remember this post when I said I wanted to clear all my "clingy" tops, had the chance to clear my wardrobe last week when Aqil was sick and I couldnt go anywhere..
I had 4 plastic bags of clothes that I dont think I would wear dah...
one of them dah bagi my sis, the other 3 ni nak bagi charity....rase lega sgt bila dah clear up the closet sbb takde laa rase tempted nak pakai baju2 yg ade depan mata tu kan...i know..i know...minda kata takleh..setan last time...heee...
anyways, the sad baju tinggal banyak ni jer...(nmpk sgt baju yg tak senonoh tu bnyk sgt T__T)
ok..malas nak lipat cecantik guner pembaris ape sumer kan..but...serioussslly....TAKDE BAJU NAK PAKAI DAHHH... T__T
maka sesi mencari baju dimulakan semalam lepas jumpa all my rakan kongsi...since KLCC dah nak tutup dah masa tu..sempat usha kat Zara jer...but tak beli lagi sbb mmg tak suka beli brg dalam keadaan rushing...but ade a few tops yg mmg dah aim...cari online..tapi tak jumpa..but I have to say...bebanyak kedai masuk sebelum ni...Zara is the best :) saje google baju2 zara..
ni 2010 collection but suka giler the skirt and the top..
love the simplicity

and the colors...but taktau if im bold enough to wear this pink jacket..
simple top but lovely color!
p Holland nak pakai jacket camni..
cutting blazer die very sharp and smart...
I can totally see me in this! (minus the super skinny legs T__T)
and this...
and definitely THIS!! my fav of all!!
this month super bz taktau laa bila nak selit p shopping baju..I desperately need new topsss!! and jeans.. T__T
siapa nak teman shopping??? jommm!!!
aisyah samsudin
1 comment:
waa waa..lawanye baju..aku bila la agaknye dapat pakai baju mewah camtu..isk...
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