek gambar ngn my mentor salha pun....but I just had to upload her picture here sbb make-up die gorgeous!!!

cant wait for the next anugerah where  yours truly will be going on stage... DIAMOND NIGHT!!!!! yeayyy!!!! still undecided nak buat baju camne but....cant waitt!!!!

come join our premium beautiful family :) 0192710102

aisyah samsudin

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

FREE Holiday to GUANGZHOU !!

TWO flight tickets.... FREE !!!!

Accommodation ..... FREE !!!!

Transportation & Touring .... FREE !!!!!

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner .... FREE !!!!!

lets take a peak what there in Guangzhou....

city of Guangzhou

Guangzhou Opera House

Canton Tower

Pearl River Cruise

Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall

Yuexiu Park

and of course..... SHOPPING!!!!!!


kita rehat2 kan badan and enjoy...... bawak en suami skali...... suami saya dah excited dah nak pergi nihh!!!!

Join me in this wonderful Premium Beautiful bisnes...and I will show you step by step macam mana nak pergi...FREE!!!!!!

call/text me NOW


aisyah samsudin

think ahead

i dont come from a rich family.

nor a poor one.

mom and dad both pun government servant.

kitorang diorang hidup alhamdulillah.... boleh dikatakan senang...kami anak2 of course laa dapat tumpang sekaki rezeki parents :)

but dari kecik we were not trained to have everything we want. but we did get everything we need.

and if we did get things we want pun, its because of good grades and good behavior.

my parents were strict. keluar main kat taman after 5 pm (not a minute early) and balik rumah at 7 pm sharp - ayah had a spotlight installed at the balcony of his room, so at 7 sharp he will turn on the spotlight which we can see from the field we were playing at (yes-zaman saya masih bermain masak2 di padang ok) and if we were not back within 5 minutes, mmg ade yg kene "spang" ( means kene pukul kat bontot, but with his hands not rotan - thank god!  but it still hurts ok!)

and we get grounded. always. once I was grounded sbb tak hafal doa qunut..I was grounded till I could recite the doa in front of him - took me 2 days to hafal the doa (coz i was crying most of the time tgk kawan2 main basikal kat luar)..haha..2 days no play time...

and I dont remember watching TV on a school night..I do remember bedtime was 9pm - explains why until now kol 9 jer dah longlai jerr aku nihh..hehhh...

eh lari tajuk plak..

anyways. ayah never failed to provide everything we needed when it comes to our education..

dari kecik, be it from the smallest thing like pocket money, I noticed antara ramai2 kawan, I brought the most pocket money to school, maybe because we had to find our own lunch pun masa tu sbb no maid - masa ade maid kurang sket kot.. but ayah would make sure we had enough money to eat..

to things like co-co uniforms - those things are expensive k! beli kat mr professor tu.. to everything laa...masa kecik2 tak nampak sgt...masa sekolah menengah i think bnyk makanan jer kot..? haha..asrama kan....but once masuk uni...yg mmg betul2 nampak laa

laptop, books (uni books are expensive ya!), car (ok this one is more a luxury, tp ayah nampak as keperluan coz die malas nak g amek hantar every semester..hehe), monthly allowance, extra $$$ bila time projects berlambak - and to top it all off, I didnt get the full student loan - dptlaa suku ptptn tu which only covers yuran pengajian, yuran penginapan pun my father yg bayar... tapi nasib baik laa anak blaja kat PTPA kan.. i cannot say the same for my brother yg blaja kat PTPS - lagi laa giler kan expenses...

masa blaja dulu tak pk sgt kan all this, even masa mula2 kerja, but after kahwin and ade anak sendiri...baru terfikir...

how did my father manage??

i mean like i said both parents pun gomen, sorg cikgu, sorang pensyarah...nak ikut gaji gomen utk tenaga pengajar ni takdelaa tinggi mana kan dulu nak dibandingkan sekrang... (one of the reason my father n mom tak bagi i jadi cikgu! lol!)

start laa bersembangg...and turns out..rupanya ayah buat extra work...all those field works, all those weekends yg pergi sana sini, all those nights mengadap computer siapkan report rupanya is him making extra money for his family...ayah cakap..klu nak harapkan gaji gomen mmg he cannot afford to give us everything that we have...

and he's doing it until now eventho sepatutnya die dah bersara dah pun... he's old, but yet he is still climbing mountains bukit, masuk hutan (once he said ternampak fresh harimau nyer footprints - giler takut dengar), berjemur tengah panas, berjaga malam siapkan reports sebab ape..coz he has another 2 children yg still belajar...he has savings...but he says, selagi ade tenaga selagi tu harus cari duit...coz nowdays semua pun perlu duit...

now now..sebelum mengalir air mata ni..

i would just want to say

1- walaupun yg bekerja gomen tu ckp hidup dah senang - dont - anak kecik lagi mmg laa senang - secure - but when anak dah besar dah start masuk uni.... mase tu laa terasa.. and the reason why i didnt get PTPTN full is coz both parents gomen, maka takleh tipu gaji...pastu takkan laaa bila anak dah start mintak laptop, dah start mintak extra duit untuk project baru nak fikir mana nak cari duit??lagi laa skrg ni, bukan laptop jer, camera laa...handphone laa..

2- jgn kata takde masa nak cari duit lebih - masa tu kita yg tentukan

3- jgn fikir susah sekarang...leceh laa ape... - fikir susah nanti if kita tak buat ape2 skrg....

4- jgn fikir skrg dah senang akan selamanya senang.....

5- jgn harapkan adenya student loan nak bantu anak kita masa kat uni nnti...senang cerita, jgn nak harapkan org lain untuk bantu kita...we can only harapkan diri sendiri..

6- life is not all about the present...its also about the future...

7- tolong laa jgn cakap..alaa...balik kerja dah penat - weekend jer nak rehat - ni dok muda lagi - agak klu skrg ni dah mengadu penat laa takde tenaga laa...agak2 dah masuk 40s nnti tenaga lagi bnyk ke?? tenaga makin bertambah ker?? * opss..tetibe emo* .. i said, jgn pk skrg kemudian nanti...klu skrg dah susah....nnti2 lagiiiiii susah....

why im writing in points i have no idea... T___T



change now and have a better future...InsyaAllah...

aisyah samsudin

Thursday, February 2, 2012


remember this post ?

well... now you can get one for your lil ones 

limited pieces so place an order cepat2 k sebelum habis :)

Aisyah Samsudin

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Purse Organizer : My Own

I was searching for a bag organizer since dumping everything in my new bag didnt seem too appealing to me...sayanggg.. teeehheeee...

but most of the organizers had compartment at the outer side of the bag, which I find not so practical..and the the tangkai seems a bit menyemak - it might be ok for some people - but I am fussy like that! I wanted the compartment to be at the inside part of the bag and no tangkai and the size MUST fit my bag PERFECTLY...  taknak terkecik..taknak terbesar...and I want it to be pretty too..not the boring black or brown color...

huh..bnyk tak kerenahnya..anyways, yg kat malaysia, mostly yg I jumpa yg ready stock is like below...

there are the onces i found yg OK but our of stock..of course the good ones always are!! hmmm...

so what best to meet all my criteria if not making it myself?? so for a few days my mind been busy thinking about the design and how to make it happen...jahit macam ni ke..boleh ke klu potong camni,,or cantum kat ctu..things like that..even sebelum tido pun boleh pk... but of course dengan keadaan skrg ni dok pk2 jer laa.. mmg takde energy nak the ideas i had just dok ding dong in my head jer ...

until yesterday morning, woke up at 5am pastu tak bleh tido dah... dok laa depan pc..bukak fb cam buhsan jer semua pun tdo..nak tulis blog but 5 am? i would be rambling like a mad better not kan... maka google laa pattern untuk purse organizer and I found this

Almost like what I wanted!!! pastu tgk price...USD12!! convert dalam rm40..just for a pattern?? hadoi... hmm..actually ok jer klu nak beli...tapi punya laa excited nak malas nak tunggu for them to reply..then nak kene print out laa hape..malas malas....

so amek pen and kertas, ukur the inside of my bag...and drafted this...

agak2 jer..masuk my store room and geledah almari kain yg dah 3 bulan tak sentuh - habuk giler ok!! dapat kain yg nak...terus start ukur and potong and jahit and cantum... (mesin jahit pun dah 3 bulan tak sentuh k! berhabuk giler)

maka terhasillah ini....

fabric both from IKEA beli 2 tahun lepas kot.. :)

compartments inside : handphone, specs, wallet, keys, diapers, small notebook, pens, camera, small mirror, measuring tape, make up, pins and papers..and some extra space just incase.. ;)

and it fits perfectly in my new bag :) loving it :)

* post kat FB ramai tanya can amek order ker tak.... sorry girls, nak cakap mesin not for hardcore pun ade part my mesin taknak gerak coz kain tebal sgt...the material I used heavy cotton so cam tebal and berlapis kan...mau jahanam mesin buat bendalah ni bebanyak.. i will try to make a tutorial if ur interested.. but itupun taktau laa bilanyer nak siapp... ;p so jgn laa mengharap sgt k.. :)

Aisyah Samsudin