gara2 mau sambung menonton Goong..woke up really early, altho i slept late the night before (psal Goong jugak!)..hubs was still sleeping..malas nak kejut..let him sleep puas2..its the weekends right? bile lagi nak bgn lambat! lol! ahhh...syioknyerr...i wish i could watch and watch and watch this drama tak berenti..and i dont want it to end! the pelakons are so cute!!
had a 12.30 appointment at the strips for my brazilian, so nak tanak had to pause watching and the strips, opt for the soft wax since last time already tried the hard one, and how i regreted my decision! it was damn painfull!!!!! sakit giler beb!! but now i know, always go for the hard wax..mahal 2o hengget pun mahal laa..macam nak mati sakitnyerr (erkk..not laa mati..but sakit laa!! lol!) I've still got another 400 to schedule my next appointment! haha..crazy eh?
went to selayang after that, dengan niat nak melawat ibubapa terchentaa..but dad was at Mersing, brought his students for offsite activities...big bro went to send his gf to Melaka, only left Mom, sis and jyue..
Mom ajak pergi umah pakngah, to send back all the barang2 that we borrowed for my kenduri..already half way, baru teringat nak call pakngah..turns out he was not at home, so ape lagi melencong laa..went to jalan TAR (again!!!) wanted to buy ape lagi..ok aje! like i said love shopping with mom! hihi..nways, mom got herself..ermm..i dunno how many tudung..but i got 5! (mak blanje ye! hehe..tak mintak..mak offer..rembat ajelaa..haha!) sukeee....!!
balik tuh, siap2 to go back coz I had to attend faranads wedding..hehe..excited sangat nak pergi the wedding..faranad was my teammate mase sekolah2 dulu..and basketball was our life! nak citer panjang about that but i think i'll write a special post just about high school and basketball later!
Met a whole bunch of sspians that night, lela, fiza m, yatt, inarah, erin, kaem, jid, dennis, dewi, waniaw, anis, fatty, azar, shikin r, izza, qoyye, hikma, asfa..hmm..ade lagi tak yang tertinggal? was nice to see them there..mase sembang tu rase macam still kat sekolah2 dulu...fiza m is exactly the same with all her lawak spontan! lela with her cute laugh, dennis with her kalutness... i miss the old days!
Back to the bride, Faranad was damn gorgeous!!!!! she wore a silvery blue kebaya made from french lace (i think!), with crystals that made the baju berkilau!! ahh...but what i adored most was her veil..!!cantik bangat!! (hmm..idea for kak nana's wedding!) and sofie was handsome too! (macam mane nak describe lelaki kan?) hehe... but well ..
Farah, Congratulations on your wedding! Semoga hubungan kamu berdua kekal ke akhir hayat...and..owh..make cute basketballers eyh! then our kids can play together2..hehehe..

the beautiful bride..

SCUD #6 and SCUD #4

my darling sspians...

and owh...the groom.. ;)
me at the office at 7.15 - out from the office at 11 ! cukup..takyah keje bsungguh2! lol!
went to Selayang (again!), but this time betul2 g rumah pakngah, already informed pak ngah awal2..huhu...when we arrived, looking at the table with plates, fork and spoons so properly laid out, we thought pakngah+makngah were expecting company, but it turned out to be the food was for us! she prepared a feast i tell you! terkejut kami! but the food was lovely! thanks mak ngah..susah2 ajeee....pasni nak datang lagi laa..boleh makan sedap lagi.. ;p
after makan2, mak ngah showed us (well actually i requested to see) the kain she bought for kak nana's wedding dress from bandung..cantteekkkk!!!!!! me likey...its silvery white! (i think silver is the new purple for this wedding season! bnyk tgk silver skrg ni for weddings..) there are like 1001 ideas going thru my head what to do for her tudung and veil...(im doing her tudung and veil btw..slumber jer ckp kat makngah..i want to do both..bukan die mintak pun!naseb laa..suke ok nak buat bende2 cantik nih!) i was going on and on about materials la, designs n makngah were impressed! haha..said i know a lot about this stuff! hahaha...padahal bukan pro pun aku nih..minat jer..still in learning process..nways..trus call kak nana to tell her my ideas..(she was in Shah Alam, pergi wedding exhibition) tak sabarnyeee!!!!! (aii..siape yang nak kahwin ni?) lol!
Lepak kat rumah the whole day! watched Goong sampai habis ! heaven ~~~~ woke up at 930..belasah tido sbb dua hari tido lambat bgn awal..sian kat hubs kemas rumah sorang2..vacum laa..buang sampah laa..he even went to the kedai to buy bahan mentah (ikan, sayur etc) to cook for lunch!..tapi me kan wife yang bagus..saye laa yang masak! takkan nak bagi hubby masak after all the hard work..hehe! nyummm~~~