it all started friday night, me and my friends went to lepak at LookOut Point Ampang..i wanted to go there since i got an email from a friend about the place..anyways,madine came and fetch me, mza n butet at ampang park (madine didnt want to go alone plus dat day i parked car at putra gombak), so from work met up mza n butet at ampang park then waited for madine there..We were the first to arrive, the others were stucked in the heavy traffic (it was raining cats and dogs earlier)...sementara menunggu tu, took some pictures of the scenery(unfortunately i forgot to bring my camera, so only took picys using phone camera which obviously the pictures are not clear at all...duhh)..luckily aki brought his cool NIKON D60..klu tak haru jugak laa..(but to wait for him to send the pics..maybe next year kot baru dapat! so busy laa dat guy)..anyways..lepak til 10 pm then everybody had to go (futsal laa..keje laa..nak balik kg laa)...i dunno when we could hang out like this again..everybody seems to be really busy lately... :(

me, me and my lovely madine (she's single! hehe)

me and spastik mza (huh..)
I woke up 430am the next morning..asked ayah wut time we're suppose to bertolak to Johor.. (my cousin was getting married that day..) he said after subuh..(fuhh..can get one more hour sleep..hehehe) woke up AGAIN at 53o..kejutkan ckin, jyu n mza..ironed eveyone's baju (4 pasang ok = 4x2=8helai+ 3 tudung=11 helai..hihi..berkire pulak eyh..) then waited for my turn to mandi, but then decided to mandi at mom's coz her's got hotwater..heehehe...ayah went off first since he had a meeting at Pagoh at 830am..the four of us (me,ckin,jyue n mza) bertolak around 6.45am..(mom didnt follow since she had something at school..)..and arrived at 10am..had a quick stop at R&R Seremban coz everyone (except mza) were hungry...
Not many of my cousins were there yet when we arrived, after salam'ing' all the elders, went in the bilik cousin was already ready in her orange baju odd choice for a baju nikah (for me laa) but hey..everyone has their own taste right? hehe.. the mak andam was there and also the photographers.. (she had
rozekruzaini as her photographer..sgt smart cara the photographer amek gambar! admire bangat ok!) signs of any other cousins...
anyways..the majlis went smoothly (Alhamdulillah)..tho i do regret not taking any pics with the bride altho i was her pengapit "bidang terjun" (long story,malas nak citer), i was running all over the place..finding this..doing that..bla bla bla..but i guess takpelaa..maybe during majlis bertandang (which is next week)..but i did get to chance to take her pic..hehe..the beutiful bride..

the bride in her bju sanding (left) ..ita,ct,molly(right)

~ bff and yummy cupcakes! ~
after the majlis, we headed to mza'a house at Kulai..(his mom asked to singgah)..arrived there around 515pm..mza went straight to bed (hampeh jerr!) leaving me, jue n ckin very2 blur coz dont know what to not so good talking with elder people (except for my aunties coz somehow eventho they are 40++, they still have the heart and soul of a 20 year old..seriesly..mmg syiok biler bersembang ngan dorang)..but i guess as a future DIL i have to learn..nways, ibu served us with kulat masak lemak (a type of mushroom that lives on rubber trees), ikan goreng masin and sambal belacan....all i can say is..SUPERB!!!! seriesly..i tambah 3 kali ehh...(maken gemok laa haku..!!cheh) but seriesly, i find that lauk kampung lagi menaikkan selera then anything else in this world..huhu...(wanted to take pictures of the lauk but then afraid ibu pelik pulak..hahaha)..bertolak balik around 9pm and arrived around 1am at home..huh..lega..a long day..all i needed was a good night sleep on my comfy bed..;)
but it didnt end there, the next day i had 4 houses to go.. .open house umah faza and pak ngah, beraya at madine's n jid's... had 2 delicious bowls of SOTO, kueh2, choc cake and a bunch of gossips at faza's..(her mom made nasi dagang..but me not a big fan of nasi dagang so just had a little from madine's plate..)..pisang,cucur udang pakngah and a slice of mak ngah's birthday newyork cheese cake (was too full to eat anything else coz straight from faza's mase tuh)...spicy chicken spaghetti at madine's and lastly murtabak kelantan and kueh2 at jid's (jid makin lame makin cantik aku tgk..admire her eyelash extention..sgt cantik!! thinking of doing it myself but tgk laa..priority ok aisyah!)..balik2 umah trus timbang..naik lagi! haih.......macam mane nak krus gini?
madine,faza n moi @ faza's