last weekend was a blast!! It started out a bit sad though when we got the news that Wa couldnt join the trip since kak syuhaida had to go for an emergency operation the friday before the trip..Wa was the one who was most excited about the trip, but well, everything happens for a reason right, plus..there will always be a next time, kan..
we started the journey to Kuantan (Atam's house) a bit off schedule since first, mom and dad went to give kak syu a visit that morning, and then suddenly, dad's car had some problems just before we started the journey (lucky it was before..not during the journey)..and the journey there was terrible..!! the road was congested! luckily it wasnt me driving...klu tak..kompom nangis ok! hehehe...
arrived Atam's house around 5.30pm..everyone was already there..siap dah golek2..kitorang pulak masuk2..headed straight for the food..!! lapar beb!..wanted to stop for lunch but mza was like.. "kan Atam dah masak..." adoiii...
waited for mom and dad to arrive, then we all headed to cherating...nasib baik half an hour drive aje..coz I was so sick of sitting in the car already!
So so lazy to story panjang2 (plus me not a good storyteller punn..dari dulu suke sangat tulis in point forms..huhu) let the pics do the telling k..
the parents, granma, aunts and uncles
ayah, cu, cippa, atam, tizah and mom
pak ngah, teh, uncle zubir, tok and mak ngah
hana, danial, adrian, mamat, syiqin and kelly
sofia, athirah, aiman and najwa
fariz, farhan, atif, firdaus, abang ame, aliff, luqman
Families missing : Wa (kak syu operation), Paman (jauh di kedah..;p)
Family members missing: Kak Nana, Zuriah, Zailin, Zahir (Work i think), Zarah (Homework..hehe), Zahidi (Australia), Adam (Work), Siti Sara (Band practise)
The activities :
1. Around the clock makan2..
This activity is a must for the "Omarians", every is a must..and Im not talking about normal meals here..its literally around the clock punya makan..we talk about brunch during breakfast and lunch during brunch and tea during lunch and get the idea...hahaha..during this trip we had nasi dagang, nasi minyak, nasi lemak and kueh2 for breakfast, satar,kopok leko and nasi ayam for lunch, bihun,mee, nasi goreng,tomyam,ikan bakar,butter prawn and sotong celup tepung for dinner..ape lagi ek..?? ;p
2. mandi laut
It wouldnt be a holiday at the beach without dipping in the sea right? Hehe..the kids had so much fun! klu boleh takmo keluar dari air gamaknye...the big kids a.k.a me and hubby had fun watching and taking care of the kids..feels like having kids of our own ( laa..the feeling was just for that short period of time only!)
3. getting the kids ready to go in the water
hehehe..this one was this one time only! after that the kids never bothered to change their attire..they had different sets of clothes everytime they went in...kecian kat the mothers nak kene kutip all the wet baju after that! (this is when i feel like not having kids..hahahah!!!! kidding!)
4. galah panjang
this activity started at 7.30 am!!! tu yang gambar gelap jer..hehehe...hubs drew the first box for the game, but then the number of kids playing started to the atif's hands were long enough to cover the whole line for the first box..sampai the kids tak boleh nak lepas langsung.. so had to make a bigger box.. but the game didnt last soon as the kids dapat green light untuk masuk air..goodbye galah panjang hello water!! hehe
5. sand art
this is what u get when u have an art teacher in the family and terlepas...look how excited atam is...siap menari2 lagi...hehehehe.. ;)
6. fyling the kite
teh is superbly great with the kite!! seriously..!! ku terkejut!! me tak reti langsung nak terbangkan layang2..hubby tried to teach me..tak naik2..almaklumlaa..orang bandar..hehehe...but honestly..I was like really jakun looking at the kites..tinggi beb!! ;p
7. santai di pantai
atam and tizah interviwed the exchange students there, atif was jumping and "usha"ing the aweks..the teens were gossiping..the mothers were eyeing the kids..the kids were playing with the sands ... bla bla bla... i was...errr....i dunno..just enjoying the moment with my family.. ;)
8. karaoke

mom was super excited to have a karaoke session during the trip, she downloaded almost a hundred karoake songs until 3 am which made her woke up late for work the next day!!! hehehe...the songs are mostly the 70's and 80's ..luckily I used love the oldies so I knew a couple of them..though there are songs that Ive never heard of also...but what the heck..that is what the wordings are for right! tibai ajelaa... ;p
9. picture and video taking

ayah was so loyal taking videos of the small kids..and even the big ones doing their activities..hehehe...he even had an unbrella standby when it was raining..daniel was taking pictures of i dont know what since ive yet seen the pictures from his cam (but i bet lots of pictures of girls in his shots..) hehehe..and hubs...ahh..hubs....besides the family pictures..he said there aint nothing interesting there to haa..your wife yang suke amek gambar ni takmo plak die amek bnyk2..sabau jer laa..i had to.."abang..ameklaa gambar sayang.." baru die nak amek my pic..danggg!!.. dey..i thought the camera was given to you for you to take lotss and lotss of my picture honey!! hahahahaha..kidding!!!
mom was super excited to have a karaoke session during the trip, she downloaded almost a hundred karoake songs until 3 am which made her woke up late for work the next day!!! hehehe...the songs are mostly the 70's and 80's ..luckily I used love the oldies so I knew a couple of them..though there are songs that Ive never heard of also...but what the heck..that is what the wordings are for right! tibai ajelaa... ;p
9. picture and video taking
ayah was so loyal taking videos of the small kids..and even the big ones doing their activities..hehehe...he even had an unbrella standby when it was raining..daniel was taking pictures of i dont know what since ive yet seen the pictures from his cam (but i bet lots of pictures of girls in his shots..) hehehe..and hubs...ahh..hubs....besides the family pictures..he said there aint nothing interesting there to haa..your wife yang suke amek gambar ni takmo plak die amek bnyk2..sabau jer laa..i had to.."abang..ameklaa gambar sayang.." baru die nak amek my pic..danggg!!.. dey..i thought the camera was given to you for you to take lotss and lotss of my picture honey!! hahahahaha..kidding!!!
10. posing for the camera

I LOVE TO POSE FOR THE CAMERA...everyone knows that..but come to think of it...Im not the only actually runs in the family..maybe its in the genes?? hmm...
I LOVE TO POSE FOR THE CAMERA...everyone knows that..but come to think of it...Im not the only actually runs in the family..maybe its in the genes?? hmm...
*theres a lot more pictures of the family members (other than me) posing for the camera but penat nak kecikkan the pictures one by one..hehehe*
huh!! i guess that sums up all...opps...wait a minute...i think i missed something...oh ye..the newly weds...hehehhee...mane boleh tak post about us kan...!! well, we had a great time there..i love spending time with family and since hubs now is part of the family..maka jadi lebih seronok laa!! hehe...the aunts were teasing us like non stop..pantang nampak kami berdua2..mesti kene sakat..hehehe..but it was fun..cant wait for the next couple to get married..then all the teasing goes to them....hehehehe....
huh!! i guess that sums up all...opps...wait a minute...i think i missed something...oh ye..the newly weds...hehehhee...mane boleh tak post about us kan...!! well, we had a great time there..i love spending time with family and since hubs now is part of the family..maka jadi lebih seronok laa!! hehe...the aunts were teasing us like non stop..pantang nampak kami berdua2..mesti kene sakat..hehehe..but it was fun..cant wait for the next couple to get married..then all the teasing goes to them....hehehehe....
me wearing tudung at the beach..awww!!! thats a first!! hehehehehe....trying to be a good wife here.. ;p
so, thats it...our superbly great family vacation at cherating...cant wait for the next one..kat mane agaknye yer...hope the next time around we can have our own BBQ (if its at the beach)..rindu nak bakar2.. ;)
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