Wednesday, November 30, 2011

its been a long time

since my last post, mostly because Aqil ruined my card reader (again!) why he loves card readers so much i dont understand, this is the 5th one he broke in 5 month! nasib baiklaaaa card reader tu murah jer so takde laa ralat sgt...

I've been down with fever for 4 days, starting last friday...I swear I hate being sick..the headache, the vomiting, the coughing, the running nose, org kata bila kita sakit teruk some of our sins diampunkan...insyaAllah...i hope so, agak bnyk betul dosa since I often get sick especially food poisoning... i dont know whats wrong with my body ni, dulu makan luar ok jer, now sensitif betul perut..eversince jadi housewife ni kot...asek masak sendiri jer..boleh ker mcm tu...

you're wondering why I am like writing nonsense.. well i dunno...woke up my heart was beating so fast, then a lot of things went thru my head, somethings about what will happen, somethings about what was happening the past few weeks...overwhelming..seperti mahu membebel kat somebody, but hubs went to work pretty early this morning, tak dan nak bersembang....

I got a few fabrics last week I want to make into tops for myself - ingat nak jahit masa weekend but since demam, terbantut, now no mood...but tgh otak bercelaru ni, I guess a little sewing could really help..or not? hmmm..taktau laa...going off to seremban to meet a client today at 11am..taknak buat kerja separuh jalan..

lil sis just finished her SPM papers yesterday.yeay her! she says shes going to hibernate for i dont know how long, not enuf sleep she said...well..sleep sis...when u decide to wake up let me know, i'll bring you to the movies or somewhere, but please dont ask me again to bring you to Korea...ajak mak..I am not into any K-anuthing...drama, pop..whatever...I do like their make-up tho..hmmm

when someone you care about ask you to do something ...related to another person u care about - against your own really puts you in a difficult position and everything becomes awkward and you start to have conflict dalam diri...and you start to hate think back about everything...hmm...lets drop this, i really dont want to start anything...haishh...

5 month back I got a scare when my period was 12 days late..I was sooo not ready for a second one, then 3 2 month back, watching Aqil playing alone, me and hubs said, ok laa maybe time for a playmate for Aqil, when I got my period then, somehow, deep down inside me, I was relieved...I thought I was ready, but I guess I'm not? I dunno....dat day when I had my fever, 2-3 people told me..."ntah..ntah..." but i was just a normal fever berjangkit dari Aqil..I mean, normally you should have like instinct for these kind of things right? how do u know ur ready or not? let it be....malas nak pk...

I've been downloading and watching pretty little love love the outfits those girls wear...especially the blazers..semua pun the storyline jugak....hmm

lapar gilerrr.....i hdad dinner at 630 yesterday...pastu out awal coz mkn ubat batuk...hmm...what to eat?mlsnya nk p dapur..cereals dh habis plak tu..hmm...

u must think im crazy rambling camni...i guess i am? no..theres so much in my head...hmmm


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