*warning - since its raya mode - this post will be loaded with tonss of picss..
This raya, we celebrated the 1st day of raya at hubs hometown.. My first time not celebrating 1st raya with mom and dad.. I was expecting tears but surprised that I was not crying that Raya morning ..in fact, I had a great time in Johor, but I do miss moms cooking and the glorious food of the Omarians! I am a pulut freak so not having ketupat daun palas with rendang on 1st day of Eid was quite weird..plus I miss Mom's famous daging hitam (tho many complained mom didnt make it as pedas as usual), Tizah's kuah Kacang, Teh's deserts .. hmm...salivating now...
Anyways, hubs and lil Aqil wore baju Melayu made by moi! hehe... didnt manage to finish my Baju kurung, so made a last minute trip to Jalan TAR on Wed after work..and bought a RM59.90 baju kurung cotton from Nagoya, which I love to bits! hehe [seriously- I am easy to please!] , didnt manage to find matching colour with hubs n aqil but I guess nvm..tahun depan ade lagi..kan.. insyaAllah.. ;)
1st day of Raya :

Aqil with his 1st ever peket Raya ;)

hubs n BIL (he's single btw)

SIL with MIL

BIL with Aqil

Last year forgot to take family picture masa berdua, this year dah bertiga ;)

day two: Had a family reunion at my Fathers side. berkumpul kat arwah tok's house in Lenga. Havent been there for ages! naik rumah jer, falshback of all my memories there..the house looked smaller than it used too..agak because now dah filled in with all the anak buahs..most of us are married with kids now so agak crowded jugak laa..but it was nice being there..I miss all my cousins..we used to be very2 close..
sesi bagi duit raya. wanted to join but realized didnt bring enuf duit raya.. didnt expect such a huge crowd.. [terlupa it was a gathering, not normal hari raya session!]

hubs was collecting duit raya for Aqils behalf.. hehe..cute jerrrr... ;)

Si kecik yg kepenatan!

with the grandpa..nampak jer Tok Sam die, terus melompat. excited gile ok!

Our family infront of the Rumah Kampung.

Mom and Dad

with the parents. hmm dah besar dah anak mama!

The elders

Big Bro

Mom with one of my cousins. [pengaruh Korea much!]

Day three: Went beraya at hubs side. 3 houses in Batu Pahat. dah lama tak beraya area Johor like this. It was nice since mmg jarang jumpa his side of the family.Everytime sampai rumah sedara, melantak all the kuehs like ape jer...hehe

at rumah Wak R.

Aqil with the grandparents

After that we went straight back to KL, but sempat sangkut kat Ayer Hitam for 1 1/2 hour..traffic like crazy! naseb baik highway ke KL was ok...
Raya Day Four: At work! duh T___T
Anyways, I dont think its too late to wish everyone a Selamat Hari Raya. I am truly sorry if I've ever offended anyone with my writings. Take care and have a extravoganza Raya! ;) Please do not hold back in stuffing ur stomach! I plan to put aside my PB and enjoy all the food during raya!! ;) ;) ;)
Again, Selamat Hari Raya dari kami sekeluarga. ;)
Jaga diri yer.. ;)