Thursday, May 13, 2010

of work n the gilmore girls

work has been usual. but i am back to the active me. volunteering doing this and that altho i have tons of work.sometimes i just dont understand why i volunteer in the first place.especially when i see piles of invoices on my desk to be processed and paid with so limited time.i am doing 3 things at one time. multi tasking people say.sometime i get so stressed and curse myself for saying yes to everything.

but then again. this is me. i love to multi task. life is boring without adventure. work is boring without activities..tho i do think this company of mine sometimes go way over their heads on company activities. like decorating competition. i mean. we're not in school to do all this decorating things. and those teams which go all out..they really do go all out and sometimes i feel i'm at the pasar malam with evrything hanging here and there..but I do like the engagement activities..hmm..

I am itching to start sewing again..but until i finish all 7 season of gilmore girls, i dont think i can focus on anything else..[i am just obssessed!!! ] i am working on my BIL hantaran for his wedding end of this month..but by "working" i mean..everything are still wrapped in papers or still in the plastic bags. huhu. but i still got 2 weekends to go..and i'm already watching the 7th season. so all is good.

i am thinking of sewing a baju melayu for lil aqil...anyone has any idea where to get the pola for that? or should i buy? do they have baju melayu for 3 months old baby? is starting. payment week is almost at its end. alhamdulillah...i can have a peaceful weekend ;)

picture of the day :

i wonder what he was dreaming about.. hmmm...



Ally Hassan said...

gimore girls tu kak download ke beli? hihi

aiesya said...

copy dari harddisk makcik..nak ke? ;)

m@Ri@ said...

aqil dreaming nak mkn ape kot pas ni..hehe..