during high school dulu mmg rasa nya takde weight issues..I was very active in sports. plus anyone yg pernah training ngan KL basketball team confirm takkan gemok nyer at the time... 3 hours non stop of running, shooting, dribbling..sumpah masa tu rasa nak pengsan..opss..lari topic jap..so anyways...maybe ade laa kejap weight issues masa rehat jap nak focus on PMR and SPM..but we always laughed it off...yelaa dah biasa ade toned muscles satgi flabby jap sini sana...but we or I never took it seriously..
masa matrics I was at my heaviest ( masa anak dara) which was 62kg! but I dont know why but I didnt seem to care...or I never thought of trying to lose weight...my guy friends masa tu siap panggil me Raksaksa Gordon..everytime I was coming their way...they will go..."Raksaksa Gordon dah datang.." siap kembungkan pipi and stomp stomp kaki...seriously..no kidding... I cant remember if I was offended ke tak...but I do remember doing nothing about it..I was just happy eating and eating and eating...honestly...makanan paling sedap I've tasted is all in Utara...so blame the good food that made me a Raksaksa Gordon..but tu laa...again..I didnt really care...
sampai laaa sampai habis matrics..my cousins are like super skinny..so bila jumpa my aunties..they will all comment about my weight..masa tu dah rasa pressure sikit...pastu ayah pun same...he started to comment on my weight...and started to control my food intake..asal nak tambah nasi jer..die kata jgn..cukup..then tak bagi makan egg yolk..bagi makan yg putih telur jer..and coklat was a no no... I am dead serious... I was 19 then and my father controlled what I ate!!! klu pk balik...masa tu ade laa jugak rase sedih...but now I am so glad he did that coz masa tu baru timbul kesedaran I needed to do something...takleh biar jer...and bila tanya balik my guy friends..sumer ckp...thats not only advice from a father's perspective, but also from a guys perspective... honestly, I have more guy friends than girls masa dulu...and I hang out with them like all the time..so mmg bnyk sembang..and almost ALL cakap that it is important for a girl to jaga badan..... now you see why I strongly believe no matter what my husband tells me, I must stay in shape.. because the advice I got was not from a book...not from the internet or from people yg nak jual slimming product ..but from lelaki sendiri... of course not all husbands akan ckp to ur face if u lost ur shape.. lagi2 pada wife yg super sensitive (seperti saya) but it doesnt mean kita boleh abaikan and biarkan mcm tu ajerr... eyh...i think dah lari topic ni..
so kat uni, I started to cut down food (it was sooooo hard at first!! again..makanan Utara is the BEST!) .. diet laa konon...but takdelaa tegar sangat...on and off..on and off... until one day, one of my guy friend said to me
"ko ni ecah..kata diet, aku tgk tak kurus2 pun..."
panngggg.... kan dah kene skali.... I was so sore with him...rasa nya tak ckp ngan die kot for a few weeks..
BUT..it was true...everything he said... sebabnya... diet on off...mmg laa tak jadi...takde disiplin.... buat ape pun takde disiplin mmg tak jadi...
so i started to go to the gym (ade free gym kat UUM) every tuesday and thursday hari for girls only, so i went to the gym those 2 days.. lagi 3 hari i will go to sauna or go jogging at the track...food intake jaga giler..i only had ikan bakar for lunch (no rice) and tomyam for dinner (no rice also) ..that went on for 2 month pastu cuti sem...kat rumah pulak since takde gym, I dressed up and danced to Britney Spears punya songs for exercise..bab nak control makan tu susah sket sbb kat rumah mak masak sedappp kan...so i just tried to take sikit jer rice and lebihkan lauk.... or to stay away from food, pergi window shopping from 10am till 6pm..tak sentuh makanan..just mineral water..so kira jalan for 6 hours dalam shopping mall tu considered as exersice :) .. and my effort paid off.... balik jer uni for the next sem...terkejut budak2 laki tu tgk...especially yg sound me tu laa kan.... so I tried to stick to my routine...gym, sauna, ikan bakar n tomyam or sup sayur.. so i stayed in shape..
Uni was easy!
then start kerja...
masa ni mcm lupa diri jap...dah start pegang duit sendiri...sat sat makan sushi...then pasta...asal keluar jer makan..kluar malam makan...then dok kat ofis 9 jam depan computer...sat sat amek biskut..sat sat amek kopi...sat sat cari makanan.....mmg let loose...nak exercise sampai rumah kol 7 tu otak dah penat...kol 830 dah tido...weekends kluar dating so mmg takdelaa nak exercise kan ;p ...tak sampai 2 month jeans pun dah muat....
nak diet takde motivation...and susah nak tahan diri kan dah pantry penuh ngan food ;p and nescafe!!!
then nak kahwin.... baru laa sedar diri jap....takkan laa nak gemok kan masa kahwin....so I started a new routine...
breakfast jer makan oats, lunch makan bekal steam fish yg buat pagi2 kat rumah or if tak sempat makan carrot or apple yg dah stok siap2 kat peti ais ofis, dinner minum air, then lari on the treadmill for 45 minutes, all suit up so peluh lagi bnyk....minum air banyk2 then tido....so tak rase nak makan....it went on sampai kahwin... occasionally makan jugak nasik....but 2 month before kahwin tuh mmg tak makan rice/sweets/nescafe...
dapat laa berat idaman >>> 50kg!!
dah kahwin >>>>> lagi susah nak diettt!!! habis, suami makan takkan kita nak tengok jer kan...pastu takkan sbb kita nak diet suami nak kene diet jugak kan...plus bahagia tahap langit ke tujuh kan...maka itu laa dalam masa 4 month naik 14 kilos!!
masa ni nak diet dah MALAS... i mean.... takkan sampai mati nak diet kann...mmg taklaaaa....i love food...and rewarding myself once a week cam rasa tak berbaloi....erti kata lain...dah PENAT nak diet n tahan makan or eat healthy...oats and salads and small portions are tiring...
nak exercise pulak..hmm...mcm ni laa... keluar kerja 645am, sampai rumah 7-8pm..masak untuk husband..makan...dah kol 930.. basuh baju, lipat kain, kemas sini sana...dah tak terpk nak exercise...when doing nothing of the above..all we want ot do is cuddle in front of the TV with mr hubs sampai tido.. i am just being real here... this is the truth...bukan excuse taknak exercise...tapi itulaa...the reality..
so, masa tu baru teringat psal corset yg mak pakai tu...then tgk plak ade member jual...trus tak PK ape dah... i dont want to control makan...exercise..not yet...so PB jer laaa..
in one month turun 3 kgs... then pregnant...so babai laa to PB..and hye hye to the eating-for-two excuse.... sepanjang pregnancy makan mmg tak hengat...dok pk..bila lagi kan nak makan mcm tu...by the time nak bersalin tu berat dah 80kgs!! giler kan
pas bersalin....the only thing i did to lose weight is pakai PB and now + lactolite...coz bila breastfeed ni takde diet sgt...plus siapa yg breasfeed tau laa...pas BF jer trus lapar ...lepas pam susu jer lapar...so no diet....nak exercise....hehehehee...balik rumah nak main ngan baby jer...tak ingat ape dah...
so people..... I know what its like to control makan, i know what its like to exercise... been there done that.... so when I say PB is the easiest way FOR ME..for now.....i really mean it.... sbb memang nampak the results bila pakai PB and minum lactolite...
I'm not saying all this because I am selling the product
I am saying this because I am wearing and using the product and it works
but ape2 pun it all depends on yourself
if you feel like you have the time to maintain exercising and going to the gym....go for it (this is the best choice pun! I admit that)
if you feel like you have the will power to control eating...by all means...i have total respect for you
but you have to stick to your choice and routine...
for me...PB works the best for me..and its MY choice... :)
and the most important thing.... at least I am trying / doing something for my own benefits
bukan nak condemn jerrrr.... kritik ajer.... just because ur so lazy to do any of the above urself...
you want to be fat...thats ur choice....jgn dok condemn org sbb nak kurus or jaga body for mr hubby.. :)
btw, anybody yg nak penjelasan lebih lanjut about PB...inbox me or sms me 0192710102
I am happy to help
ps: never tried diet pills tho. tak pernah terbukak hati kot?
aisyah samsudin
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