so busy melayan perasaan yg seperti asyek terganggu ni..lupa plak pasal bende2 yang happy.....
Aqil sudah ade gigi DAN boleh menapakkkkk... kat umah tok wa dia..dah 15 tapak die berjalan.....mommy is so proud of you dear...
terus semangat g cari kasut untuk lil aqil...
even the grandparents pun semangattt...

kat mall masih berpimpin, but atleast he wants to try berjalan......
practise lagi ye sayang....nnti mommy beli toy untuk sayang yeee.... ;)
the sad part is hubs is not around to watch aqil nyer progress...both things happened while he is away in indon... takpe laa abg the time abg balik..aqil boleh berlari kot....hehrhr...biar amek abg kat airport nnti aqil lari kat abang...heeeeeee......jgn sedey2 naaaa......
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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