Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012. was your new year's eve? mine was on bed at 930pm ;) - i'll tell u what happened later...aqil had a blast tho with his uncles and aunties ;)

today is already the 8th of january..why so late this post? why no Happy New Year post? heck..why the hiatus? my last post was like 2 month ago? oh no..dec i think..hmm..

i want to tell you why earlier..but i didnt want to jinx it...i still think its too early to tell you guys now..but i guess..whatever...i want my first post in 2012 a happy post... so i'm giving you the good news 3 weeks earlier than i intend to...

i am....















PREGNaNT !!! ;)

alhamdulillah...starting 2012 with a really generous blessing from Allah ;)

i am now in my 10th week...(if im not mistaken-the date of my first day of my last period is kinda blurry..) and nope..have not gone for a checkup yet.. asked a few of my friends..all said they started went for checkup after the 3rd i guess no rush eyh..insyaAllah i have a strong feeling that my baby is doing just great inside.. ;)

a few things about this pregnancy

* i first had this gut feeling that im pregnant when aqil was making such a tantrum one day - i know he's much like me - full of drama but this time it was different..this time it was drama overload!! even mr hubs was like - apsal dengan aqil tu?

* one fine morning - without any reason for mr hubs to even feel sick - we had the same food the night before and if there was something wrong with the food i would be the first to be sick-which in this case i was perfectly fine - mr hubs started throwing up like crazy!!for no reason- he said he felt loya and wanted oranges (please note my hubs hardly gets sick! like once a year-seriously!) .. he immediately looked at me and said - i think we're!

*hubs was the one who bought the kit and asked me to test then and there ;) once i said the results is positive - he was the one jumping with joy - me at that time had mixed feelings...not that i was not happy or grateful - but i was worried (dont worry-im ok now ;) ) - i dont know if i was ready to have another one..but i gueas..Allah knows best right ;) alhamdulillah..

*my sickness this time around? worst than the time i carried aqil! it started i think 2-3 weeks after i knew i was pregnant...its worst at night- the toilet bowl is my best friend now (yup until now!) and i'll always wake up in the morning feeling ridiculously HUnGRY like ive not ate in a hundred years! no kidding..coz my stomach is totally empty co of the non stop vomiting at night :(

* i cant stand sitting in front of the pc for too long - explains why i havent been blogging for the past few weeks ;p i just get really diZZY and start throwing up if i spend too much time on the pc - even now im blogging using my phone.. i do everything on my phone to love my new S2! ;)

*i had fever not once but 3 times already coz of the constant vomiting- made my tonsils swell like crazy - everytime bengkak id get a fever.. i will be honest and say i did not handle my sickness very well..i was whining and whining and whining..kesian hubs..tak psal jer..but well..i blame the hormones! hahaha...

* i am a nescafe addict! and not able to take the normal amount of caffein turned me into a monster - laa..more like having migrain every day...but for the sake of my baby..tahan laa jugak..and suddenly one day..i couldnt stand the smell of nescafe!! boleh? now im nescafe free for almost 1 month already..yeay me!

*i actually lost weight!!! 3 ke 4 kg ntah? i remember with aqil..i instantly gained like 5kilos during the first trimester-even with sickness and all..and now my jeans are loose! the one yg masa anak dara itu..haha..i dont know if im happy or worried abt this?

*im still breastfeeding aqil- some say its ok..some say its not..i motherly instinct says its ok..just dat i need to drink a lot of milk and take extra supplement coz i easily get tired and im getting cramps every other first prenancy..i only had the cramps once..itupun dah 7 month..but now..seriously..tak tahan...i know i need to start to teach aqil to stop but its so hard..i tried not giving him one day..bagi botol..he cried and cried and cried...for almost an hour sampai sedu2..sian now..slowly laa ajar..i hopr he'll stop soon ;)

i guess..dats all for now..nak bersiap for a business activity today - going to an orphanage!

Happy New Year loves! ;)


aisyah samsudin


zaf-neza said...

congrates aisyah..

nalsweet said...

waaa...tahniah babe!!
jaga diri k..wah3..anak aku sebaya anak ko le nanti.. (tp ko dah 2nd baby ;[)

jaga diri memolek k ;)

shera said...

congratssssssssssss aisyahhhh!

aiesya said...

Thanks girls ;)